After lunch, er Gou went to the village head Zhou Sanbao's house with money.

"Uncle Sanbao." Standing at the door, two dogs went in.

"Two, two, two dogs, you, you're here?" Xie Yinhua saw two dogs come into the room and stammer. Her face is very unnatural. It seems that she is also very nervous after eating secretly.

"Auntie, what's the matter with you? Why are you so nervous?" Two dogs think Xie Yinhua is for her cooking, causing everyone diarrhea and nervous, so pretend to ask a relaxed.

"No, I'm not nervous. I'm not nervous at all. Er Gou, sit down. I'm going to call Sanbao." With that, Xie Yinhua ran into the kitchen behind the house from the back door.

How strange! What happened to Aunt Yinhua today?

Er Gou didn't understand. When she came to her house before, the aunt who had a strong sense of family name always tried to play by herself. Today, it's very abnormal. We didn't blame her for the diarrhea, and we didn't mention it in front of her. How can this be so.

"Er Gou, you're back." Just thinking about it, Zhou Sanbao came in from behind.

"Uncle Sanbao, is everything ok?"

"It's OK. It's powerful. It's great." He patted his chest as he spoke. Then he went to a chair opposite Er Gou and sat down.

"Er Gou, what's your plan?" Zhou Sanbao sat down and asked immediately.

"Uncle Sanbao, do you think it's OK to start picking tomorrow?"

"OK, why not? Everyone is waiting to get the money quickly."

The honest people in the mountain village still insist on saying that they are not good when they are not. Just during the day today, several people came to ask when Zhou Sanbao could continue to pick. Because Er Gou was not at home, Zhou Sanbao didn't dare to make his own decision.

"Oh, that's good. Well, uncle Sanbao, I'd like to trouble you for a moment. Later, you and I will go to each family together. I want to pay them the medical expenses and work delay expenses, and the money for selling fruit yesterday, and all the money that should be paid." Two dogs have already communicated with Feng Mei about this matter. Feng Mei's opinion is to give the money to the villagers and let them have some confidence in themselves. So two dogs did it according to her words.

This time I talked with Feng Mei, she seemed to be still worried about Er Gou's last performance. When Er Gou asked, she just answered. If it wasn't for brother Long's urging, she probably didn't want to answer. Two dogs hurt Feng Mei last time. It turns out that Feng Mei is right. So two dogs keep apologizing and promise that they won't lose their temper in the future. In this way, Feng Mei's tone is a little better.

It's said that money can be taken. Zhou Sanbao's mouth is wide. Two dogs immediately took out 10 pieces of purines and threw them to Zhou Sanbao.

"Uncle Sanbao, take this money, 60 is yours, 40 is my aunt's salary."

"So much..." although Zhou Sanbao said a lot, the money was put into his pocket immediately. According to the current situation of Taohuagou, the salary for a day is at most 15 yuan, which is the top. Er Gou promised to double his salary, which makes Zhou Sanbao feel miserable.

"And your peaches. How many were they yesterday?" Two dogs asked.

"Oh, it's recorded here. You see, my family's weight is just 100 Jin, which is picked by Xiwa's family." While talking, Zhou Sanbao took out a book for ER Gou to see.

"Oh, a dime for picking is 40 yuan for 100 Jin. Take the money." Two dogs also took out four purines. Zhou Sanbao took them and put them into his pocket with a smile. He was very happy. Especially the 100 yuan, it's too easy to get. It's 250 Jin of peach. However, er Gou is so generous and has his own ideas. Only when he has fed Zhou Sanbao, can he feel more at ease in the next few days.

Until Er Gou and Zhou Sanbao came out of the yard, Xie Yinhua still didn't show up. She hid behind and secretly looked at Er Gou, thinking about what happened on the mountain that day. She was too happy to say.

The money didn't finish until ten o'clock in the evening. Everyone was very happy to get the money. In particular, Yao Shuiyin, the widowed girl, couldn't close her mouth. Usually, she is greedy of morning and night, and she has to pick it by herself and sell it in the market. Except for the fare, the most she can get is more than 30 cents a kilogram. This time, the fruit and the picking money together, there is 50 cents a kilogram, and she also sent the money to her home. This is something she didn't dare to think about before.

At Zhou Shanshan's home. His father is swearing.

"I've never seen you two mothers and sons. They're so tired that they only sell 35 cents a kilogram of peaches in the town. If you can sell 50 cents at home, you don't want to eat too much..." sitting on a chair in the hall with eyes without any brilliance, they scold the two mothers and sons who are whispering in the room.

In fact, Liu Caiyun has some regrets. Seeing people sitting at home collecting money, it's self-evident that she feels uncomfortable. However, her son Zhou Shanshan resolutely disagrees, so she has no choice. For whom? It's not for this baby son. As long as he's happy, tired and earning less, he has to admit it.

After finishing the work, the dog went directly back to Wang Xiangmei's home on Tuesday.

Wang Xiangmei has almost recovered and is cooking food for the dog in the kitchen. Er Gou has been busy since noon and hasn't had dinner yet.

"Sister-in-law, what's good for you?"

Two dogs went into the kitchen and lived in Wang Xiangmei's waist from the back. Wang Xiangmei felt the heat flow all over her body.

"Er Gou, sit down. Don't make any noise. I'm making you something delicious." Wang Xiangmei was coy and leaned against Er Gou.

"Sister-in-law, it's just better. Don't be too tired."

"I see. You go and wait." Wang Xiangmei went back and pushed the two dogs to the room. Two dogs don't go back, let go of fragrant younger sister after standing on one side to look at, have been looking at Wang fragrant younger sister's face and figure.

Wang Xiangmei seems to be more and more beautiful after she has been with her. Her face is always white and red. Although she is not as watery as city people, her tight skin is very attractive. Er Gou is fascinated by the beauty in front of her.

Looking up, I found that Er Gou was staring at her without blinking. Wang Xiangmei's face turned red again. Although she broke through that relationship with ER Gou long ago, Wang Xiangmei always behaved like a girl in front of Er Gou.

"Er Gou, don't stare at others. You're so ashamed." Wang Xiangmei while moving the pot of vermicelli meatballs, while Jiao didi said a word. If she didn't say this, it's OK. When she said this, the two dogs couldn't bear it any more.

"Sister-in-law..." two dogs walked over and picked up Wang Xiangmei.

"Er Gou, food, food, cooking..."

Two dogs can't help it. No matter how Wang Xiangmei shouts, they put her on the stove.

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