Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile.

  With his words, Jiang Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Okay, okay!"

  "Junior, if you borrow a book from the ground for a few days, you must return it when the boundary is formed!"

  Jiang Chen hurriedly opened his mouth, the next moment between his eyebrows, the enlightenment of that day was directly integrated into it.

  At the same time, the right hand also took the book from the ground.

  "Thank you little friend!"

  "This time, it's my little friend's love!"

  "Let's go, little friend, it won't be long before the land opens up!"

  The words opened, the next moment Zhen Yuanzi raised his hand, and before Jiang Chen thanked him, and the next words, the surrounding space changed, and the figure completely disappeared in the Wuzhuang Temple.

  "This time, I really got his bargain!"

  Zhen Yuanzi chuckled lightly, and then his eyes turned to the endless void, with a slight concentration.

  After a moment.

  Only spoke softly.

  "Fellow Daoists, as soon as possible!"

  "I'm running out of time!"

  The words came with a sigh, not knowing who they were talking to.

  But at this moment there was a response.

  "Fengshenqi, I'll start now, it's true that time is running out for fellow Daoists!"

  The soft words spoke, and a figure loomed.

  "I'm after my junior brother, the timing is still a little short."

  Along with this voice, another voice sounded.

  "Thank you two fellow Daoists!"

  Above the dimension, there was no more sound, Zhen Yuanzi frowned slightly, but still bowed slightly to express his gratitude.

  Wuzhuang Guan also gradually disappeared into the void again.


  Jiang Chen's figure appeared directly.

  Immediately, the surrounding guards couldn't help being startled, but they quickly found out that it was Jiang Chen, and they couldn't help but kneel down on one knee.

  "See Your Highness!"

  "See Your Highness!"


  One after another sound came up.

  Jiang Chen waved his hand and helped all these people up. He said that he didn't need to be polite, but he couldn't help thinking of the scene just now in his mind.

  Zhen Yuanzi has obviously changed a lot.

  Even the level and strength have a vague transformation.

  If before, he could be sure that Houtu was definitely stronger than Zhenyuanzi, but at this moment he was a little hesitant.

  The result may not be so.

  What level Zhen Yuanzi has reached at this moment, I am afraid only God knows.

  Shaking his head, he didn't think about it for the time being.

  Jiang Chen glanced around.

  He soon noticed Wen Zhong who was rushing over.

  "Master Wen, is there any change?"

  The words opened and asked softly.

  "His Royal Highness, you are back, there is no change. Three hundred and sixty of the three hundred and sixty-five tribes of Dongyi have surrendered and are willing to be included in my business system. Five tribes are missing and do not know their whereabouts."

  Wen Zhong opened his mouth, and the whole person was extremely excited.

  The Dongyi turmoil has spanned hundreds of years, and has swept the entire Dashang. Even Wen Zhong does not know how many times he has sent troops, but he did not expect it to be resolved today. This is simply a great blessing for Dashang, which makes him There was a vague admiration and admiration in the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen.

  "Five, don't worry about it, Dongyi is here to see you, Taishi Wen, and I want to follow the mother earth to open the realm, and then he will take care of Wuxia."

  Jiang Chen nodded, but he didn't care about the five tribes. No accident, it was probably the tribe of the Zhou people. If the situation was not right, he ran away, and he didn't bother to chase after him. In contrast, the next step to open the land was the most important.


  "Don't worry, Your Highness, the old minister will handle it properly!"

  Wen Zhong was shocked, and immediately spoke up.

  Open the boundary, build the underworld.

  Although his heart was full of curiosity and throbbing, he still hadn't opened his mouth.

  Because he is Taishi Wen, he finally stabilized Dongyi completely.

  Seeing this Jiang Chen smiled, but did not take the initiative to invite, the place where the chaos meets, is not something that Master Wen can go to. In the original trajectory, after this conferred god, it may be reluctant, but it still counts. .

  As for forcibly taking this person, there is no need for that.

  After Wei Wei gave an order, his figure immediately turned into a macro and disappeared in Dongyi.

  The realm is not open here.

  It's the border of chaos.

  Now he can't go, even if there is a world.

  But he only needs to reach the sea of ​​blood.

  Someone will take him there.

  And the sea of ​​blood is undoubtedly much closer than Xiniu Hezhou.

  About half an hour later, his figure had reached the sea of ​​blood.

  In the sky, a rainbow light came.

  The sea of ​​blood shook, and a figure suddenly appeared.

  Ming He's face was a little dignified.

  "Lu pressure!"

  He spoke in a low voice, but his words had just come out, but his expression couldn't help but be startled, because the rainbow light dissipated and it turned out to be Jiang Chen.

  This made his face change slightly.

  Even my heart sank.

  Jiang Chen's appearance, he clearly represents what it means.

  As a quasi-sage, he has already spread to the past, occupying the future, and now he has not even seen Jiang Chen's arrival, so there is only one possibility, someone has suppressed his future.


  With anxiety, but also with a gnashing of teeth, he opened his mouth.

  A fear appeared in his heart involuntarily.

  Because at this time, he suddenly reacted, maybe he is not the opponent of Houtu at all, and can easily suppress the opponent's future, which must be completely overridden.

  There is little doubt about what this means.

  Yuantu and Abi in their hands clenched tightly.

  I can't help but have anger, and beyond anger there is panic.

  However, it was obvious that Hou Tu didn't pay any attention to him at all. Before, it was just for fun. Now that he has business, how can he continue to play with this person. The moment Jiang Chen appeared, Hou Tu also appeared.

  He ignored Ming He at all and grabbed Jiang Chen directly.


  After a low drink, the next moment, the figure instantly disappeared in place.

  And Ming He stared blankly at all of this, until the back soil completely disappeared, the future in front of him instantly became clear, and a huge branch line directly turned into a long river and appeared in his eyes.

  A picture is presented.

  In the picture, there is an underworld under construction.

  Has a back figure.

  There are ten kings of hell.

  There is heaven and earth.

  There are ghost soldiers.

  However, there is no future for him.

  A branch everywhere, a future everywhere.

  No no.


  Even if he extended into his own future, it was his figure who fell from the sea of ​​blood.

  Looking at these pictures, a bitter look appeared on Ming He's face.

  It turned out that the future he had seen before was false.


  These millions of years of competition turned out to be just a joke.

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