Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 121 Wait and see

Hearing this, Zhang Yiming, who had been sitting quietly without saying anything, glanced at Mo Yu.

He recalled the conversation Mo Yu had told him about e-sports, and when he confirmed this condition, Zhang Yiming couldn't help but think to himself.

"Did he really not lie to me and tell the truth? Otherwise, why would he rather reduce agency fees and ask overseas agents to cooperate in the development of e-sports?"

He still didn't understand.

Considering the current popularity of "Gods and Gods" and Kim Tae-ho's willingness to come to the door to negotiate in person, the agency fee of 30 million is actually not high. Even if there are additional requirements for the agency fee in the plan, judging from the current situation, The revenue data of "Gods and Gods" is very good. Zhang Yiming thinks the agency fee of 40 million or even 50 million is a very reasonable price.

Thirty million is indeed a bit low!

The reason why this price is offered is the main reason why Mo Yu would rather give up the profits and ask agents to cooperate in promoting e-sports events.

"And the estimated peak data just now is too outrageous, right?"

"It's a fantasy, a fantasy, it's just a dream!"

"Where does he get his confidence?"

Zhang Yiming frowned and continued to watch the two negotiating.

When facing future partners, Mo Yu patiently explained.

"This clause involves our company's future global development strategic plan for the game "Gods and Gods"."

"In response to this, I have formulated a promotion strategy based on offline competitions. After you become an agent, the company will send professionals to investigate the market. Based on market conditions, your company will be required to cooperate in formulating a full-year event plan every year."

"Regarding this competition plan, your company has the right to invest and cooperate, and the ownership of all relevant competitions should belong to Moyu Company. However, in fact, we will not interfere at will. It is just a matter of ownership."

"At the same time, because of the invisible or non-invisible income generated from advertising, traffic, etc., apart from the part that should be paid to your company, the rest also belongs to the Moyu Company. The specific share ratio contract is written down."

When Jin Taihao heard this, he did not argue about the issue of income. He was more concerned about the issue of ownership.

"The ownership right belongs to Moyu Company, so why should we cooperate? The sponsors and advertisers who organize the event must be attracted by us because we are the operating company of the game, but Moyu Company wants to take most of it? This is not fair!"

"There is nothing fair or unfair!" Mo Yu said firmly: "This is a necessary condition and no negotiation is accepted. Of course, considering the dissatisfaction caused by the agent, I made a concession on the agency fee, 30 million. Chairman Jin should know how cost-effective the agency fees are.”

The agency fee for the game can be reduced, but Mo Yu is determined not to give in on the ownership of the event.

Whether it is a cup or a league, the ownership must belong to Moyu Company.

In this case, even if there is a dispute in the future, the transfer and handover of the event will not cause problems. It will always be in the hands of Moyu Company and will not affect his future development plan for e-sports.

Otherwise, if Jin Taihao doesn't cooperate, the commercial league that has finally developed will be directly picked off by others. If you want to develop a similar competition system, you don't know how much energy it will take.

"If President Kim cannot accept it, then I can only say sorry."

Mo Yu stood up and prepared to leave.

Jin Taihao quickly stopped: "Don't stay, Mr. Mo."

"What? President Jin changed his mind?" Mo Yu asked.

Jin Taihao shook his head: "I still need to discuss many terms of the cooperation plan with other management, but I would like to ask Mr. Mo, what should I do if the actual effect of the game is not as expected?"

Mo Yu said with a smile: "Can all the games represented by your company develop and grow as expected? Impossible? Although I think such a thing is impossible, and I am very confident in "Gods and Gods", but Once the goods are sold, it’s up to you, President Jin, to decide how to operate it.”

"'Gods and Gods' has proven its potential in country Z. Chairman Kim doesn't have confidence, right?"

Jin Taihao was startled when he heard this, then smiled bitterly and said: "Okay."

He stood up and straightened his clothes: "I will send the plan back to China, and the specific market performance of "Gods and Gods" will also be sent back to China based on my own personal experience. When the negotiation is completed, I will provide cooperation The answer is yes or no.”

"However, our company's management are all talents who have been in the gaming industry for many years. I believe they will eventually give a satisfactory answer."

"I'm looking forward to it." Mo Yu nodded and said with a smile, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Jin Taihao was sent away, but Zhang Yiming stayed.

The two of them walked and talked.

Zhang Yiming asked the doubts in his heart: "Mr. Mo, where do you get your confidence? Is it worth it to exchange tens of millions of visible profits for the other party's support for e-sports?"

Mo Yu smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, didn't I tell you? Of course it's worth it. Don't you believe me?"

"I don't believe it!" Zhang Yiming shook his head repeatedly: "It's too difficult, how can you make me believe it?"

Mo Yu laughed loudly when he heard this: "Let's wait and see."

CJ’s last day.

Finally the final live awards ceremony came.

A number of domestic media, Modu official personnel and official platform personnel worked together to select a final list of winners based on on-site booth performance and real game data on the platform.

Under the host's announcement, "Gods and Gods" finally won the award for the best new game of the year.

Mo Yu originally thought he would win the Best Popular Game of the Year, which is the biggest award in the entire awards event, but later the organizer sent someone to explain that the launch time of "Gods and Gods" was too short, and purely based on performance, Both the best new game and the popular game are actually eligible, but if the best new game award is awarded to someone else, it may not convince the audience. The best hot game has competitors. In the end, the best new game was awarded to "Goddess" "With God".

When the official came over to explain, of course Mo Yu understood.

And although I didn’t get the award, I got the reward.

On the official platform software startup recommendation page, "Gods and Gods" will be promoted for a week.

This recommendation is equivalent to the first thing all players on the platform see after clicking on the platform software and entering their account and password. Any game that can log in to this recommended game will eventually add more than six figures of new users.

Gods and Gods is no exception.

After the end of CJ, the launch recommendation continued for a week, and finally the number of users of "Gods and Gods" hit a new high.

Finally finished everything.

Until returning to Jingzhou.

There was no news from Lava Studio or Jin Taihao. Mo Yu also met with several agents from Europe and the United States, but they did not give a more specific response. Mo Yu simply put it aside and began to make full preparations to take over. Come down to the Jingzhou Cup.

After setting a time, we made an appointment with the two club owners Zhang Zhaoyang and LGD's Deng Junhua, and then contacted the two big guys Zhang Hongwen and Yan Kaixian. We all gathered together and began to discuss matters related to the Jingzhou Cup.

In the bright conference room of Jingzhou Building owned by Jingzhou Construction Engineering.

Mo Yu went straight to the topic in the first sentence he spoke.

"Guys, a new version of the game will be launched soon, which also indicates that the Jingzhou Cup is about to start. Now the first and most important question is, how should the Jingzhou Cup prize distribution plan be formulated?"

"Leader Yan, Director Zhang, do you have any plans?"

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