Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 140 Red Open Level 2 Caught

"It's open, it's open!"

Zhang Zhaoyang clutched Mo Yu's arm tightly, almost trembling with nervousness: "I finally see my team playing in public, I must win!"

This rich second generation is really addicted to e-sports.

Since the establishment of Emperor Star, I have stopped running to the Internet cafe frequently. I stay in the club every day, watching games and videos, listening to players studying tactics, recruiting people, and enriching various positions in the club. I am completely immersed in it.

I don’t know if it’s just a whim or if I really love it or want to make it a lifelong career.

Both are professional e-sports clubs, and both are wealthy second-generation players. Many of LGD's facilities and structures are completely incomparable to Emperor Star.

Emperor Star completely imitates foreign football clubs. It is located in a high-end villa area. There are specially purchased high-end buses for travel. Computers, mice, and keyboards are all the best. Doctors, fitness coaches, training rooms, coaching rooms, and analysts , data scientists, and various positions that have skyrocketed for the players are all available. Mo Yu even heard that he was planning to recruit a team of cheerleaders. When the game comes, they will wear sexy and beautiful clothes and shout cheers on the field.

In addition, he is not only good to the club, but also ridiculously good to the players.

Computers, dormitories, and food are all equipped with the best for players. We strive to provide players with an e-sports paradise where they don't have to worry about anything except training. The wages are also high, and the chefs are all specially hired hotel chefs.

A single room with water in the dormitory, equipped with all appliances such as air conditioning and washing machine.

In order to allow the players to relax during training, they also raised small animals and hired professional fitness coaches. He was simply the most caring owner of the club that Mo Yu had ever seen.

Mo Yu finally took out his hand.

"Brother, hold on tight and watch the game!"

"I can't stand it!" Zhang Zhaoyang was very nervous: "I have studied the Ehome team. There is a player named LaNm who has an incredibly strong ability to read the game. He is said to have God's vision and can accurately grasp the rhythm of the game and predict the enemy's actions. Route, I don’t know if Xiaobo can withstand such a strong opponent!”

"He is the core engine of Emperor Star and the player with the strongest operations. Only if he steps up can the game be won!"

Mo Yu said helplessly: "It's useless for you to worry in the audience. It all depends on the individual performance of the players on the field. Xiaobo's level is definitely there. He can be called a sea of ​​heroes. His operation is not bad either. Trust him!"

"Yes, believe him!"

Zhang Zhaoyang murmured, his eyes fixed on the big screen in front of him, refusing to move away.

The commentator on stage began to interpret the game.

"Let me introduce to the audience, Emperor Star is the earliest professional e-sports club established in China. The players in the five lanes are all high-scoring players in the E-1 King Division. They are not very young. The youngest one is the core of the middle lane. Contestant LLLLLL, currently a freshman in high school, 16 years old!”

"This team's record in this qualifying round is so frightening. They didn't lose a single game and won all the matches. They are regarded by many teams as one of their strongest opponents. They are also the favorites to win the Jingzhou Cup. Their online support rate is very high. high!"

"But Ehome is not bad either. He entered the Internet Cafe Tournament and is very strong. He has been in the arena once and has more experience in dealing with it. The LaNm player in the bottom lane is currently the support position with the highest score in the Electronic 1 King Group. He has a strong view of the overall situation, is also strong in laning, has rich tactical reserves, and is the brains of the team!"

"These two teams are fighting fiercely today. It depends on who wins and who loses!"

"The Jingzhou Cup group stage has changed its format to a single round-robin BO1, that is, whoever wins the next game will greatly increase the team's chances of qualifying. Today's game is crucial for both sides!"

"Not bad! Now you can see that the relocation selection has ended and the competition has officially begun!"

In the soundproof box of Emperor Star.

Lu Zibo controlled the wandering mage to stand in front of the tower, and the screen kept switching to observe the map situation.

For most people, stepping on the stage to meet the attention of thousands of pairs of eyes will definitely make them nervous and even distort their movements. But Lu Zibo didn't feel this way at all. It was his first time to step onto the official arena, but he didn't feel at all. I don’t care, I even feel a little excited, my blood is boiling all over, and my mental concentration is more concentrated!

"Emperor Star's victory and qualifying will definitely be a thorn in the side of all participating teams. The opponent will definitely study breakthrough tactics. You must be steady and don't give the opponent a chance!"

"The most important thing for Ehome to pay attention to is the support on the opposite side. If you find that the support disappears in the bottom lane, you will immediately be reminded on the lane. This person is very evil and has many tricks. If you are not careful, you will be caught by him!"

Lu Zibo kept reminding his teammates.

He knew that Emperor Star was the target of public criticism and everyone was studying them, but he was also studying others.

Ehome is strong, but Emperor Star is stronger!

Even if the opponent catches the opportunity for a moment, the military book says that a perfect combination can lead to a surprise victory. Only weak chickens can use conspiracy and tricks. The strength of the Emperor Star can completely crush it!

While my thoughts were spinning, the game soon began.

Both parties are online normally.

Facing Ehome's mid laner, Lu Zibo was at ease. While lining up, he could also quickly switch perspectives to observe the three-way situation.

He cuts the screen very quickly.

Often the hero takes two steps, launches a basic attack, and the projectile flies out to hit the minion. In this short period of time, he can quickly switch between the three lanes, and can clearly see the lane situation of each lane, and even make certain judgments in his mind. , to be familiar with all battle situations.

the other side.

As a support, LaNm has more time to observe the game.

He also participated in the discussion about the professional team and even made several constructive suggestions.

"Facing a professional team like Emperor Star, fighting for rhythm and operation means waiting to die. Only by disrupting their rhythm can Ehome have a chance to win."

He looked at the time in the game and kept calculating in his mind.

"Both sides started normally and there was no invasion. The opponent's jungler should be doing F4 right now. He didn't have time to go up. He didn't notice that we were on red. The trick of deliberately timing the start of the game and lining up at night was not seen through!"

"very good!"

"Have the opportunity!"

In the discussion that night, Qi Jiang proposed a second-level capture method, but now he changed it to a second-level capture method.

In terms of the game perception of "Gods and Gods", players generally believe that the top lane is the easiest way to snowball. If the top lane can help get kills, it will greatly improve the team's advantage!

So before the game, he formulated a small routine to catch the red opener at level 2. Even if he can't get a kill, it's still good to use summoner skills!

Mo Yu in the audience was already heartbroken.

The e-sports competition of "Gods and Gods" is still in its early stages of development. Many of the tactics that are familiar to him seem to others to be extremely novel and showy routines that have never been thought of before.

Now Ehome is on the blue side. Normally, most people would think that they should fight blue first and then move up to level three to catch the top. As a result, Ehome now directly finishes playing red and then goes to fight to catch the top. This is something that many people did not expect at all. style of play.

As early as the beginning of the game, the commentators noticed this situation and were constantly analyzing it.

"Emperor Star didn't notice it at all!"

"Ehome's bottom lane deliberately delayed the time to go online, just to create the illusion that they are blue-open, but in fact they are red-open!"

"The road to Emperor Star is dangerous."

"The Ehome jungler has a good grasp of the field of vision. He keeps walking close to the wall. The director switches!"

"The river grass didn't catch my eye!"


I don’t know if you watch the content of the game, but there are mainly a bunch of comments saying that you don’t watch the game. I don’t even know how to write, so I’d better write less.

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