Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 166 Beijing University Esports Club

The place where Emperor Star is located is a villa in Zhang Zhaoyang's family.

The community where this villa is located was a very famous garden villa community in Jingzhou in the past. The house is huge in area, with four floors above ground and one underground. Now the total price is close to 10 million.

The decoration inside is very exquisite, and the materials used are all high-end goods, which are of great value.

"The fourth floor is my office and guest room, the third floor is mainly the player dormitory, the second floor has the tactical discussion room, analysis room, medical room, kitchen, etc., as well as other office areas, and the first floor is the training room. Now, all players will train on the first floor."

"The small garden outside the villa is a place for activities. I will ask professional fitness coaches to train them on a daily basis."

Zhang Zhaoyang took him around everywhere.

Several players who were training couldn't help but be curious. Their boss was a super rich second generation, and he was actually accompanying a young man, who had no airs at all.

They couldn't help but look at Lu Zibo, who had just talked with Mo Yu, with a curious look on his face, wanting to find out Mo Yu's identity.

"Xiaobo, who is he?" one person asked curiously.

Lu Zibo followed the fitness instructor in front of him while doing difficult yoga movements that are said to prevent cervical spondylosis. He couldn't help but grinning with a painful look on his face.

When the action was finally over, he had time to answer.

"That's Mr. Mo!"

"Mr. Mo?"

The remaining teenagers looked at each other, they didn't recognize each other and were confused.

Lu Zibo wiped the sweat from his forehead and softly introduced Mo Yu's identity.

"He is the designer of "Gods and Gods" and the owner of Moyu Company. He is friends with Mr. Zhang. Speaking of which, Mr. Mo is the reason why I became a professional player."


Several teenagers suddenly became interested and all looked at Lu Zibo.

"Do you still know the boss of "Gods and Gods"? What's going on? Tell me quickly!"

It happened to be halftime at this time.

Lu Zibo also told a few people the story of how he was discovered and became a player.

"At that time, I participated in an Internet cafe competition with a few friends, and we happened to be playing in the Geili Internet cafe. Then Mr. Mo came over to inspect the venue. Seeing that I was playing well, he asked me if I wanted to be a professional e-sports player. At that time, I thought he He was a liar, I didn’t even think about his identity, but Mr. Zhang showed up, and he and Mr. Mo talked about business, and I believed him. Later, he joined the Emperor Star Club and became a professional player!"

Lu Zibo briefly talked about some previous situations.

Several teammates immediately expressed envy, and the teenagers made a fuss.

Mo Yu and Zhang Zhaoyang upstairs felt quite youthful when they saw it.

Mo Yu sighed: "You are so happy to be young!"

Zhang Zhaoyang rolled his eyes: "What? You are not young now? I think you are only in your 20s this year, right? When I was your age, I just wandered around entertainment venues every day, doing nothing and feeling confused, but now I am worth hundreds of millions. Aren’t you happy?”

Mo Yu shook his head, feeling very melancholy.

"So unhappy!"

“The happiest time for me was when I hadn’t founded a fishing company yet. I would play games with my friends every day and brag about my skills, and earn thousands of dollars every month. At that time, I felt that life was full of hope and I had countless expectations for the future. , how is it like now?"

"I have a busy career and thousands of employees. When I wake up, I have to face pressure from other manufacturers. I also have to think about how to make players happy and make money. It's too stressful!"


Mo Yu sighed deeply, with no happy expression on his face.

Zhang Zhaoyang felt as if he had been crawled by ants all over his body. He wanted to turn around and leave, not wanting to bear the pain of being shown off!

"Get the hell out of here! Fuck!"


Mo Yu laughed.

A few moments.

Mo Yu waved his hands repeatedly, stopped talking, and stood up to leave.

"The company still has a lot of things to do. If we can't agree on the venue, forget it. When you have time, help me keep an eye on whether there is a suitable place. Next year, I plan to build or buy one at my own expense."

"Okay!" Zhang Zhaoyang agreed readily: "I'll let you know when I have news."

"Okay, I'll leave first."

"I send you."

The two immediately went downstairs.

When we got downstairs, the door of the Emperor Star Club suddenly opened, and a young man wearing a white T-shirt who looked like a college student ran in. As soon as he came, he found Lu Zibo who had just finished working out.

"Xiaobo, help me quickly. We have an appointment with the Agricultural University for a game next month. You can help with training!"

Lu Zibo said helplessly: "Cousin, I go to class and train every day, so how can I have free time!"

Cousin begged: "Xiaobo, do me a favor. Cousin Niu B has already blown it out, and all the classmates in the club are waiting. Besides, if we win, won't it make the Emperor Star Club even more powerful? And you haven't been there lately anyway. Competition, help my cousin!"

Lu Zibo couldn't help but plead: "The main thing is that we are a professional club, so it's hard for me to agree. How about you wait and I'll ask the boss."

After saying that, Lu Zibo ran over and found Zhang Zhaoyang who was about to leave.

"Boss, the e-sports club at my cousin's school wants to invite us to be coaches. Do you agree?"

Zhang Zhaoyang stopped and asked: "E-sports club? What e-sports club?"

Mo Yu also stopped and looked at the scene happening in front of him curiously.

Lu Zibo immediately explained: "Beijing University E-Sports Club is full of students who like to play "Gods and Gods". They recently made an appointment with the Agricultural University E-Sports Club for a game, so they approached the club and wanted me to be a coach and train. Give me some guidance!”

Beijing University E-Sports Club? Agricultural University E-Sports Club?

Mo Yu's heart moved and he immediately reacted.

"Jingzhou University and Jingzhou Agricultural College?"

Lu Zibo looked at him and replied, "Yes, those are the two schools."

Mo Yu immediately became interested when he heard this: "Is it a hobby club approved by the school? What's going on with the competition?"

"I don't know the details, why don't you ask my cousin?" Lu Zibo said.

"Okay! Call your cousin over and I'll ask him a few questions."

Mo Yu waved his hand and signaled Lu Zibo to call someone.

While Lu Zibo went to call someone, Zhang Zhaoyang touched his arm: "What? Are you interested in college student clubs?"

Mo Yu waved his hand: "Nothing, I'm just curious. Do you know what's going on?"

Zhang Zhaoyang shrugged: "Not sure!"

After the two chatted for a few words, Lu Zibo pulled his cousin over.

Lu Zibo introduced: "Mr. Mo, this is my cousin, Li Hao! Cousin, this is Mr. Mo, and this is Mr. Zhang, who is also the owner of the club."

Li Hao didn't feel any discomfort and came over to greet the two of them very generously.

"Hello, Mr. Mo, hello, Mr. Zhang! I am Xiaobo's cousin!"

Mo Yu took a look at Li Hao and saw that he looked about 20 years old. He had a few pimples on his face and a little darkness around his eyes, as if he had just stayed up late to finish playing games.

"Hello! Did you just stay up all night?"

Li Hao looked embarrassed and smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I recently made an appointment with the guys from the Agricultural University E-Sports Club to play a game, so I practiced late!"

Mo Yu smiled and said: "The dark circles under my eyes are a bit heavy, take care of yourself, brother!"

Li Hao touched his head: "It's okay, as long as I can defeat the guys from the Agricultural University, it doesn't matter if I stay up late, I can handle it!"

"Haha, young people are strong! But I am curious, what is going on in your competition?" Mo Yu asked: "I heard from Xiaobo that it was a competition organized between the two e-sports clubs of Beijing University and Agricultural University?"

"That's not true!" Li Hao shook his head: "Actually, we used to play together, and then the people from the Agricultural University said that our Beijing University e-sports club was not good enough. How can we tolerate this? Then the two sides started arguing, and finally decided to organize a group In an offline game, whoever wins will be called daddy, so don’t fart in the future!”

As expected, he is a college student, youthful and passionate, and even his chips are so fresh and refined.

Mo Yu also understood.

Both Peking University and Agricultural University are in the university town, and there are several colleges and universities nearby. It seems that everyone was having a good time, and then they had a few random arguments, and finally it developed into what it is now.

Seeing that Mo Yu didn't speak, Li Hao looked at Zhang Zhaoyang again: "Mr. Zhang, I would like to invite Xiaobo to be our coach to help teach those idiots at the Agricultural University. Can you make it easier for me?"

Zhang Zhaoyang looked at Mo Yu and saw Mo Yu blinking, and he understood instantly.

"No problem. I train every day and there are no games, so just relax. How about this, how about I ask everyone in the Emperor Star to help? When will you compete?"

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Zhang!" Li Hao was overjoyed: "The day after tomorrow, this Saturday, we made an appointment to play BO5 at the Kunlun Internet Cafe on the other side of the college. What the hell! Professional teams like Emperor Star have been beaten by me. Please come, I don’t believe those idiots from the Agricultural University can still win!”

"You're welcome!" Zhang Zhaoyang encouraged: "Come on, classmates! I guarantee you will win!"

"We must win!"

After getting Zhang Zhaoyang's agreement, Li Hao immediately thanked him, and then couldn't wait any longer. He immediately took out his mobile phone and called his teammates to inform his teammates of the good news, and then took all the Emperor Star members out.

The Emperor Star players were already exhausted. They were training and studying tactics every day without a moment's rest. At this time, Zhang Zhaoyang's permission was just what they wanted.

Immediately, everyone came over and said something, and they were ready to go out and take the car.

Zhang Zhaoyang was worried and simply called the club driver to drive them there.

"Let Lao Wang drive you, call me if you have any questions, and just relax! Remember, you must not lose, and don't lose the face of Emperor Star!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang! We are professionals!"

The teenagers couldn't hold it any longer, so they immediately got in the car and followed Li Hao away.

After a few people left, Zhang Zhaoyang looked at Mo Yu: "What's going on? You seem to be very interested?"

Mo Yu nodded: "I am indeed interested! According to statistics, college students are one of the largest player groups of "Gods and Gods", accounting for 65% of the total users. They are also the main group of people who watch e-sports games! In other words, college students They are the most loyal audience for e-sports competitions. If competitions can be held among colleges and universities, it will be of great benefit to the future e-sports ecosystem!"

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