But that is only a matter of time.

  Now, the two Sanqings have opened the sky, and Nuwa has also opened the sky.

  The Heavenly Court created by the three emperors, if they still can't act, I am afraid that there is no need to maintain the Western religion, and it will be completely integrated into one.


  There was a huge sound, and the heaven and the earth trembled.

  Layers of golden light appeared, and the luck spread.

  And when the huge air transport spread, the whole world below, the heavy world also appeared immediately.

  billions of worlds.

  At this moment, it really is a billion world.

  Every world is very small, but there are many worlds, really many, and it seems that several worlds are being created and born in every thought.

  In these worlds, there are two huge dharma bodies, Jie Yin and Zhun Ti.

  The words of the two Dharmakayas, however, are still resounding in the sky and the prehistoric times.

  When I became a Buddha, all the bodhisattvas in other worlds heard my name, took refuge with diligence, and reached the place of no turning back.After immeasurable kalpas, it is not a wish not to become a Buddha in the end.

  When I became a Buddha, all the bodhisattvas in other worlds heard my name and took refuge with diligence. They attained the first forbearance, the second forbearance, and the third forbearance, and the Dharma of the Buddhas would never turn back.After immeasurable kalpas, it is not a wish not to become a Buddha in the end.

  I wish my Buddha's forty-eight great wishes, my western world will become a land of bliss.

  The words fall.

  At this moment, the breath of the two of them sublimated to the extreme, and at the same time, the innate spiritual treasures around them were completely shattered, smiling.

  The mana of the two was directly integrated into the whole world.

  And as their voices finally fell, in the entire sky, boundless innate merit spread and descended.

  There are merits and virtues in opening the sky, but the creation of the world does not have it, but at this moment, there are boundless merits and virtues in the world. Although there are not many, it is not even comparable to the merits generated when the sky opened, but it has almost half of it.

  And these huge merits are gathered, and there is a circle of merits and golden light behind Jie Yin and Zhunti, and the world is also shaking violently and quickly stabilized.

  And that side of the world is also completely formed.

  And if you look carefully, you will find that the whole world is divided into more than [-] big worlds.

  The Buddha said, "'One flower is one world, one leaf is one Tathagata'."

  Buddha said, "If there is a Buddha in the world, there will be a world!"

  The Buddha said, "Ten billions of Mount Sumeru, ten billion suns and moons, are called three thousand great thousand worlds. Such three thousand great thousand worlds in the sands of the Ganges in the ten directions are called one Buddha world, and there are no other Buddhas among them, and there is really one Shakyamuni Buddha. "


  (third more).

Chapter 94

  Three thousand worlds.

  It's not possible that it can't be called a big world now, it's just a prototype, but at this moment, there are indeed three thousand worlds appearing in the entire western land.

  But also at this moment.

  The prehistoric world shook.

  Three thousand avenues appear between heaven and earth.

  The illusory time is presented.

  An old figure walked out on the river of time.

  His face was calm.

  His eyes seem to see through time and gain insight into everything in the world.

  This moment is too high.

  Three thousand avenues surround him.

  When this person appeared, everyone present could not help but bow slightly.

  "I have seen Daozu!"

  "I have seen Daozu!"

  The voices began to speak, even Jiang Chen hesitated for a while to speak the same, his memory naturally did not fade, but since the Taishang at this time was Daozu, then he should also call Daozu.

  Even if he doesn't remember this one, it's the same.

  And when too, appeared.

  The two figures also gradually appeared in the illusion of the western land.

  The two of them sat cross-legged, with twelve golden lotuses under them.

  The golden wheel of merit and virtue is presented behind it.

  At this moment, the two of them can no longer see the appearance of Yingyue and Zhunti, their appearance and breath, and even their own existence has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  "You guys have finally come this far!"

  The old voice sighed softly.

  Taishang looked at the two with a rare fluctuation.

  "Daozu, this is our way!"


  The reception, or at this moment, should be called Amitabha Buddha, with a sadness, but the words seem to permeate the hearts of countless people.

  At this moment, the whole air became extremely condensed at this moment.

  Even Da Luo Jinxian felt that there was something wrong with the whole atmosphere.

  in the sky.

  Some saints have appeared behind Taishang at some point.

  To the sky, Nuwa.

  Fuxi, Shennong, Xuanyuan.

  Even an illusory projection appeared.

  It was Yuanshi Tianzun who had not appeared for a long time.

  "Original Heavenly Venerate!"

  Looking at this projected figure, everyone present couldn't help but feel a little bit bad at the moment.

  But nine saints were present.

  The entire space-time was completely truncated.

  Not to mention them, even if they are both saints, they cannot observe the future at this moment, and even the mobilization of time and space cannot be carried out.

  And this is undoubtedly more disturbing.


  Jiang Chen vaguely noticed something strange.

  However, he was soon attracted by Yuanshi Tianzun. For some reason, he vaguely felt that the projection of Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to have a strange feeling, but he couldn't tell.

  He glanced at it slightly.

  It was quickly taken back.

  Their eyes looked at each other in the sky again.

  reach this moment.

  Naturally, he also felt the instantly condensed atmosphere in the world.

  A depression, a suffocation.

  A breath that freezes time and space spreads between the whole world.

  At this moment, countless people were shocked to discover that the time and space in this place was completely frozen, not to mention crossing the distance, even if they stepped into the long river of time, it was almost impossible to do it here.

  Nine saints stand.

  No, perhaps it should not be called nine saints at this time, but seven.

  Someone opened their mouth, someone wanted to say something.

  But at this moment, heaven and earth were silent for it, and words were naturally unable to speak.

  I don't know how long it took, until everyone felt that they were frozen and their thinking was completely stagnant, and the old voice of Taishang rang immediately.

  "The mana belongs to the Great Desolation!"

  "The world is beyond the prehistoric world, and you can be Buddhas!"

  Soft words.

  But when it came, the time and space that was frozen in an instant was completely restored.

  At this moment, everyone couldn't help gasping for breath.

  But soon, he was surprised by Taishang's words again.

  "This this?"

  Someone opened his mouth, his eyes widened instantly, it was Kong Xuan.

  He subconsciously looked at Lu Ya next to him, only to find that Lu Ya had almost the same expression as him.

  For others, this moment is not much better.

  One by one, their mouths opened wide, their expressions dazed.

  what did they hear.

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