Two dogs and Yang Meiling respectively, directly on the last bus back to Liushu town.

Walking along the road, I met Zhu Shanshui in Zhu's repair shop. Zhu Shanshui saw the two dogs coming face to face and quickly stepped up to hold the two dogs hand.

"Brother Er Gou, come and sit down with me."

Zhu Shanshui has heard about the news that Tuba Wang and his gang were fooled by Er Gou and were beaten in hospital. However, tuba Wang has not appeared for so long, and his business is getting better. Therefore, he is very grateful to ER Gou in his heart and tries to seize the Savior.

"Oh, it's boss Zhu. If I have something to do when I go back, I won't sit down." Two dogs are also very polite. Although they don't have a deep friendship with Zhu Shanshui, they feel that this person is not bad.

"Brother, is this going back to Taohuagou?" Because last time I had a drink in Zhu's repair shop, Zhu Shanshui knew that Er Gou was from Taohuagou.

"Yes, it doesn't wait for a tractor to carry people."

"Brother, what tractor are you waiting for? You wait..."

Zhu Shanshui catches the opportunity to flatter Er Gou and runs to his repair shop. Coming from home with a motorcycle.

"Brother Er Gou, come on up, brother. I'll take you back."

"How troublesome is that?"

"No trouble, no trouble, come on up. They are all brothers. Why are you so particular?"

"All right." Two dogs climbed into the back seat of the motorcycle, and Zhu Shanshui immediately started the motorcycle toward Taohuagou.

When the car was on the road, Zhu Shanshui's speed slowed down.

"Brother Ergou, I met brother Yaozi today. He said that you are going to talk business today. What's the good news?"

"Ha ha, little thing."


Chatting, Zhu Shanshui turned to the main topic. He had an idea for a long time, but he didn't get a chance to talk to ER Gou. Zhu Shanshui wants to understand that if he wants to do a good business, he must have strength. His economic strength is enough, but his fighting strength is still lacking. Now the most ideal thing is to find a person with enough strength to fight, so that he will not be bullied again.

"Er Gou, what do you think of our brother running a repair shop together? Now in the repair shop, the business is very good. Goldfinger earns tens of thousands of yuan a year. "

"A repair shop? I'm not good at that. "

"We're brothers. You're not good at it. I'm good at it. We just need to work together. You don't have to worry about the rest."

Hearing this, er Gou finally understood that Zhu Shanshui wanted to protect his home. Hehe, it seems that it's very fast to be a bad person and become famous. I've had a few fights, and my fame can be counted as one in the town.

"Brother Zhu, I'll talk about it later. I still have something on hand."

"Oh, that's OK, but maybe the local tyrant will be discharged soon?" Zhu Shanshui was worried that once Tu Bawang came back from hospital, his Zhu repair shop would have no business to do again.

Hearing this, er Gou thought to himself that Tu Bawang had two hands broken last time and one leg broken this time. I don't know if he could stand up and say something else, but he didn't say it“ Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I'm afraid he won't come back in a month. "

"Oh, so sure."

"Ha ha, you can rest assured."

"I'm sure I can rest assured of your words, brother."

At this time, the motorcycle will enter Taohuagou village, and Ergou wants to buy some food in the shop, so he gets off at the entrance of the village.

"Brother Zhu, thank you. You can either have a drink at home before you leave."

Although Zhu Shanshui wanted to get close to ER Gou again, he even a fool could hear that it was a polite word from Er Gou. So Zhu Shanshui quickly said, "Er Gou brother, it's too late. I'll go to the town another day. Remember to come to me and drink again."

"Well, it's hard to walk on the mountain road. Drive slowly."

"OK..." Zhu Shanshui agreed and drove away on his motorcycle.

Although Er Gou didn't agree to cooperate with him immediately, he didn't refuse. So Zhu Shanshui was very happy. As long as he could pull Er Gou over, what would happen if the local tyrant came back? How dare you make mistakes when you lose?

Er Gou goes to the shop.

"Auntie, are you there?" Two dogs into the shop did not see people, a loud cry.

Hearing the cry of the two dogs, Wang Cuifeng came out from behind and buckled her clothes as she walked. It's not night yet. Is he working with his husband in the back? These two people's feelings haven't come to this stage, have they?

"Aunt, is my uncle at home?" Two dogs looked inside.

"No, I'm not here..." Wang Cuifeng was a little flustered and asked, "Er Gou, what do you want to buy?"

"Oh, the old rule, a bag of peanuts, a bottle of beer."

This time, Wang Cuifeng didn't pick up the two dogs. Instead, she quickly took out the things and waited for the two dogs to leave.

"Auntie, I don't think you're right. Isn't there someone hidden in it?" Two dogs want to go in and have a look. They are going to pull the door.

"Well, er Gou, don't go in. Your uncle is not at home. He'll be seen chatting." Wang Cuifeng immediately grabbed two dogs. It's very strange today.

"Oh, I'll go."

"Well, come back next time..."

See two dogs left, Wang Cuifeng immediately walked into the back of the hut, the door also inserted up.

With a smile on his face, er Gou sat on the bluestone board on one side of the shop and picked up his nails.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Wang Cuifeng went outside to have a look. She didn't see anyone. Then she went back again. After a while, village head Zhou Sanbao came out and walked home as if nothing had happened.

Sure enough, there was a scandal. When Er Gou saw the village head coming, he walked face to face.

"Uncle, where are you going to walk so late?"

"Oh, two, two dogs..." seeing two dogs, Zhou Sanbao was obviously surprised.

"Uncle, you come here for a walk. Does my aunt know?"

"Two dogs, don't talk nonsense." Zhou Sanbao was scared to death. He glanced left and right. Seeing no one, he immediately took Er Gou and left. Zhou Sanbao is afraid of the inside. Everyone knows that.

"Er Gou, don't say you saw me here. Your aunt is very suspicious, you know."

Two dogs hear this, in the heart straight want to laugh, this three treasure uncle, also want to deceive oneself. The last time I met him on the road in the early morning, I fooled myself once. This time, I still want to do that.

"Uncle Sanbao, what did you do in Aunt Wang's back room just now?" Two dogs simply asked directly.

Hearing this, Zhou Sanbao knew that he had been discovered by Er Gou. He quickly took Er Gou and said, "Er Gou, don't talk about it. It's not about the contract just now. He said it to Wang Cuifeng in the back room."

"How's it going?"

"Signed, all signed, there is your uncle, there is nothing can not be done, you can rest assured, there are three, tomorrow will be all done."

Hearing this, the sweat of the two dogs came out. The village head of Sanbao didn't sell his own meat for a mobile phone, did he?

Wang Cuifeng's strength is very clear. The village head went to him to sign a contract. He was not eaten clean. It was lucky that such a big fart drum didn't kill him.

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