And when he came out, he saw the changes in Jiang Chen's world in an instant.

  This suddenly made his eyes widen.


  "So fast!"

  Speaking with a somewhat stunned voice, Tongtian was really stunned.

  Because in front of his eyes, a few bubbles began to appear vaguely next to Jiang Chen's small world. These bubbles were very small, not even one-tenth of Jiang Chen's world, and there were even bubbles. An illusion.

  He can even be sure that this is the minimum level dimension that his apprentice said.

  But these dimensions are also stirring chaos, which is incredible, even unbelievable, but this is a real scene.

  Of course, Tongtian had seen this scene before, but even he did not expect it to be so fast.

  "Good boy!"

  With a sigh of relief, Tongtian no longer hesitates in the next moment.

  Chaos riots now.


  If it doesn't work well, Jiang Chen's world can easily be overturned.

  Even if Jiang Chen's world is special, it is only a small world after all, unable to carry the chaos of riots at all.

  He had to get out.


  The majestic mana came out, and at the same time, his own avenue protruded from the world, and instantly extended to the entire chaos.

  Past future, present.

  The terrifying avenue extends directly around the entire surroundings.

  And under the avenue of Tongtian sect master.

  The chaos that was rioting in the rapidity subsided in the rapidity.

  And the chaos riot was suppressed, Jiang Chen's swaying world gradually stabilized, and even the dimensions that had just formed also gradually stabilized.

  "Boy, don't be too exaggerated, if you set off the whole chaos riot, the teacher will not be able to protect you!"

  With a speechless voice, it was introduced into Jiang Chen's world through the world.

  in the world.

  Hearing his master's words, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile.

  The words came out loud.

  "Thank you, Master!"


  (The fourth update! The world background and the world line have gradually opened up, and the next is the big era!).

Chapter 80

  "Thank you, Master!"

  The words opened, but the world did not spread, and he can't do this now, after all, he is only the realm of the Golden Immortal.


  This time, he really didn't expect chaos to riot~.

  After all, it's just a dimension, not even a plane. The great supernatural powers don't know how much they will produce in one thought, and logically there will be no reaction at all-.

  But he seems to have forgotten a little, that is, as long as it exists independently, whether it is a high-level world or not, after all, it must be presented in chaos, and chaos will naturally react.

  And he created the world one after another.

  Undoubtedly, it is like a constant provocation of Chaos.

  The vibrations it produces will gradually increase rapidly in a superimposed manner.

  Maybe he doesn't need to open the existence of the big world at all. Just the generation of these small dimensions allows the chaos of chaos to completely destroy his world at this time.

  After all, even his own world is still too small.

  Too small to carry too much.

  Even if it wasn't for Shizun Tongtian's sect master, his current world would have been impacted, and it would be a problem to maintain it.

  But since the master has taken action.

  Jiang Chen's mood also completely stabilized.

  The third world began to take shape gradually.

  This leaf is the earliest one in the entire world tree, and its essence is not inferior to the roots.

  Chaos waters rolled.



  A huge roar sounded, the world was blasted open, and the dimension began to appear.

  This is also a huge ball.

  Or the planet.

  Dimensional planets are still very easy to form. Unlike the world, they don't even need basic laws and rules.

  Just easy at the same time.

  Also unstable.

  However, the stability of this dimension was stabilized by the leaves.

  Jiang Chen's eyes converged and he found that this was a world completely covered by the ocean.

  And the leaves as the core.

  It also fell directly to the center.

  accompanied by falling.

  An equally huge canopy began to grow rapidly.

  Because the dimension of this world is far lower than Jiang Chen's world.

  Therefore, the power of the leaves is also rapidly diluted.

  And the big tree turned into is not a world tree, but a strange tree.

  The trees are huge, almost obscuring most of the dimension, and in the dimension, the power of chaos that was decomposed began to quickly merge into this tree.

  With the passage of time, on the huge canopy, strange fruits grew out one by one.

  It is different from the divine tree that the roots of the tree turned into before.

  This divine tree does not draw the power of the earth, and there is not only one fruit that grows. In fact, the entire crown of the tree is densely packed, and the branches are full of fruits.

  Moreover, these fruits are not a specific type, and there is no uniformity in color and shape, just like common fruits (such as bananas, cantaloupe, etc.), but different from ordinary fruits, from the outer peel to the inner layer The flesh of the fruit is covered with a spiral pattern of "Tangcao-like".

  It can be said to be extremely strange.

  And when a living being ate it by mistake, it was stunned to discover that these strange fruits had unimaginable peculiar abilities.

  Although it also makes people lose the ability to go to sea.

  But that's enough to drive the world crazy.


  These fruits are called the treasures of the sea, and the market value is at least [-] million Baileys.Legend has it that it is the incarnation of the devil of the sea. After eating it, you will get different abilities, but as a price, those who eat it will be rejected by the sea and become landlubbers.

  The world is also changing rapidly in this huge strange fruit.

  And along with the transformation, the dimension has become more and more stable.

  With a perfect world line, a world support, and an aura of chaos, these have met all the conditions for the existence of the world.

  In fact it is.

  Not just this world.

  The same goes for the other two worlds.

  When the world completely stabilized, Jiang Chen's figure instantly disappeared from the world.


  His figure appeared.

  I happened to see my master.

  "Thank you Master for your shot!"

  The words opened, with a respect.

  "It doesn't matter, but next time you are careful. If you want to do these things, let the innate treasures suppress the chaos first. Don't you have a book from the ground?"

  Tongtian Sect Master waved his hand indifferently, and then warned.

  Although the world is very close, he may not have time to evolve it, and it is not that easy to evolve the world.

  In his opinion, Jiang Chen is still ready.

  The suppression of the innate treasure is undoubtedly the best.

  As an innate treasure, there may actually be an existence that cannot be compared with a saint, but its effect of suppressing chaos is no worse than a saint.


  "Thank you Master for your teaching!"

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