Compared with the Supreme Being in heaven, what position does this Jesus occupy?

  Hundreds of millions of souls in Western countries are praying.

  All looking at the sky.

  Some people are looking up at the starry sky with telescopes, while others have to use the television media to observe such a terrifying scene in the sky because of equipment problems.

  The whole world is silent.

  And the missile attack, as well as on the ground, in the sea, is still going on.

  War, this is a star war, such a terrible star war is going on tragically.

  However, although human firearms kept exploding and looked so powerful, there was no particularly obvious victory at all.

  Because the attacks they launched were completely ineffective.

  And it is they who are constantly suffering losses.

  The base on the ground was constantly damaged, and the resisting soldiers fell into the magma underground and died directly before they did any battle.

  First the army base, then the missile base, and suffered losses.

  Including those warships on the sea, they were sucked into the sea at once, and in the scalding sea water, people were directly boiled alive.

  Submarines can't stay in the sea even more, they can only float out of the water, but it doesn't work either.

  Because Qingniu had already ignited piles of true Samadhi fires on the bottom of the sea, this sea area was almost boiled.

  Of course, Qingniu and the others are not cruel and inhuman. As a demon cultivating in the human world, he deeply understands that demons are not easy, so before such a war happened, he had already informed the demons cultivating in the sea to lead his clan early. left.

  Boom, boom!

  The sound of explosions on the earth kept coming, and the abnormal climate filled the entire space.

  There are fewer and fewer missiles in the air.

  At a later time, even the plane can no longer be vacated.

  This purgatory-like vision has continued, and it has continued.

  Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

  The military power on the ground has almost been destroyed, and the military power of the Western countries in the sea is not much.

  The missile attack finally became sparse and gradually stopped.

  "I announce my resignation from the post of commander-in-chief, and our people have to rely on God. 〃!"

  At this critical time, the grand commander of country M actually made such a decision and made such a speech.

  The world was in an uproar immediately.

  As if Jesus became their only savior.

  Totally messed up.

  "Clean up all the force!"

  At such a moment, Jiang Chen gave an order to let all the monsters in all the battleships fight!

  Under the leadership of Wukong Bajie, they appeared like heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

  The final grand attack takes place.

  Jiang Chen and the others want to completely occupy the earth.

  To be precise, it completely occupied the continent of Western countries.

  They all wear halos and look grotesque.

  There are animal shapes, human shapes, and half-monster, half-human shapes.

  They just fell from the sky, they really look like aliens.

  Western countries have never believed in the myths and legends of Eastern countries.

  However, in their eyes now, these warriors who rushed down are definitely aliens, terrifying aliens.

  People in western countries don't believe in the gods in myths, but they believe in superman and aliens.

  In their country, many people who do not believe in religion are now completely convinced, shocked, and completely changed their three views.

  attack the mainland.

  All the demons rushed to the western continent.

  The world is still in chaos, whether it is in the air or underground.

  But Jesus was completely put aside, and people in Western countries were still waiting for him to save the world, waiting for him to do something.

  But at this time, Jesus seemed to be watching from the sidelines.

  To be precise, wars are still people who have little to do with ordinary people.

  Ordinary people are still in a state of pinning their hopes entirely on Jesus in the air.


  Jesus observed the situation on the battlefield and saw that the common people were not harmed, so he had a speech.

  "'Reconstruction, this is the transformation of the star field to our earth and our country! I believe in a good life, and it will come soon!"

  "A world without force is a beautiful world!"

  Jesus started preaching again.

  However, at this time, a voice amplified by the speaker came up.

  "Aren't you the creator?"

  This question stumped Jesus. .

Chapter 297

  As Star Wars draws to a close.

  All the people on earth are looking up at the sky. Jesus, as the Lord of all peoples in the Western world, at this time, he needs to give an explanation to all the peoples.

  All people believe in God.

  God said that as long as people make good atonement, they can ascend to heaven.

  But where is heaven now?

  This made them confused and confused, and they were so confused that they couldn't get rid of it.

  The God of China has arrived, and the Supreme Being of China has arrived.

  They have already transformed the ecology of the earth, so what can their own gods do?

  As everyone watched, Jesus finally spoke.

  Jiang Chen also looked over at the same time.

  "Actually, we can see the cosmic starry sky, but we cannot go to the cosmic starry sky. In fact, the heaven and hell we created exist on the earth!"

  "Actually, we are not the creators!"

  Jesus spoke, two simple sentences, but shocking the world.

  It immediately caused an uproar in the whole world.

  An uproar.

  It turned out that the God they had believed in for thousands of years was false and had actually deceived them.

  It turned out that it was just a god on earth.

  This means how abhorrent the religions on earth are, and they have actually changed many, many things.

  They keep persecuting scientists, preventing scientists from studying the universe and starry sky. So that's why.

  Because they were afraid that the myths they had fabricated would be exposed.

  That's what religion is all about.

  After Jiang Chen heard this, he nodded earnestly. In his opinion, this Jesus was honest and could tell the truest truth.

  Of course the world was in an uproar.

  It turned out that the religious beliefs they had believed in for many years turned out to be false, which made them not shocked.

  Suffice it to say.


  The screams were uploaded on the continents of Western countries, and many people immediately exclaimed at the sky, which can be said to be extremely exclaimed.

  The sky collapsed, and before they really encountered danger, their beliefs collapsed first. For them, it was even more fatal.

  Without belief, that means their world view will change.

  There is no hope, the world is hopeless!

  Weeping all over the place, when Jiang Chen and their real military operation came to an end.

  Jesus actually said such words and wiped out everyone's hope.

  While Jesus was silent, the sky darkened.

  In one night, Qingniu completely destroyed the military power of Western countries.

  No more missiles soaring into the air.

  After Jiang Chen learned about this situation, in the early morning of the next day, when the sun first rose.

  The thunder and lightning in the sky are gone, and the rain and snow are no longer falling.

  The dark cloud gradually dissipated, and it completely dissipated.

  The sun rises in the east and dawn breaks.

  Then the sun shines, and finally, the light comes.

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