Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 146 King of Shadow Demons List of Top Four


"What a show!"

"This wave of Tianxiu!"

There was endless discussion.

The commentator roared: "Faced with the double kill of the card and the prince, the shadow demon first killed the card, played with the prince under the residual health tower, and finally flashed a long-distance blind pressure to take the prince's head. PIS's shadow demon is invincible!"

Zhang Yiming leaned into the crowd and looked at the big screen, which happened to be a highlight replay shot.

in the screen.

There was a flaw in the card's movement. Shadow Demon stepped forward, fired two shots in succession, and was about to retreat. Suddenly, a prince rushed out from behind the tower. He moved to avoid EQ in a fraction of a second and was hit by a close range shadow pressure with his backhand. Hit the prince, then predict and cripple the card in front of him, fear the prince in front of him, and then follow up with an extremely accurate shot of long-range shadow pressure to take away the card's head.

Then the prince's ultimate move disappeared, and there was still blood under the Shadow Demon Tower. King Qin circled the pillar, and the prince took another shot of shadow pressure. His movement slowed down, and he couldn't catch up, so he had to retreat.

The prince flashed out of the attack range of the defense tower, and connected with EQ to escape from the Shadow Demon's sight.

Then Shadow Demon accurately predicted, flashed forward, and received a long-distance shadow pressure shot without vision, accurately calculated the damage, and took the prince's head!

"What a calm shadow demon!"

"Flash has been pinching me for a long time, but in the end, I used it to blindly crush the prince's head. This wave is really cool!"

"DK has now won two games, Sports has won one game, Royal Family has won two games, and Group B will play overtime today!"

Outside the Internet cafe.

The crowd watched the big screen and discussed the situation very enthusiastically.

Zhang Yiming looked at the wonderful operation just now and almost wanted to shout and cheer, but he finally suppressed it.

He has played "Gods and Gods" and knows clearly that the wonderful operation of Shadow Demon just played back on the screen is so cool. From the beginning to the flash of the subsequent blind pressure, it is impossible for him to perform such a performance. operate!

He felt that if he was also an e-sports enthusiast and saw such wonderful operations, he would definitely roar loudly and vent his anger.

Just like in the World Cup, your favorite star kicks a super world wave, who can suppress it?

"From their perspective, it turns out that watching an e-sports match is the same as watching a football match!"

"In such a fierce competition atmosphere, I am afraid that even someone who doesn't like it will quickly get involved and it will be difficult to suppress the excitement!"

"It's like a football fan taking a friend who doesn't like football to watch a game. When everyone is cheering for a goal, even if they don't like it, they will be led by the people around them and become involved in it, making it difficult to extricate themselves!"

“The same is true for e-sports competitions!”

"Through professional competitions, professional players perform extremely exciting operations, which in turn resonates with players and creates a strong atmosphere in the arena. It is indeed amazing!"

Zhang Yiming somewhat understood.

Even if he was mixed in the crowd and experienced it himself, seeing the wonderful operation that he couldn't perform just now, he felt like cheering and shouting in sympathy with the players.

"If "Battlefield" also wants to hold an e-sports competition, it can completely absorb the experience of the Jingzhou Cup, create an atmosphere from the inside out, and stimulate the players' emotions. Only in this way can it be a successful e-sports event!"

"But it's difficult. "Battlefield" is not yet online, and there are no players. Let alone after it is online, "Gods and Gods" will be the best. I really don't know how many users it will have!"

“We don’t even have users, let alone fans who are willing to travel thousands of miles to watch the game!”

"One step at a time, one step at a time, "Battlefield" has fallen far behind. I don't know when it will catch up!"

Zhang Yiming was full of emotions. He felt that the future fate of "Battlefield", a game with high hopes, was unpredictable and unpredictable.

"No matter what, let's continue watching the game!"

“Only by understanding everything clearly will it be possible to catch up from behind in the future!”

He continued to blend in with the crowd and devote himself to the game, recording what he saw and heard in the Jingzhou Cup from the perspective of a bystander.

On the playing field.

DK team vs. sports team.

PIS's Shadow Demon became the most handsome boy in the audience!

five minutes.

Accurately predict the card position online, hit it multiple times, and complete a single kill early.

8 minutes.

Prince Qijiang GANKed and PIS controlled the 1V2 under the Shadow Demon Tower to kill two people, completing the killing spree.

Several waves of team battles followed.

Shadow Demon moved around and controlled, using his long-range ultimate fear to disperse the crowd. He accurately predicted the shadow pressure and got the fifth kill.

The last wave of dragons.

Shake up under the Dragon Pit, and through the field of view that has been arranged long ago, accurately predict the face of the moving ADC who has made a mistake, and use the 800-power ultimate move. The ultimate move is full, and when combined with the ignition, the ADC will be full of blood in seconds, and then Taking advantage of the fear, he flashed up to the Dragon Pit, killed the support with three consecutive shadow pressures, and then used the golden body to save his life.

Teammates arrived soon after, and the movement had no time to defend them, so they swarmed back.

During the pursuit battle, PIS's shadow demon kept releasing skills to take down the heads. In the end, the dragon was not even taken, and the high ground was leveled in a wave.

With a superb record of 8/0/9, he won the MVP of this game!

Inside the venue.

Mo Yu sighed.

"Qijiang worked very hard, but unfortunately he was beaten violently by PIS. The hero Shadow Demon is completely different from others in his hands. He performed really well!"

"It is indeed very strong!" Deng Junhua next to him thought: "The ability of the hero Shadow Demon in his hands is almost much higher than that of other users. I have never seen anyone with the ability of Shadow Demon." Such a dominant performance!"

"Fortunately, he only has one Shadow Demon!" Zhang Zhaoyang said: "If there is a big problem in the future, I will give him a BAN position, but the DK team has really shined this time. Before the game, I didn't expect that there would be such a strong team in Group B. It seemed like it was the top 16 last time, right?"

"Well, it's the top 16!" Deng Junhua nodded and said: "Originally, I thought that in Group B, the royal family and sports would qualify, but now sports are on the verge of life and death. If they can win next, it will be overtime. They can't win. It’s about to be eliminated!”

Mo Yu shook his head and said: "The situation in Group B is very confusing. I don't know who will qualify in the end! I'm afraid no one thought before the game that the DK team could actually reach this level. It is simply a dark horse that is so dark! Live broadcast room The support rate for DK was only 28%, and the support rate for the movement was 72%. As a result, the movement failed miserably. Those who supported DK were the losers! Those who lost were yelled at!"

"Who could have imagined it? Anyway, I didn't expect it!"

Zhang Zhaoyang spread his hands.

Several people were chatting about the situation on the field.

Fortunately for Mo Yu, Deng Junhua and Zhang Zhaoyang both fell in love with DK and immediately called back to inform the team, asking the players to study DK's playing style and tactics, especially PIS, to avoid encountering him in the quarter-finals. When the time comes, the boat will capsize in the gutter.

That night, overtime was played.

First, the Royal Family took the lead in determining the qualifying spots and ranked first in the group.

Then DK played against Sports.

Qi Jiang used her special skill, first banning the shadow demon, then getting the widow with her backhand, and started the hunting mode.

All kinds of bizarre moves that bypass the field of vision and wonderful GANK routes directly numbed DK.

After all, PIS without Shadow Demon could no longer replicate the miracle of the top players. Under Qi Jiang's endless attacks, DK finally lost the game and missed the quarterfinals!

The third day.

Group C starts.

OMG showed great power, one through three, and successfully advanced to the quarterfinals.

Then CCM overturned the world's powerful forces led by Xiao Xiao, and defeated the other heroes in the competition. The second place in the group successfully advanced!

The fourth day.

The much-anticipated LGD finally made its debut. As soon as it came on the field, it won a victory that exceeded everyone's expectations. It went 18-0 in twenty minutes and directly blocked the top team. The runner-up power reappeared and the professional team lived up to its reputation.

Then he defeated the remaining two teams and won the first place in the group.

Immediately afterwards, the digital team took second place in the group.


After many days of fierce fighting.

The list of top eight in the group stage is established!

Group A: Emperor Star, Friends.

Group B: Royal Family, Sports Team.

Group C: OMG, CCM.

Group D: LGD, numbers.

It is said that after the list was released, many contestants shed tears on the field and went home after receiving the 20,000 yuan participation prize.

After the break.

Lots were drawn to determine the upper and lower halves, and then the journey to the quarterfinals began.

The first Emperor Star vs. OMG!

In three fierce battles, Emperor Star defeated OMG 2-1 and advanced to the semi-finals.

Big brother burst into tears on the field!

Lu Zibo vowed to win the championship, and Zhang Zhaoyang laughed so hard that he won a huge bonus that night!

The second game of Royal vs. Numbers.

820 mid laner Chao Shenhuo won the first game, and in the next two games, UZI showed great power in two consecutive games, selected VN, and destroyed the bottom lane. In the team battle, she inserted invisible and got three kills twice in a row to win. Xiao The dog's name resounds throughout the arena!

In the third game, CCM played against Friends.

Before the game, everyone predicted that Friends would be the winner of the Internet Cafe Tournament after all, and the only champion skin owner in the entire game.

No one expected the result.

CCM's first PDD hit the road, and the top laner Prince played an amazing record, crushing all the way and winning the first game.

The second one is PDD again.

The top laner's weapon stood up to resist the output and created output space for Zhou. After 43 minutes of fierce battle, the victory was established!

When the results came out, everyone was shocked!

The top eight of the Internet Cafe Competition defeated the champion of the Internet Cafe Competition 2-0, achieving a result that no one expected!

Friends, whom countless people were optimistic about before the game, lost so miserably!

In the post-match interview, PDD shouted out the classic saying - Look at my power, I am invincible!

Since this game, PDD has begun to have a group of loyal fans, and the CCM team has attracted more and more attention.

The last one.

LGD vs. Sports.

There is a huge disparity in strength between the two teams. Everyone thinks that Qijiang's success in moving to the quarterfinals is entirely due to Qijiang. Now facing the professional team LGD, Qijiang has no chance of winning even if Qijiang explodes.

as expected.

In the first game, Qijiang won the Widow again. In the first 20 minutes, they continued GANK and Sports took the economic lead. However, they were defeated by LGD's strong coordination ability and came back from adversity. A wave of wonderful team battles reversed the situation. Thirty-five minutes later. Pushed to the sports high ground and won the first game.

In the second game, LGD banned Widow.

Qijiang took out a Dragon Turtle with her backhand, and with her super fast movement speed, she helped her teammates and successfully counter-crouched repeatedly.

But LGD has always had stronger hard power.

Wave after wave of powerful offensives defeated the movement.

No matter how strong Qijiang is, there is nothing he can do to save the situation. He can help the top but not the middle and bottom, and no matter how fast he moves, he can't catch up with the speed of death. In the end, when closing F4, he was caught by LGD and easily took the kill.

In the end, LGD moved 2-0.

Nanchiang achieved the best result of her career, and with the comfort of her teammates, she vowed to win the championship next time!

So far.

The roster for the semi-finals is finally out.

First half: Emperor Star vs. Royal Family!

Bottom half: LGD vs. CCM!

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