Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 115 Chen Rucheng

When it comes to real-time strategy games, World of Warcraft and StarCraft can never be skipped.

Blizzard has designed so many things for these two games, not only in terms of gameplay skills, but even the background stories in the games alone can make a TV series worth dozens of episodes.

Because of this, the two games are also enduring in the field of e-sports, resulting in the emergence of the earliest batch of e-sports players in the country.

In particular, SKY, the most familiar player among domestic players, not only later founded the WE club, but was also the first early e-sports player in China to win the WCG world championship, laying a solid foundation for the development of domestic e-sports.

In those ancient times, everyone had to admire SKY for being able to persist on the road of e-sports.


In order to keep Warcraft alive, Blizzard opened up the game's map editing, and various experts joined in and edited many popular maps.

Many players born in the 80s and 90s must have had the experience of calling friends to play customized RPG maps in Internet cafes, such as Guarding Athena, Green Circle, Guarding Sword Pavilion, Fantasy Cao Cao, etc., including DOTA, which is also based on Warcraft. Made inside the game.

There are no real-time strategy games in the world today. Now that he discovered "Racial Hegemony" launched by Lava Studio, Mo Yu immediately wanted to develop it into the field of e-sports. After all, e-sports cannot be just MOBA. MOBA is the main force, but other supporting roles No less.

Interrupting the staff, Mo Yu turned around and said with a smile: "Can I get started and play?"

"Of course, please come this way!"

The staff immediately led him to an empty machine nearby and even thoughtfully opened the game for him.

"Sir, the gameplay of our game is controlled through the mouse and keyboard. Everyone in the game has a base when they are born."

Raising his hand to stop the staff from explaining, Mo Yu politely thanked him: "Thank you, I want to play quietly by myself, is that okay?"

The staff member was stunned for a moment, and an embarrassed look flashed across his face, but he quickly returned to normal: "Sorry, it's mainly because there are too few tourists here, so I'm a bit rude."

"It doesn't matter. You go about your business first while I play by myself."


enter the game.

The entire interface is very rough, but the single-player mode, campaign mode, and custom mode have all been developed.

Moyu clicks on single player mode.

"Hmm? There's only one difficulty level for the computer?"

After adjusting it several times, Mo Yu found that there was only one computer level in the single-player mode, and there were no level classifications such as simple, medium, and crazy.

There are four races to choose from, namely humans, orcs, undead, and elves.

Choose four races and experience them all.

Mo Yu gained a new understanding of "Racial Hegemony".

"Each race has only two heroes. The gameplay is too simple and does not pose much challenge to players. It is easy to get started. The characters are rough and obviously borrowed from the race settings of World of Warcraft, but this should be It will not constitute infringement, after all, the concepts of orcs and elves have been spread around the world for a long time."

"There are very few types of buildings. Heroes have skills, but soldiers have no skills. There are also very few types of soldiers. There is no division of technology or levels. It really is just a framework."

"Such a simple framework obviously does not meet the requirements of e-sports for games to be highly confrontational."

“If we want to build a game that can be used for competitions, Race Conflict still has a long way to go.”

"Furthermore, it is not appropriate to charge for props or appearance in this kind of game. It can only implement a buyout system. Fortunately, there are official platforms in this world now, and the crackdown on piracy is very strict. There is still a market for the buyout system, and it will not be the same as in previous generations. Same."

"Overall, the biggest advantage of this game is the innovative gameplay. If I want to integrate it into the framework of e-sports, I must first make major changes."

"But if there is a major change, unless Lava is acquired by Moyu, it will be an act of capitalizing on the enemy!"

While experiencing the game, Mo Yu quickly went through it in his head.

The emergence of real-time strategy games means that there is a new game under the e-sports framework.

All the manpower of Moyu Company is currently invested in the development of "Gods and Gods" and e-sports events. Even so, the manpower is still not enough. If you want to develop a new RTS game, you have to recruit new people, which is time-consuming and laborious.

The best way is to acquire Lava Studio and directly bring the IP of "Racial Hegemony" to Moyu Company, and become a studio under Moyu Company that specializes in the RTS type.

In this way, he can safely come up with the plans for World of Warcraft and StarCraft from his previous life, and let Lava's people improve according to the plans, and then completely improve "Craft of Races". Then he can launch it on the market, and then build momentum to promote it, hold competitions, and become an e-sports game. One of the projects.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu waved to call the staff just now.

"Hello, is the boss of your company here?"

At the CJ exhibition, unless necessary, the bosses of big manufacturers will generally not come. At most, they will send a person in charge. For a small studio like Lava, there are only a few people. The boss is not only the boss, but he may also be the chief planner of new games. After publishing, I will definitely come and see the effect.

The staff member was recruiting tourists. When he heard Mo Yu's question, he immediately ran over: "Hello, I am the boss of Lava Studio. What can I do for you? Is there something wrong with our game?"

Mo Yu was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that this person was the boss.

When I first saw him wearing an ordinary white shirt, running up and down to attract tourists, and even personally teaching how to serve tea and pour water, Mo Yu thought he was just an ordinary worker, but he didn't expect that he was actually the boss.

Mo Yu said in surprise: "Are you the boss?"

"Yes!" The man smiled: "Lava Studio, Chen Rucheng!"

"I saw you were running up and down just now, and I thought you were an employee." Mo Yu smiled awkwardly: "Sorry."

Chen Rucheng didn't care: "It's a small company with few people. It's impossible for everyone to be busy and I'm the boss watching from the side, right? That's not good! I don't know why you want to see me?"

"As for the game, let me introduce myself first, Moyu Company!"

Mo Yu handed over a business card.

Chen Rucheng was shocked when he heard this, then looked down at the business card and asked in surprise: "The development company of "Gods and Gods"?"

Mo Yu smiled and said, "Do you know me?"

Chen Rucheng shook his head: "I don't know, but who in the industry doesn't know that a company called Moyu has developed a super hit game. It has generated hundreds of millions of revenue and millions of users within one year of its launch. It is worth what others have done." ten years?"

"Is he so famous?" Mo Yuxiao asked, "I feel like he is very ordinary."

Chen Rucheng said: "Of course it is very famous. It can be said that the game "Gods and Gods" is famous. Nowadays, in game companies across the country, from large companies like Tianxing to small studios like our Lava, no one knows about it. People don’t know it, but its performance is so terrible. Everyone is studying its development trajectory and wants to reproduce the next "Gods and Gods". As far as I know, there are many new games with similar gameplay at CJ this time. The game is launched. Faced with this situation, Mr. Mo wonders if there is any way to deal with it? "

"Of course there is a way." Mo Yu nodded.

"What can I do?" Chen Rucheng asked, "Can you tell me about it?"

Mo Yu shook his head: "Business secret, sorry."

Chen Rucheng was a little disappointed. When Mo Yu saw this, he said again: "But it's not that I can't tell you, but first you have to answer me a question. Since you know that "Gods and Gods" is very popular now and everyone is remaking it, why don't you Lava Thinking like this, you developed this "Racial Hegemony" instead?"

Chen Rucheng gave Mo Yu a strange look: "Why should you follow the trend?"

"Everyone knows that "Gods and Gods" is very popular, but there are so many popular games on the market, do they have to follow suit? To break it down, I have been making games for so many years, and I have never seen any plagiarism that can compare to The original version is more popular.”

"Those who developed the original version will not always be immersed in the glory of the past, but will continue to innovate. It is precisely because of this innovation that they can develop good games. Lava disdains to follow the trend. "Racial Hegemony" was developed by me for three years. game, I firmly believe it can lead me to success."

Listening to Chen Rucheng's words, Mo Yu shook his head secretly.

I am still too young and have never seen the power of penguins!

However, Chen Rucheng is very ambitious and dares to innovate to break out of the shackles. Just like Blizzard, at least in game production, it has achieved innovation. Each game is different and strong. This is why Blizzard has been praised as a high-quality product.

Mo Yu praised: "Your idea is good. The world is vast and there is a lot to do. We who make games must have this kind of spirit and dare to walk a new path. Only on the new path can we have the opportunity to touch the heights of others."

His compliment made Chen Rucheng feel a little embarrassed.

Chen Rucheng looks very young, probably only a few years older than Mo Yu. He should be around thirty by visual inspection. He is also at this age, just in the final period when young people are about to dissipate. If it takes a few more years, he will still be around. It’s hard to say whether there is such momentum or not.

Chen Rucheng said with embarrassment: "Say this kind of thing in front of Mr. Mo, but it makes me look like I'm not old enough. I heard that "Gods and Gods" was first made by Mr. Mo sitting alone in the room day and night. I wrote the code and finally completed the production, which led to my current achievements. In comparison, I am far inferior."

Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "No need to belittle myself, I just borrowed the experience of my predecessors."

"Your innovative concept is correct, and it is precisely because of this persistence that we finally have this unique gameplay of "Racial Hegemony". I have just tried it. Although the current content is very simple, this unique gameplay is against It is both enjoyable and enjoyable, its future is limitless, and it has huge potential. We just need to enrich the game content and launch it on the market. Players will definitely pay for it. Those who are experiencing it on the stage are the best proof. !”

"Mingren, don't tell secrets. I'm interested in "Racial Hegemony", and you and I also like it very much, so are you interested in joining Moyu Company?"

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