Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 101 New Hero: Shadow Demon

Shadow Demon, SF for short.

He has an elegant figure, difficulty in releasing skills, high damage, and is very handsome to play. It tests the player's personal ability. He is a very popular hero in DOTA.

The master Shadow Demon, no matter how the opponent moves online, he can always press the opponent, defeating the enemy in the early stage, becoming the most eye-catching focus of the game.

However, the hero Shadow Demon is also very difficult.

It is very difficult to hit all three shots. Players cannot use the mouse to control the direction to release skills. They can only release skills in the direction they are facing, and the distance must be controlled very accurately. Novices often play in a hurry and cannot aim at people at all. It is very difficult to hit one shot, two shots, and all three shots with multiple pressures.

However, if the skill is released accurately, the damage of Shadow Demon will be ridiculously high.

Experts online can always hit the opponent no matter how they move. When they have no vision, they can directly press blindly and become the focus of the audience instantly.

Mo Yu felt it would be a pity if such a hero could not appear in "Gods and Gods".

So in this update, Shadow Fiend is the first hero to be launched.

The core gameplay of the legal system Shadow Demon's cannon is retained, and other skills are re-modified and integrated into the game.

"Everyone, please take a look. This is my introduction to Shadow Demon's skills, background story, and modeling."

Mo Yu motioned for everyone to look at the screen, which showed the basic information about Shadow Demon.

Shadow Demon.

Nemen Moore.

Good position: middle.

Skill introduction: Passive: Advent of the Demon King: When Shadow Demon's skills hit an enemy, the enemy's magic resistance will be reduced by 5%, deceleration by 10%, and turning speed by 10%. This effect can be superimposed, up to three times, and lasts Time six seconds.

Q skill: Shadow of Destruction (near): Shadow Demon controls the shadow to cause a magic damage of 40/90/140/190/260 (+0.65AP) to the enemy directly in front of him at close range.

W skill: Shadow of Destruction (medium).

E skill: Shadow of Destruction (far).

R skill: Soul Elegy: Passive effect: Shadow Demon can obtain souls by killing enemies. Every 10 points of soul value will increase its spell strength by 1 point. Killing small monsters will obtain 1 point, and killing large monsters will obtain it. 2 points, and 5 points for killing big dragons, little dragons, and heroes.

Active effect: Shadow Demon controls the captured soul to create a ball of terrifying energy anywhere within 1000 yards of itself. After 1 second of chanting, the energy will explode into 8/16/24 magical energy, each magical energy causing 10/ 20/30 (+0.1AP) magic damage, and causes the enemy hit to be frightened for 1 second. If the enemy is too close, he will receive several magic damage. (This damage only causes 33% damage to monster minions.)

Background story: The Shadow Demon is a terrifying monster that combines the energy of the void and the black fog that persists all year round on the Shadow Island. It has the ability to control souls and shadows. It lives in the deepest part of the Shadow Island all year round, using the souls of creatures as its basis. Food, possesses powerful magical power.

"Shadow Demon's skills are all magic power bonuses. I position him as a mid-lane mage and turret hero. He can cause a lot of damage to the enemy through the precise release of his skills. In addition, because of his passive growth, his own attributes will grow faster. Low, typical squishy skin with high damage and low health.”

"I have also made the current basic attribute growth. You can take a look. However, this value can only be used as a reference. The specific value needs to be tested multiple times before making a final decision. It cannot be too excessive."

"Since the background story of Shadow Demon is set as a creature created by the combination of black mist and void, which can control shadows and absorb souls, the overall modeling color of the hero is mainly black, creating a Western demon image as the original skin of the hero. In addition, a dark purple-toned skin for Shadow of the Void will be released, and I already have preliminary design drawings here.”


Mo Yu briefly talked about some of his design ideas for Shadow Demon.

Now that the number of employees in Moyu Company has greatly increased, his workload has also been reduced a lot. With the help of the memory of his previous life, launching a new hero often only requires the general framework to be stated, and the specific numerical values ​​and modeling details to be explained. Having other people do the final polishing reduces a lot of work.

"The above is probably all the design ideas of Shadow Demon. Please take a look and give us any opinions." Mo Yu took a sip of water to relieve his dry throat.

In the conference room, everyone looked at the documents, compared the images on the projector, and discussed among themselves.

These people are all newly recruited designers. Among them are the heads of modeling, art, numerical, and planning departments. They all have good working abilities and have been engaged in the game industry, but they were all engaged in online games and stand-alone games before. I came into contact with MOBA games for the first time, and I am not very familiar with MOBA design work.

After a few minutes of discussion, no one dared to stand up and express their opinions, and most of their eyes were directed at Huang Jiajian.

After all, Huang Jiajian has been working for a long time and developed many new heroes under the leadership of Mo Yu. His understanding of the game is much higher than theirs.

Huang Jiajian stood up and said: "Mr. Mo, according to the design plan you provided, Shadow Demon is a growth-type hero, passive and with reduced magic resistance. In this case, are his skills and values ​​too super model?"

The designers of LOL have one thing that is most criticized by players.

That is, often when new heroes come online, players have not figured out their outfits and gameplay at first, and their performance is normal. However, after players figure it out, the performance of the new heroes will directly surpass the existing heroes, and the winning rate will directly go up. top.

For example, Yue Nan, Samira, Kiana, etc.

Once the gameplay of these heroes is figured out, the winning rate will directly reach the top, and they must be chosen if they have to move.

At this time, the designer will jump out again and directly slash, and then the hero will become weaker, and then strengthened, back and forth, over and over again, and finally it will gradually become balanced.

The amount of work involved is huge.

It’s just that the designers can’t be blamed. The official launch of a new hero must go through many internal tests and be basically confirmed before it can be launched online. However, designers are not players. When it comes down to it, how can a few designers compare with millions of players? ?

So designers often think they are balanced, but are slapped in the face after they are launched.

Mo Yu didn't have any good solution.

This phenomenon cannot be eliminated. After all, there are hundreds of people in Moyu companies and millions of game players. It is impossible for designers to consider all aspects.

Therefore, he said: "The numerical issues such as damage and attributes are only a preliminary design. The specifics will be recalculated based on the hero's performance after actual testing."

"Before Shadow Demon goes online, we conduct multiple internal tests to ensure that it will not cause damage to old heroes before it is officially launched."

"In short, you must remember that "Gods and Gods" is a highly confrontational competitive game. Balance is the top priority. It cannot be too strong or too weak. Being too extreme will affect the life of the game. "

I took my wife back to my parents' house today and drove for several hours. My head was turned to mush. It actually took me 3 hours to write this chapter. If I haven't finished the chapters I'm waiting for, I'll make up for it tomorrow.

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