HUTANG is a big gang in Jiahe city. This is just their sphere of influence. These gangsters have no choice but to find the bad luck of Er Gou. These people have been staring at Er Gou for a day, but they haven't got a good chance. They finally got a good opportunity in the middle of the night.

"Protection fee, I'm from the mountains, not from the city. I seldom come to the city, so I don't need protection." Two dogs in the town have been quarreling with the overlord Gang because of the protection fee, but up to now, they still don't know the meaning of the protection fee, and always think that it is the money that the talents who need protection should pay.

"You can't teach me that." Ruffian mouth spit out an ivory, was angry to speak also Wen crepe once.

"Brother Chao, don't teach him. Just let Tamar bleed him. He will know by himself." Another ruffian behind him made a fire.

"Up." Brother Chao waved, and the ruffian attacked the two dogs from the front and back.

Two dogs put two little women together in the house. Although Yang Meiling was not supposed to be on the floor, she was also frightened by her appearance. Therefore, as a man, he should protect a woman, so he was obliged to go into the house together.

In front of the six ruffians, two stood, four rushed over. There were four people coming up behind. In their imagination, there were eight people attacking each other in front and back, so that woodlouse in the mountains was not the only thing that could be found.

Before and after the four people rushed very fierce, holding hands of the iron stick hit down. The focus of these ruffians is to seek wealth, so instead of using a machete, they choose a little less lethal iron stick, which is merciful. After all, they are not killing people.

Seeing that he was about to hit two dogs in the head, we could imagine the blood flowing from the smashed scalp.

But the two dogs flashed. When the four people rushed to the side, they flashed to the other side of the alley. At the same time, they pulled the four people in front very quickly

Originally, the momentum was very fierce, but he was pulled so fiercely that he couldn't stop at his feet.



The sound of eight iron sticks hitting the skull.

"Ouch..." eight screams at the same time. Just now the eight people who rushed fiercely all squatted on the ground, and blood flowed from the fingers covering the skull.

"Grass your grandmother's, can fight, lose Lao Tzu's person, now Lao Tzu's face." See eight younger brothers all squat down, super brother blindfolded, a pair of unbearable pain.

Just now he was standing far away, and the light in the alley was very dark. This guy didn't see Er Gou come out at all. He just saw that the mountain boy was scared away, and then he saw his men smash a stick according to his family.

Super brother is more fierce.

Words did not finish, suddenly throw away the hands of the cigarette, like a leopard toward two dogs.

"You're rushing very fast." Two dogs scolded.

When I saw him again, I already held the clothes on the back of brother Chao in my hand, just like a bastard. Seeing that the ruffian was charging hard enough, the two dogs turned aside and took the ruffian's back clothes with their hands. They directly lifted them up. Chao Ge's feet were light and his face was hanging down in the air, dancing and dancing.

"Super brother, right? Fierce enough..." referring to the height of his face, er Gou tilted his head and said hello.

This action directly makes those Liuzi who squat on the ground startled to drop their chin. The two beauties who have hidden behind Er Gou also look at Er Gou with a kind of monster's eye. It's too strong. The ruffian rushes over at such a fast speed. Before he can see clearly what's going on, he has been picked up by Er Gou.

"Let me down, let me down." Hanging upside down in the air, feet one inch off the ground, thinking that they can't reach the ground, thinking that they can't fly and fly, this feeling is the first time that Li Chao realized that lifting a man of more than 100 kg with one hand at such a fast speed, although it hasn't reached the point of adverse weather, it's not far from adverse weather.

Er Gou is powerful enough. He doesn't use his own strength to die, but brother long in the ancient money is scared to curse his mother. His strength was almost drained by his fierce attack just now. This boy really doesn't know how to save energy. It's not his own. I really don't feel sorry to use it.

This fight strengthened brother Long's determination to ask Er Gou to cultivate himself. He uses one Jin's strength to support himself. Sooner or later, he will be killed by this boy.

"OK, just put it down." Two dogs are very obedient, ruffian call down, he resolutely obey.



The second dog was quite far away, throwing more than ten meters directly. Li Chao fell to the ground in a dog's excrement. Fortunately, there was a big puddle formed by the rotten cement road in front of him. Otherwise, his head would be broken if he hit the concrete ground.


Inspired by the muddy water, Li Chao pulled his head out of the puddle and knelt down beside the puddle. He threw the muddy water on his body like a wild duck just came out of the water. His hair was wet and his face was covered with muddy water.

"Chao, brother Chao, are you ok?" Just wake up from the shock of the younger brother quickly helped Li Chao.

"You, you, what the hell did you say?"

"Withdraw, withdraw..." I was helped up by my younger brother. I didn't say a word, and I cried to withdraw. This action was too unexpected for Chao Ge. He thought that a mountain boy who didn't know the height of heaven and earth would frighten him to death. He didn't know that he was a powerful character, and he didn't seem to be an ordinary one.

Yang Meiling couldn't help laughing when she watched the ruffian who was full of sewage and bleeding stumble away.

"Ha ha ha, er Gou, you are really powerful. So many people have been dealt with by two hands." While talking, he patted Er Gou on the shoulder.

"That's right. Your second brother is not made of mud." Two dogs straighten their chests and keep their best demeanor in front of the beautiful women. The boy is in high spirits, but brother long almost wants to curse his mother.

"Er Gou, how can you fight so well?" Chen Lili took two dogs by the hand and asked with some doubts.

"Oh, the people in the mountains have a few kilos of strength since they were young. Fighting is a family thing." Er Gou is a dog from his family. It's pure Hu. He's not afraid of flashing his tongue. He hasn't seen his parents since he was a child, let alone his family. He really fooled people into not having to draft.

"Do you still have barbecue?" Yang Meiling interjected.

"Eat, how can you not eat? Go, brother's treat." Er gouhao got up and opened his arms. He wanted to move forward one by one, but a pair of eyes of Chen Lili quickly took back one arm. He honestly just took Chen Lili's waist, and Yang Meiling had to keep following.

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