Chapter 53


  "How is that possible, Junior Sister, Junior Sister Nuwa!!"

  In the chaos, this is the original sound.

  At this moment, many people were moved.

  The eyes of countless people gathered.

  For Kaitian, they have already had a psychological prediction after experiencing it once.

  Especially after going through the sky and opening the sky.

  Naturally they understand better.

  But at this moment, Nuwa's opening of the sky shook them again.

  If the opening of the sky just brightened their eyes and discovered a new path, then the Nuwa at this moment really shocked them and made them really unable to calm down.

  It's just that no one bothered at this moment.

  No one dared to disturb.

  Because at this moment, Hongjun's auspicious clouds spread throughout the chaos.

  All saints have a feeling.

  That is, if they have a change, I am afraid that what they need is to face this supreme existence.

  But Nuwa's movements did not stop.

  One after another, the power of Dao Rhythm spreads throughout the surrounding chaos.

  At the same time, Nu Wa's body continued to collide and began to expand rapidly.

  The Taoist texts that are walking in the dark appear between the heavens and the earth.

  "Heaven and earth are in a state of chaos, and Pangu was born during this period.

  Pangu's body continued to grow, and the original chaotic state could not accommodate his body and split. "

  Someone muttered aloud.

  At this time, Nu Wa's body gradually became larger, and finally the world was propped up with a bang.

  As shown in the Taoist texts, "clear air" rises into the sky, and "turbid air" sinks into the earth.



  In a huge roar.

  The world was born from this.

  This time, it was obviously completely different from the great god Pangu Kaitian.

  There is no Pangu axe, no chaotic green lotus, no Taiji map, no chaotic bell.

  It's just that Nu Wa's huge body directly opened up the world. Of course, Nu Wa at this moment should probably be called Pangu, another Pangu.

  The world gradually opened up.

  And above Nu Wa's huge body, the rhythms of Taoism began to collapse.

  Even the "spiritual power" originally contained in the body escaped, decomposed into the "five spirits" of water, fire, thunder, wind, and earth, and scattered between heaven and earth.The heart of Nuwa hangs between heaven and earth and becomes the link between heaven and earth, and connects with the place where the heavenly air is called. The "sacred tree" is born due to the intersection of the clear and turbid, and becomes the source of life in the heavenly world.

  And in the new world slowly taking shape.

  In Nuwa's body, her essence, qi, and spirit are divided into three great gods.

  Looking at these three, the eyes of the great supernatural powers couldn't help but look at the three emperors at this moment.

  He couldn't help but have a strange look on his face.

  Because at this time, there are Nuwa among these three people, and there are Fuxi and Shennong, whose appearance is almost the same as the two of the three emperors.

  This made everyone feel weird.

  Fuxi and Shennong looked at each other and couldn't help but move.

  Especially Fuxi, I can see a lot in this moment.

  Three silhouettes, the three represent the most perfect avenues mastered by their sister, and these three paths are also very compatible with themselves.

  "Did the Three Emperors evolve into the world?"

  He muttered to himself, with a contemplation.

  And listening to his words, Emperor Xuanyuan became a little embarrassed.

  Even a little speechless.

  The Three Emperors didn't even have him.

  Well, no one cares about him for now.

  Between the open world, with the thorough condensing of the avenues, the three figures are also completely formed.

  "I've seen fellow Daoist!"

  "I've seen fellow Daoist!"

  "I've seen fellow Daoist!"

  Fuxi Shennong Nuwa in heaven and earth salute each other.

  At this time, they are similar to the existence of three corpses, but they are not at all. They represent the avenue of this new world and everything in the new world.

  They are Pangu and Hua, not Nuwa.

  The three appeared, and the world began to evolve further.

  Fuxi used the fruit of the divine tree to absorb the pure air of the gods as his body, injected his powerful energy, and created a "god".Due to the scarcity of fruit sources of the god tree, the number of gods is extremely small, but the spiritual power is powerful.The gods are impatient with the turbid air of the earth, so they reside in the sky and form the realm of the gods.Although gods are divided into males and females, after mating and multiplying, the body of gods will lose their spiritual power and gradually die, which cannot increase the number of gods, so it is strictly forbidden to multiply.

  Shen Nong used the earth, soil, stones and plants as his body, poured his own energy into it, and created "beasts" (including beasts and insects).Because Shennong pays attention to quantity and ability, there are many types and numbers of beasts, and various abilities, but their minds are not enlightened.

  Nu Wa mixes soil and water, adds her own blood and spiritual power, embellishes it with willow branches, and shapes it according to her own shape to create a "human".The human body is beautiful and intelligent, but its physical strength is relatively weak. Although it has no special ability, it has a strong comprehension ability.

  Because of the way of creation, Nuwa's heaven and earth were perfected much faster than Tongtian.

  Especially after relying on the three people, this kind of evolution will undoubtedly be further accelerated.

  As everyone witnessed, the world that had just been opened was changing rapidly.

  The world is also changing rapidly.

  The first to present the two worlds of heaven and earth.

  Immediately, other worlds gradually took shape, and at this moment, the speed of the world was beyond imagination.

  Even the great supernatural powers gradually recovered after the initial shock, and their consciousness was completely silent in this opening, even Jiang Chen, who has been ignored now, is also not. exception.


  (The fourth update, this is the fourth update today, and another chapter will be updated tomorrow, and it will be on the shelves tomorrow night. When that time comes, I beg for the first order to support a wave! In addition, I would like to thank szp306 for the 100 reward, thank you for your support! .

Chapter 54

  Nuwa's figure completely disappeared.

  However, no one was born.

  Since the opening of the sky, everyone has a certain feeling, that is, the world does not collapse, it is almost impossible for the opener to fall, the prehistoric may just be an accident, or Pangu may not die at all.

  Of course that's not what they care about.

  Everyone just quietly watched the whole world evolve.

  Jiang Chen was stunned.

  But after just being in a trance for a moment, he actually found that he was already in a new world.

  A wave of Dao rhyme permeated the whole surrounding.

  And everything in the new world is also presented in front of them.

  A picture.

  one road.

  Between heaven and earth, Nuwa's world is perfected faster than expected.

  Fuxi created gods, Shennong created beasts, and Nuwa created humans.

  Gradually, the entire heaven and earth were completely fixed. The three tribes of gods, humans, and beasts lived together on the sun of Pangu Continent, and the gods also lived in the sky.The ghost world on the dark side of the mainland is the place where the reincarnation of all races takes place - the cave of sudden and sudden.

  And time seems to be completely independent in this world.

  Completely different from the outside world.

  In other words, it has been accelerated countless times.

  Although Jiang Chen was still in normal time, the world seemed to be fast-forwarding countless times.

  In the blink of an eye, it's tens of thousands of years.

  All ethnic groups live in peace with each other, people and beasts multiply excessively, and there is friction from time to time.

  Fuxi set up innate gossip formations all over the human world.

  Shennong and Fuxi competed, Shennong left Yandi Shennong Cave to go to the world, Thoreau Shuxian Chu Hanjing, Chu Bihen, Lava Beast King and others stayed in the cave.

  And Shennong died suddenly in the world, so that the orcs were oppressed by people and gods, and Shennong left the Shennong tripod.Not long after, a highly intelligent ruler appeared in the orcs - Chi You.Chiyou led the beasts and others to deal with the human race, and the gods sent the gods Xuanyuan clan, Jiutian Xuannv and the human race to fight the beasts.

  During the war, Shennong believed that the disputes between various ethnic groups were difficult to settle, so he exhausted his divine power to impose a barrier on Jiuquan and made the key of Jiuquan.

  Orcs defeated.Chiyou left a stone tablet on an altar near the sky-covering roof, and did his best to open a passage to another world at the sky-covering roof, and sent most of his followers to another world,

  A new space in the world was opened, and these tribes gradually cultivated into demons in a different world, and the demon world gradually formed.The channel opened by Chiyou connected the two worlds of gods and demons, and was later called the well of gods and demons.

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