Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 150 Five fierce battles, Night Hunter

After all, Jay Chou is missing, and the number of people in the venue is slightly smaller than yesterday. After all, there are some empty seats in the audience.

However, there are not many empty seats, and at a glance, it is not conspicuous among the crowd.

There were more than 20,000 seats at the scene, and at least 15,600 people were seated. However, the number of people in the live broadcast room of the game client was even greater, reaching 500,000 at one time!

Mo Yu predicts that this number is not the end.

Because it is still only the top four, as the competition progresses to the final stage, the number of people in the live broadcast room may reach a higher level, and may even surpass the 650,000 people online at the same time in "Gods and Gods".

After all, events and games have always complemented each other.

In the late stage of LOL in the previous life, when the number of users decreased significantly, when the S competition finals started, weren't the servers still full?

The combined number of people on several live broadcast platforms even far exceeds the number of people online in the game.

This is the charm of e-sports!

Games can be changed, but eSports will always be there!

His eyes turned to the stage.

Tian Weiwei dressed up to attend.

"Good evening, audience friends!"

"This competition is title-sponsored by Jingzhou Construction Engineering; eat Laogandaddy hot sauce and taste the spicy taste of the competition. Laogandaddy hot sauce cheers for the Jingzhou Cup; to help Jingzhou's urban development, Jingzhou welcomes you!"

Holding the teleprompter board in hand, Tian Weiwei began to recite the words, becoming more and more proficient, and then introduced the topic directly without any nonsense.

"Next, we will come to the highlight of today, the Jingzhou Cup semi-finals, Emperor Star vs. Royal Family, the game is about to begin!"

The BGM of "Pacific Rim" booms!

The unique and exciting tunes seemed to put the venue on the battlefield. The audience could not help but tense their heartstrings and look at the screen expectantly.


It’s Moyu again!

The big memory transfer method comes into play again, money opens the way, and professionals assist, Mo Yu is eloquent, writes quickly, and writes with pen and ink, and brings this exciting music to cheer up the competition!

In the BGM, players from both teams appear!

They shook hands with each other and then walked to their own battlefield.

Finally, I sat on the regular commentary platform and could see the entire stadium with my own eyes through the glass in front of the box.

On the side of the box is a large plasma TV screen of the same type as Xujiang, which is connected to the live broadcast signal and is clear and clear.

On the commentary stage, the red packaging of Lao Ganba's hot sauce is particularly conspicuous. It is piled up in a small pyramid shape in front. The background board behind is the Jingzhou Construction Engineering Building. In front of the building stands a trophy, Jingzhou Cup. The three big characters can be seen by hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room as soon as the screen cuts to the commentary desk. It is equivalent to an advertisement with amazing effect and repeated playback.

The Haier brothers specially wore a neat suit today, and the invited guests sitting in the middle were smiling.

"Hello everyone in the live broadcast room and the audience, Emperor Star vs. Royal Family, today's match will be a super battle! Smile, can you tell me what you think of these two teams!" Wawa started the topic.

The king is very shy at this time and has never experienced such a big battle, but when it comes to e-sports, he can still speak clearly.

"Needless to say, Emperor Star is currently one of the only two professional teams in the world. It is very strong, especially the mid laner 6L. The operation is very cool and the reaction speed is ridiculously fast. I have added friends and played in ranked games. A few, take me flying often!"

"Royal Clan is not bad either. The strength of the teams participating in the Jingzhou Cup is also at the forefront. The bottom lane AD Uzi is very fierce. He is very fierce in the laning and has strong pull. During the laning period, he often suppresses the opponent by twenty or thirty swords. Royal Clan is the best The stronger carry point, the one among the four guarantees!"

Commented with a smile.

Miller then asked: "From your professional perspective, which side has a higher winning rate?"

After thinking for a few seconds with a smile, he shook his head.

"It's hard to say. Emperor Star's tactical play has been studied by many teams, but they definitely have Xin Dong XZ, and today is BO5. It's all about the foundation. It will be difficult for the Royal Family to win."

"But the Royal Family is also very powerful. The four-guarantee-one tactic is very effective. The main reason is that Uzi is in a very hot state right now. If you can't suppress him, you can't suppress the Royal Family."

"Let's open it 50-50~"

In the expectant eyes of the entire audience, the two sides officially started fighting.

First handful.

Emperor Star is indeed not bad. The tactical operation rhythm directly crushes the Royal Family. What is important is to be upright and overwhelming. The Royal Family high ground resists stubbornly, but is eventually defeated and destroyed. The crystal explodes and knocks down GG.

In the second round, Emperor Star won again.

It’s just that this Uzi exploded online, turned into a mad puppy, and fired wildly with sewer rats, almost overturning the Emperor Star.

The third match point game.

At this time, everyone actually felt that Emperor Star should be sure of victory. The main reason was that although there were some twists and turns in the first two games, the results were good.

Sometimes the emphasis in the arena is to go all out in one go, then lose again, and then be exhausted in three attempts.

Now Emperor Star has played two games in a row, and its momentum is at its peak. After a short break, they are back on the field. All five people are smiling, and the atmosphere in the team is harmonious and completely relaxed.

However, the pressure on the royal family's side was low, and their faces were full of solemnity. After sitting down, they stared at the computer screen with a serious expression.

The director is very good at making headlines. As soon as the comparison of the expressions of the two parties came out, almost everyone in the live broadcast room spoke ill of the royal family.

Thirty-six minutes.

A result that no one expected before the game happened.

As Uzi put down the mouse, took off his headphones, raised his hands and roared loudly, declaring the victory of the royal family.

An EZ played against the policewoman. The hero who was obviously weak in the lane forcefully suppressed the emperor star in the bottom lane and beat him violently. During the laning phase, he violently smashed thirty-eight swords. In the mid-term, he switched lanes to the middle. Lu Zibo moved carelessly and was directly hit by the big opponent. Death by scraping.

In the end, with the development that transcended time, he scored four kills in the team battle and won the victory in one breath.

The fourth one.

The momentum of both sides seems to have reversed.

The Emperor Star's face was serious and they kept discussing; the Royal Family's side was more relaxed.

One falls and the other rises, and no one is sure which side will win.


This made both sides extremely anxious.

The early waves of Emperor Star were about pushing towers and taking resources, but the Royal Family was not bad either. They worked hard in all directions. In the mid-term, Emperor Star was forced to get angry and dragged into a fight. In just a few minutes, both sides Many battles broke out, and the head count went from 11:6 at the beginning to 24:26, with the Royal Family tying the economy.

Until the 40th minute, both sides were still financially even, with a gap of less than 1,000 yuan.

The last wave of dragons.

Lu Zibo's wandering mage harvested the battlefield and scored three kills.

Policewoman Uzi moved flexibly and also scored three kills.

In the end, the top laners of both sides exchanged, and only two people were left to PK in the Imperial City.

At this time, both Wandering moves were used, and the policewoman was left with a flash. Finally, relying on this flash, Uzi kept pulling, and relied on the flat A to kill Wandering, and got the dragon seed.

Then his teammates resurrected, relying on the pressure of the army line, and captured the ancient dragon, and finally relied on the blessing of BUFF to push down the crystal.

"Imperial City PK, the winner is king!"

"The two sides are tied at 2 to 2, and the war song has been played. In the final battle, will the Emperor Star win and advance to the finals, or will the Royal Family let two chase three and stage a shocking comeback!"

“Viewers, let’s wait and see!”

By the fifth game, both sides were under pressure and no one dared to take it lightly.

As the captain, Lu Zibo loudly encouraged his teammates.

"Brothers, we must win this one. The team on the other side can't beat us. They just rely on Uzi in the bottom lane. This one will kill him. Don't give him a chance to develop!"


Several people looked at each other and encouraged each other.

"Let two chase three!"

"Can win!"

"We have reached this point, and the champion is waving to us!"

"come on!"

"The last move of the royal family, VN? Are you sure?"

"Although this new hero does high damage in the later stage and has three rings of real damage, it is very weak in the lane, very difficult to fight in the lane, and extremely difficult to develop. How dare Uzi take it? This is the fifth decisive game!"

"I have some information in my hand. Uzi has used a lot of VNs recently. The king group has gone up like crazy. It should be a new skill. After all, heroes are also judged by others. Needless to say, Uzi's level!"

"Miller is right, but Emperor Xing should have understood by now. To beat the royal family, you have to focus on the bottom lane. If Uzi can't get up, the whole team will be ruined. The hero VN is too weak online and can be easily targeted. It just depends on what you choose in the end!”

"Wow, it's locked! Night Hunter!"

The commentator was yelling, and there was a buzz of discussion in the audience. The live broadcast room was even more confused.

The main thing is that the hero VN is notoriously difficult to mess with online. He has short range, fragile body, easy to catch, poor development, and no sound throughout the game.

But in the final decisive game, when everyone thought they were going to take out the bottom of the box, Uzi chose VN, which no one could understand!

On the playing field.

Hero lock.

"Let us hunt those in the dark!"

The holy silver crossbow flashed with cold light, illuminating Uzi's eyes!

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