Let the rope go straight.


Liuzi fell upside down in a straight line. Looking at him again, he looked like a turtle with a shrunken head.

"How are you, not dead?" Pull your head out of the haystack.

It's bad luck. My face is covered with blood. My teeth are almost lost. It's a mistake. I didn't want to see blood. I didn't expect to see blood. It's not grass. It's bleeding. It's a mistake.

Shit, it's good enough not to fall to death. It's a mistake.

"No?" Two dogs squat down, very gentle asked a, even more gentle than the girl, if it is not to feel the pain all over, this small flow son really have the illusion of meeting the old man.

"I, we are here to put traps. When you get off work at noon, we will put more traps on the way to the mountain, so that the peach pickers in the afternoon will be caught, and then you will lose your life." The rascal was so happy that he said it all at once.

Period is really poisonous.

"And those who escaped?"

"Yes, I should hide nearby. I dare not go back until I finish my task." The boy is short of teeth, but he can still hear clearly. He looks at Er Gou pitifully, for fear that the master is not satisfied, and he will do something strange to torture him.

"You mean they're hiding around and trying to play tricks?"

"Yes, yes, because they know that the arrested person will not say it."

"How did you say that?"

"I..." Liuzi was asked by this sentence and wanted to cry. If he didn't say it, could he? If you do this again, you can plant your head directly under the ground, and it will blossom and bear fruit next spring.

Don't want to talk nonsense, pull this already very poor flow son to walk on the road. Seeing this, the village head took a cold breath. Even Yang Yaozi felt that it was too bloody. He could hardly see his eyes and nose on his head. It was all bloody.

Heaven and earth conscience ah, two dogs did not expect to be so miserable, who knows that the grass is not so soft, to blame can only blame the grass, blame me can be some wronged ah.

Liu Zi, who was hiding behind Yang Yaozi, felt how lucky he was. Fortunately, he had been pulled out long ago. Otherwise, it was him who suffered. Thinking of this, he even laughed.

"Bang..." he kicked his pants.

"Laugh, I make you laugh." Yang Yaozi was shocked by the blood in front of him. Suddenly he felt that someone was laughing behind him. Out of his keen sense of being a soldier, he turned back to lift his leg.

"Well..." the boy squatted down tragically. It's estimated that it's rotten. Even if it's not rotten, it can't be reused for at least a few years.

"Brother Yaozi, they are really people who want to pick peaches with clips. What about those who escape? They will continue to do." Two dogs went to Yang Yaozi and asked.

The matter of picking peaches has been quite urgent and has been delayed for a long time. Although it will not cause serious problems if we stop it in the afternoon, we can't do it every day.

"What to do? Go to the mountains and catch people."

"This dense mountain, where to catch, although know they are nearby, it is not easy to find," Zhou Sanbao crowded over to answer.

"Yes." Two dogs said.

"Then what? Do you hide and seek with them every day? If you go on like this, when will the peaches be picked, and there is a danger that they will be caught at any time. " Yang Yaozi squatted down with his head clenched.

The brains of these people are not very good. Although Er Gou already has some of Feng Mei's intelligence, he still can't compare with Feng Mei's brain. He's just a little better than the wooden nerd before.

"Er Gou, the villains in the village can use them." Feng Mei's voice appeared in time. Dragon brother and Phoenix sister always come out at the critical moment. As soon as Er Gou heard this, he immediately thought of the two dogs that bit him last time. Those dogs even bit the villagers. If they could smell the smell of strangers, they would not be crazy.

"Dog." Two dogs beat the back of the head and blurted out.

"What's the matter?" Almost surprised the village head.

"Village head, you should go back and get those dogs and let them catch people in the woods."

"Dogs, can dogs catch people?" The village head still doesn't understand.

"Yes, dog." Yang Yaozi also took a big shot and stood up. He often used dogs to catch people in the army, which he forgot for a moment.

Zhou Sanbao finally understood.

"Hey, hey, you two boys are really overcast." With a gloomy smile, Zhou Sanbao turned and walked towards the village.

One dog is Zhou Sanbao's, the other two are Zhou Changgui's and Wang Laosan's. Because Zhou Sanbao's dog is a female dog, so as long as he goes back to get the female dog, the other two will follow him honestly.

After Zhou Sanbao left, Yang Yaozi and ER Gou tied the two Liuzi to the tree pole. Within half an hour, Zhou Sanbao came over with a rhubarb dog, followed by the two dogs who had bitten two dogs last time.

"Two dogs, the dogs are all here. What should we do?" Zhou Sanbao cried from a long distance.

"Come here, come here and smell these clips. They are found in the woods. They have the smell of the three people on them." Yang Yaozi had army experience and knew that dogs could bite people according to their smell.

The three dogs sniffed on the clip and rushed into the woods. It's a miracle that dogs who have never been trained can do this. Is it dog nature to catch smell?

The three dogs went madly into the woods.

"Two dogs, let's follow." Yang Yaozi called out and first got in. Two dogs also quickly followed in, turned around and told three Treasure: "three treasure uncle, looking at the two people tied."

"Don't worry, you can't run." Zhou Sanbao took a shoulder pole and stood directly in front of the two tied strong Liuzi.

It wasn't long after the three dogs ran in that there was a scream. Then there was another. The third sound followed.

Yang Yaozi and ER Gou ran over there in a hurry.

Shit. It's terrible.

A Liuzi was bitten on his pants. Zhou Sanbao's rhubarb dog bit the place where Liuzi had fallen to the ground, climbed on the ground and tossed it around, as if he had caught a top-notch loser. The bitten Liuzi has fainted, but his feet are still trembling unconsciously. It can be seen that the degree of pain is still felt even if he faints.

The other two Liuzi didn't faint. They were still dragging the dog to run away, but the dog was too cruel. They were dragging the dog all the time. Liuzi couldn't run even if he wanted to run.

These two dogs really have a special hobby. The last time two dogs were bitten by them, they were also bitten by the fart drum. These two Liuzi were no exception. They were bitten by the fart drum. It seems that they were even worse than the last time two dogs were bitten. The blood flowed out, and the flesh of the fart drum turned into a brilliant rose.

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