Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 130 The number of registrations far exceeds the expected number (please subscribe)

"Xiaobo, how are you doing recently?"

In the Emperor Star Club, Zhang Zhaoyang was always concerned about Lu Zibo's condition.

"We are the sponsor of the Jingzhou Cup. Team Emperor Star must not fail to make it to the group stage!"

Lu Zibo flexed his wrist and said a little nervously: "It should be fine in the group stage. I feel like I'm in pretty good shape recently. I just got on the 10th level."

Beside him were four other young boys.

Top laner Niu Fei, jungler Jiang Xiaohao, bottom laner Zhu Qianjin, and support team Bao Changyu are all high-scoring players in the Electronic 1 King Group, ranked within 200, and are all professional players signed by Zhang Zhaoyang with money.

Different from Lu Zibo, these people are not from Jingzhou, and they have not continued their studies. They had dropped out of school long ago to work in the society and work in some relatively low-level jobs before entering Emperor Star.

As for Lu Zibo, after Zhang Zhaoyang communicated with the school, he could come for training as long as there were no classes, but he still had to continue studying.

Among them, Zhang Zhaoyang has the deepest feelings for Lu Zibo. After all, he is the first player he values ​​​​and actively signed a contract with, and Lu Zibo's current ranking score is also the highest in the entire Emperor Star!

"Mr. Zhang, there will definitely be no problem in the group stage." Top laner Niu Fei said with a smile: "Most of the masters in the whole game are concentrated in Electronic 1. The other areas are all newly opened. There are not many masters. A few of us have also been in the queue. I have been with the group of people who participated in the Internet Cafe Competition before, and the laning has also gone back and forth.”

Jungler Jiang Xiaohao followed: "We conduct professional training every day and practice for several hours every day. They are all independents and cannot be compared."

The AD assistant also echoes the voice.

"Don't be careless." Zhang Zhaoyang said cautiously: "Qualifying and competition are different, especially those teams that have participated in the Internet Cafe Competition. They have already had experience in the competition and are more familiar with the feeling of the competition than you. Moreover, there are also masters among the individual players. You You must be cautious and cautious again!”

Lu Zibo said: "Isn't that the case? We have had a few training matches with LGD before, and the results are pretty decent. LGD was the runner-up in the Internet Cafe Competition, and now they have formed a regular army. Emperor Star can fight like this with them without knowing how to play in a group. I can’t even get out of the game.”

"It's not as simple as you think!"

Zhang Zhaoyang shook his head and said: "You guys think LGD didn't let go in the training match? That's a bunch of old bastards! They don't play seriously at all in the training match. They only come to practice tactics. It's impossible to show their true strength. Don't think that they are fighting against LGD. Look down on them when you win a few training matches!"

"I have finally seen the game "Gods and Gods" clearly. There are many masters! There is no one who can fight through thousands of troops."

"Do you think LGD's real level is like training matches? That guy Deng Junhua studies tactics with players every day, vision, positioning, resources, what should be done at that minute and what should not be done, what situations can be played and what situations are obscene, all studied Clear and clear!”

"And the people in LGD train for at least ten hours every day. They practice when they wake up and sleep when they are tired. They don't stop at all. Although they were established later than us, their strength is not bad at all, or even better. powerful!"

As the two known e-sports clubs in the country, and everyone is in Jingzhou, Emperor Star and LGD naturally have regular training matches, and the result of each training match is a 50-50 split between the two sides, with back and forth.

Although Zhang Zhaoyang's rank is not high, looking at this record, you know that LGD must have let go!

Not mentioning the previous results, he just said what he saw with his own eyes. When he came to chat with Deng Junhua several times, he saw that the LGD group had no other activities except training. He was scared to see it!

In comparison, the training time of Emperor Star is quite different!

"LGD is not as easy as you think, and other teams are not as easy as you think. Anyway, you must enter the group stage for me. As long as you enter the group stage, everyone will be given a month's salary as a bonus, and the top eight will have two Month, three months for the semi-finals, and one year for the first two and a half years when everyone won the championship award!”

As a rich second generation, Zhang Zhaoyang decided to use his most powerful weapon after much deliberation!

When several people heard this, their chicken blood was instantly filled, and they started training with howls!

LGD club.

Deng Junhua also summoned the members of the club.

"During this period, everyone has been training late into the night every day. I know some people must have complaints in their hearts!"

"But you have to remember that you are doing this as a career and making a living by playing games. Career and hobbies are different. Hobbies can be played for more than ten hours and you can rest when you are tired. If you are not a professional, you have to train every day. More than ten hours, never slack off!”

"I have discussed it with the head office. All the bonuses you get in the Jingzhou Cup are yours. Whether it is the championship or others, the company does not want a penny. So this competition is for you. In the end, it should be I believe you know how to fight!"

"The Jingzhou Cup will be the time to verify whether your efforts are of any use. Come on!"

Deng Junhua’s encouragement is very realistic.

He didn't say anything to encourage people, he just told the truth, and I believe everyone should understand.

None of the LGD people have rich families. They were either car repair apprentices or chef apprentices, barber apprentices, and factory assembly line screwdrivers. To put it bluntly, they are all at the bottom of society, and they are jobs where it is difficult to get ahead in life.

Now that hobbies have become careers, they naturally understand that they can play professional e-sports.

09 As the captain, he also stood up at this time and said: "Opportunities are hard to come by. All the hard work during this period is for the Jingzhou Cup. Mr. Deng is right, we are fighting for ourselves!"

"No matter how hard and tired you are, everything is for the sake of winning the championship. Come on, everyone. If you don't want to go back to the old days, just work hard and don't let down the sweat you shed!"

As of September 30th at 9pm.

The Jingzhou Cup online registration channel is completely closed, and all teams that have not completed the registration procedures can only wait for the next competition.

In the company, Yang Qiu, as the general person in charge of the Jingzhou Cup event, reports data to Mo Yu.

"Mr. Mo, there are more participating teams in the Jingzhou Cup this time than in the last Internet Cafe Competition. There are 161 registered teams in the Internet Cafe Competition, and the statistics for the Jingzhou Cup are 313!"

"What?!" Mo Yu said in shock: "313? Isn't that more than a thousand people? We now have a total of five servers, and the total number of kings in each region is only a thousand. Doesn't it mean that almost all masters have Have you entered the competition?"

"Absolutely." Yang Qiu said with a wry smile: "Even if the registration conditions for the Jingzhou Cup are raised to require masters or above to participate, the enthusiasm of the players to participate is still higher than we imagined!"

During the previous meeting, Mo Yu and the company management predicted that there would be about two hundred teams participating.

Even so, everyone agreed that it was an overestimated prediction and felt that there could not be so many.

It was Mo Yu who fought hard to set this number and use it to formulate the competition structure.

He believes that there is no e-sports in this world. It can be seen from the situation in Internet cafes that players are passionate about e-sports competitions.

Moreover, the registration method for the Jingzhou Cup is so convenient. You only need to fill out a form online, write down the information, and wait for the review to be completed to complete the registration.

In addition, considering the situation of the Internet cafe competition and related discussions on the Internet, Mo Yu believed that the 200 teams should be about the same.

Unexpectedly, there are now 313!

"According to statistical data, the registration rate of players in the king group in each region exceeds 70%, and the rest are mostly in the grandmaster rank. Only a very small number are in the master rank." Yang Qiu said: "Mr. Mo, there are so many teams. , judging from the company’s current manpower, it may be very difficult to complete the qualifiers within fifteen days.”

"The main thing is that there are not that many referees, and there is a huge manpower gap."

The biggest difficulty in online competition is how to judge whether there is cheating in the game. Even if Mo Yu has already considered this and written a program to detect cheating in advance, there will inevitably be omissions, and special personnel must be observed. Competition for feedback.


The Jingzhou Cup will also record the highlights of the competition, so that players who have not participated can see the performance of each team.

Moreover, the built-in live broadcast system has just been launched. All participating games will be available on the viewing interface for players to watch at any time. With such a heavy workload, Mo Yu is afraid of a system crash.

However, the reality is like this. Faced with a scene that exceeded expectations, Mo Yu could only have a headache and said: "The players' enthusiasm for participating is too high, far exceeding the pre-match expectations, but at this point, we can only find a way to solve it. Do you have a plan?" ?”

"With the company's current manpower, it is definitely not possible. There are more than 300 teams that have to determine the 14 with the highest final points. There have to be hundreds of games every day. The only way to find a way is to find those who have not participated in the competition. Players help.”

"I plan to send a system announcement to players above the master level in each region and invite them to become referees in the qualifiers to help us share the pressure."

"There is no need to ask them to distinguish carefully, as long as they find any abnormalities and report them, they can naturally detect them through technical means. This can greatly reduce the workload, complete the qualifiers, and give players a sufficient sense of experience. !”

Yang Qiu proposed a way.

Mo Yu thought for a while, nodded and said: "Time is tight, and there is no time to think of a better way. This is the only way. You should have someone make an announcement immediately. It happens to be the time of night when there are the most players. We should be able to get it together. If the master If the above is not available, we will relax the requirement for players looking for Diamond 1, and they must make arrangements before the start of the qualifiers at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."


Yang Qiu immediately took the order and left.

The Jingzhou Cup is about to start. As the company's biggest event in recent times, all employees of Moyu Company have been working overtime recently.

Mo Yu really didn’t want to be a people’s entrepreneur in 996, but he had no choice but to make up for it with bonuses in the end.

Walking to the large floor-to-ceiling window of the office, Mo Yu looked out the window at the lights of thousands of houses, then looked back at the brightly lit office, and exhaled the stale air in his lungs for a long time.

"Soon, soon!"

Immediately, 500 are ordered. This number is the dividing line between novices and novices. I really want to break through quickly. Please subscribe!

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