Anyway, the matter has been settled, and since it's so late, er Gou gives himself an excellent reason to stay.

Because the mountain road is not safe at night, I have to think about women. No, I have to live. I have to sleep with three people. I absolutely can't favor one over the other.

The first time I slept with two women, I felt very soft.

Although Jiang Hong and Wang Xiangmei have a good relationship, they are still a little embarrassed to ask them to do that in front of each other and men. Although two dogs are extremely unwilling, but also had to turn off the light.

After the dark in the room, two women who were familiar with each other went to their clothes, but Er Gou couldn't deal with them.

"Oh..." two dogs stopped one and pressed it up.

In the middle of the night in toss, but two dogs did not feel tired.

"My women, my two dogs will work hard to earn money and give you the best life." When he said this, er Gou's heart was full of confidence and strength.

"Well, our man is the best, the strongest..." Jiang Hong's small mouth is very sweet, holding Wang Xiangmei's hand to live with ER Gou.

If the two women were embarrassed just now, then after one time, the woman has completely let go. This time, er Gou suffered a big loss and almost didn't fall apart.

The next morning, two dogs opened their eyes.

He lifted the thin blanket and looked at the women sleeping on both sides. He felt like an emperor. He bowed his head to Jiang Hong and Wang Xiangmei and got up.

Today is an important day. Er Gou can't wait.

Just put it on, Wang Xiangmei woke up“ Er Gou, it's so early. I didn't sleep all night last night and didn't have a rest? " Wang Xiangmei has some red eyes, but she is lazy and doesn't think of them.

"Fragrant younger sister, you also get up, go back together, village head there of contract get hand, still have to immediately call a person to pick, save again a moth."

After listening to this, I thought that there was some truth in Er Gou's concern, and Wang Xiangmei immediately got up.

Although Er Gou and Wang Xiangmei have been together many times, it's the first time that Er Gou has been standing in front of her like this. Er Gou swallows and stares at Wang Xiangmei all the time.

"So white..." two dogs said from the heart.

Hearing the words of Er Gou, Wang Xiangmei suddenly realized it and immediately pulled up her flowery clothes to stop Hun“ Looking back, don't look... "With that, his face turned red.

"What do you say, sister-in-law? Two dogs are your men. How can you not look at them? " Two dogs want to see more clearly, not only did not look back, but went to Wang Xiangmei's body.

"Don't..." Wang Xiangmei is a little shy, and her hand is even tighter.

"It's no good. You have to see it. Otherwise, you don't know what your woman looks like. You're going to make a fool of yourself." Two dogs learn more and more ruffian, dirty words one by one, hand also stretched out to pull up Wang Xiangmei's clothes.

Although Wang Xiangmei comes from a mountain village, her body is so beautiful, and her whiteness is no less than that of women in the city.

"Two dogs, go back." Wang Xiangmei said anxiously.

"I'm not in a hurry for this moment." When this happened, the two dogs couldn't leave for a while, so they killed Wang Xiangmei.

"Well... Er Gou..."

"Sister in law, come on, let's go back in the early season..."

Wang Xiangmei just pulled away from the body of the cloth clothes, open the bottom of the big hand to live Wang Xiangmei, a throw on the banquet dream.

Early in the morning, when Er Gou returned to Taohuagou, it was almost noon. Although it is to do early period, but two women together, not a few hours, that is absolutely unfair.

"Er Gou, where have you been? I've been waiting for you for a long time..." as soon as Er Gou appeared, Zhou Sanbao came running with sweat.

"Uncle Sanbao, what's the matter? You're sweating. " At this time, Ergou came back by driving a tractor alone. Naturally, Jiang Hong stayed in the town, while Wang Xiangmei was also afraid of gossiping. She got off the tractor at the fork of Taoshuling mountain. On the way to her forest, she also had dozens of peach trees.

"Er Gou, there's something important. Come here quickly." On Wednesday, Bao pulled the two dogs aside with a mysterious look.

Two dogs thought, is there any problem?

"Er Gou, you know, uncle can't accept your mobile phone for nothing. Last night, I used the mobile phone you bought to call the mayor."


"Guess what, guess what?" Zhou Sanbao wiped his sweat and showed a smiling face.

"I can't guess what happened?"

"Last night, I personally called the mayor and scolded him for not talking about" first come, second served "and" not talking about the morality of the river and the lake ". Lao Tzu scolded him until he begged for mercy." The more Zhou Sanbao said, the more energetic he was, and his saliva gushed three feet away.

"Uncle, why do you scold him?"

"Why do you scold him? I'll scold him for your business. Fortunately, I woke up after being scolded." On Wednesday, Bao, like a winner, continued to blow up: "finally, he admitted his mistake with me and promised not to interfere in our peach trade in Taohuagou. That is to say, your contract will come into effect and the peach will be yours again. Ha ha... "After that, Zhou Sanbao patted Er Gou heavily on the shoulder.

When Er Gou heard this, he wanted to laugh. After so many years of talking about this, he was really able to take credit for it. No wonder he has been the village head for so many years.

"Oh, uncle Sanbao, really. Thank you so much." Er Gou is not a fool either. Since he communicates with Feng Mei, er Gou has become more and more intelligent. Naturally, he will not expose his lies.

"No need to thank you. Just buy uncle a drink another day. I'll bring you the contract for this matter." With these words, Zhou Sanbao took out two pieces of paper from his big trouser pocket, on which were written the rules and prices for buying honey peaches, as well as the villagers' signatures.

"Two dogs, you sign a name, that's the end." The village head also carries a pen with him. He knows that Er Gou graduated from primary school, so it's impossible for him to have a pen at home.

The character written by Er Gou is also called character, which is even worse than chicken claw. Village head Zhou Sanbao took a cool breath after reading it. This name is so spectacular that it almost takes up half of the paper.

"Er..." Zhou Sanbao was so surprised that he finally put away his eyes“ OK, OK. This one is yours. I'll take it to the village and put it there

"Well, uncle, take your time." Before Zhou Sanbao said he would leave, er Gou told him to walk slowly. Zhou Sanbao had to turn around and walk home.

Two dogs couldn't help laughing, turned to open their own door.

"Two dogs..." two dogs are about to enter the room, Zhang Yan ran over with a smile, I don't know what happened.

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