Among them, the Heavenly Immortal is the highest, which is the Dao enough to prove the Dao. The Ghost Immortal is the lowest. Once you become a Ghost Immortal, there is basically no way out.

  The immortals, on the other hand, are the second to last, and there are not many immortals until the end of the Conferred God Battle.

  The remaining three immortals are high-level immortals, and they have the possibility of continuing to move up.

  To put it simply, if you want to break through to become a ghost, or a god, you will basically have a gloomy future in your entire life.

  And if you enter the three immortals of heaven, earth, and people, you can quickly improve.

  Among them, human immortals are actually similar to earth immortals.

  Earth Immortals are relatively high, because with the presence of Yuanzi, the ancestor of Earth Immortals, the level is relatively improved, but there is also no essential gap.

  Above the human immortals and the earth immortals is the Xuanxian, and above the Xuanxian is the Jinxian.

  And when they arrived here, the human immortals and the earth immortals were almost at their end. After all, not everyone belonged to Zhen Yuanzi and could master the Dao.

  After the great calamity of the dragon and the phoenix, after the Lich War, [-] Great Luos fell, and there is an unowned avenue in heaven and earth. Only when you master the Great Dao can you enter the Great Luo, and the Golden Immortals promoted by Earth Immortals and Human Immortals are not enough to comprehend the Great Dao. Yes, unless there is a huge chance.

  And Tianxian, undoubtedly has no consideration in this regard.

  Above Tianxian is Taiyi, and above Taiyi is Jinxian. At this time, they are also Jinxian, and the gap is also revealed. It is easy for Tianxian Jinxian to understand the Dao. As long as you find it and it suits you, then you have It is very likely to break through Daluo.

  This is also the entire prehistoric world. At present, between heaven and earth, all Da Luo is where the great teachers are, because only the great teachers can step into the heavens [-]%, and there is a follow-up. (This kind of division is considered to be mythology, not pure prehistoric. I try my best to write mythology, not prehistoric)

  At this time, Jiang Chen undoubtedly reached the Taiyi level.

  The world has completely stabilized.

  It has expanded to nearly five hundred miles vertically and horizontally, and the area is far larger than before.

  And in the next time, the growth of the world will basically not be limited to the power of laws and rules. As long as the energy is enough, he can expand rapidly until it reaches the ultimate plane.

  Of course this may not take long.

  After all, he is not alone, and his world remains in chaos.

  It is obvious that Master Tongtian will quickly help him speed up this speed.

  And once his world can be promoted to the world, even if it is only a small world, his cultivation will directly enter the golden immortal level.

  This is also the benefit of the opener.

  It is only the creator. Only when the creator is elevated can the world be elevated.

  And the world of the opener will improve, and the opener will also improve. Similarly, the opener will improve, and the creator will also improve. Such benefits will be unimaginable.

  After all, one direction becomes two directions.

  Moreover, compared to the illusory breakthrough on its own, for high-level existences, the improvement of the world has traces to follow.

  Even in the current flood, it is not impossible to improve.

  But the previous saints are obviously coming to an end. Hundreds of Yuanhui have passed, and a few people have greatly improved.

  This point, the higher the level, the more it can be reflected.

  The same is true of Jiang Chen today. After all, his accumulation is too small. He has to practice year after year. Even if his talent is really good, how long does it take to break through Jinxian, ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years? ? ?

  No, at least it started in ten thousand years.

  This is no joke, unless he takes a shortcut, it cannot be reached in a short time.

  Wonderland, one step at a time.

  Even if this is the flood.

  The practice here is extremely easy, but it also takes a long time.

  After all, the road is a step by step.

  One step is not necessarily a good thing.

  Just look at the spirit beads, you will know that he was born a golden immortal, and now [-] years later, he is still a golden immortal.

  However, if the world is, even if it is done in one step, there is no problem at all.

  Moreover, with the help of a master in the world, it may not take long to be promoted, and it will not even have the slightest impact on his foundation and background, and will even further improve his level.

  This is undoubtedly a great benefit.

  Especially the next big thing, Jiang Chen is more eager to improve himself.

  His eyes flickered, and the breath on his body gradually calmed down.

  Jiang Chen's figure stood up.

  And the Madonna of Wudang behind her naturally felt that her eyes were opened instantly.

  "You, you broke through?!"

  Speaking with a somewhat shocking voice, even the Immaculate Virgin was a little shocked, even a little unbelievable.

  How difficult it is for Tianxian to get to Taiyi, he is naturally aware of the experience of the Virgin of Wudang. He clearly remembers that he seems to have used it for thousands of years, or has the guidance of the master.

  Today, Jiang Chen's breakthrough from Heavenly Immortal has only taken more than three years, or even less than four years.

  And even if he joined Intercept, it was only four years.

  In the past four years, the apprentice and brother in front of him has changed from an ordinary person to Taiyi.

  Maybe Taiyi is still weak to him, but he is not weak in the whole flood, at least it is very eye-catching in the whole flood now.


  (The fifth update, there is more to come, the situation is introduced, and then the wonderful presentation will be given. The other few will gradually open up, and the whole prehistoric will be changed drastically by the protagonist!).

Chapter 48

  Today's Great Desolation is no longer what it used to be. With the past of two immeasurable calamities, a large number of Daluo fell, three thousand Daluo, and now there are probably only three hundred in the entire flood.

  Although this also leaves a path for later generations.

  However, once there is a path, it is not something you can directly accomplish.

  The former Daluo was himself a representative of the Dao, and he didn't need to practice, as long as he gradually mastered the Dao, he could achieve it. Now that he wants to become a Daluo, it is undoubtedly difficult to know how many times.

  Just look at the spirit beads.

  In fact, it exists like a spirit bead, and there are even countless.

  Jinxian and Daluo have only one realm, but the gap between them is like a gulf, which many existences cannot bridge in their entire lives.

  And under Da Luo.

  Jinxian is also difficult to reach.

  And the gap between Jinxian and Jinxian is very big.

  The Golden Immortal accomplished by Taiyi and the Golden Immortal accomplished by Xuan Immortal are not on the same level.

  It can even be said that Jiang Chen at this time is almost the same as the Jinxian achieved by Xuanxian.

  Jiang Chen is still very satisfied with his cultivation.

  And if there is no accident, even this Taiyi, he will not stay for too long, as short as one year, as long as three or five years, he will definitely be able to break through and enter the realm of Jinxian.

  At that time, he can try to break through Daluo.

  For the Heaven Opener, Daluo's restrictions do not exist. He does not need to master the Dao, nor does he need to extend his time and space, which is undoubtedly much simpler.


  Jiang Chen nodded with a smile, and at the same time seemed to sense something and turned his head.

  Outside the hall, the figure of the girl came over.

  "The two of you, the lady has a request!"

  With a clear voice, Jiang Chen's heart couldn't help but move, and he had a clear understanding.

  Obviously, the Emperor Wa is ready.

  "it is good!"

  "Let's go right now!"

  Jiang Chen nodded again, and the two followed the girl towards the inside of the palace.

  And at the same time.

  big business.

  Chentang Pass.

  Mrs. Li Jing, who was three years pregnant, gave birth to a meat ball on this day. Li Jing was furious and fell with a sword. There was a baby sleeping in the meat ball.

  Lingzhuzi was finally born after three years of gestation.

  At this moment, the body of his spirit bead was completely integrated into his soul.

  There has also been a change in itself.

  And what's even more amazing is that this one was born with the power of an immortal.

  The trajectory of history is still moving in the given direction.

  Maybe a lot has changed, maybe nothing has changed.

  No one knows everything.

  And the secret of the sky is also beginning to be gradually deceived in the passage of time. Although the amount of calamity has been delayed, now there seems to be a vague feeling that it is coming again.

  Of course, Jiang Chen didn't know this at this time.

  His figure also saw Empress Nuwa again.

  This one, this one Nuwa empress's breath gave him a certain change in the feeling.

  "Senior Brother Tongtian, Kaitian rose because of you, and this time my Kaitian also rose because of you, Zichen, you should be a witness again!"

  Looking at Jiang Chen, Empress Nuwa sounded with a soft voice, and there was a smile in the depths of her eyes.

  Originally, her preparations were not so fast. She expected that it would take a thousand years to prepare.

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