Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 173 Enter the Dragon and Tiger Cup

"It seems that Mo Yu has already thought about all aspects clearly and anticipated today's scene." Wu Xueling sighed: "He hired Lao Jiang to be responsible for running the company, and he did it himself There are various countermeasures, and the situation is extremely passive for us, but if we want to follow the trend and do live broadcasts, we can only steal people and spend money to make content, there is no other way!"

"Even if we don't act early, the liquidated damages for the top anchors may be even higher after a while, possibly tens of millions or hundreds of millions!"

"We must start early!"

Wu Xueling lowered his head and thought for a few seconds before making arrangements.

"Let's do this, Lao Cao, you immediately organize people to develop our own live broadcast software, and I will arrange people to contact those big anchors, first play the emotional card, plant the seeds, and win them to lean towards us from the heart. As soon as our live broadcast software is launched, we will immediately pay liquidated damages and poach people!"


Cao Zhenyu immediately accepted the order.

The anchor competition is in full swing. As the schedule progresses, Moyu live broadcast data has soared. Thousands of people are watching the live broadcast rooms of the "Gods and Gods" anchors, and the audience of other types of anchors is also increasing. The total number of users on the platform will soon exceed one million, heading towards two million!

Jiang Qizhang received the good news and immediately rushed to report to Mo Yu.

"Mr. Mo, good news!"

“The number of platform users has exceeded one million!”

Jiang Qizhang was very excited.

When he left YY, many of his old friends didn't understand him, and he was still burdened with leadership responsibilities.

Now he finally broke out of the situation, felt proud, and slapped those people hard in the face!

Mo Yu was also extremely happy.

"Great! Keep it up!"

"When all the anchor competitions are completed, the number of users will definitely increase to a new level!"

"But you must also strictly control the content of the live broadcast on the platform, and don't make any problems, otherwise you will be reported by someone who cares about it, and it will cause serious problems!"

What Mo Yu fears most is that there will be a lot of messy things on Moyu Live.

In the previous life, Douyu had various conflicts, played ball, and some people forgot to turn off the camera when uploading and staged bed-fighting, or instigated fans, and were fined a lot of money, and the platform also suffered disaster!

A lesson learned from the past is a guide for the future, and he will naturally learn a lesson.

Jiang Qizhang solemnly said: "Don't worry! Recently, a new group of supervisors have been recruited, and new regulations have been issued. All live broadcast rooms are strictly controlled. If there is any illegal content, it will be banned immediately without any mercy."

"That's good!" Mo Yu said: "I have great confidence in your ability to work. I believe that under your leadership, Moyu Live will reach new heights!"

"By the way, have any new investment companies contacted you recently?"

Jiang Qizhang nodded: "Yes!"

He took out a document and handed it to Mo Yu.

"Recently, several large domestic capitals have contacted me and want to invest in the platform. I dare not make a decision rashly, so I have summarized the list and they are all here."

Mo Yu took the document and started reading it.

Some people had contacted me before, but they were shy, giving little, asking for more, completely unable to recognize the reality, and treating him as a fool.

What Jiang Qizhang listed now is different.

All of them are well-known investment giants in the financial circle, their bids are appropriate, and they are self-aware.

Jiang Qizhang said: "Among the companies that came this time, the two most sincere are Sequoia Capital and Nanshan Capital. Sequoia Capital is willing to invest 30 million for 20% of the shares, and Nanshan Capital is willing to invest 10 million for 10%! "

Mo Yu was startled when he heard this and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that Moyu Live Broadcast has really become famous. It has only been online for a few months and it is already worth hundreds of millions in the eyes of these people! However, they still underestimated its value. Millions of users, how can it be that simple!”

"Please reply to me, 50 million 10%. If you can accept it, then continue!"

"But you have to explain that this is just the current price. If it continues, the price will change!"

In Mo Yu’s opinion, the current market value of Moyu Live is definitely 400 to 500 million. Internet companies have always made money if they have users. Moyu Live is already on the road to success, and Moyu Game is behind it. The future is limitless.

Jiang Qizhang did not have any objections, and was even slightly dissatisfied: "The price is very suitable, and there is no problem if it is even higher. The platform's income is rising steadily now, and it will definitely be higher in the future. I will negotiate with their representatives!"

"Well, I'll leave it to you to take charge." Mo Yu nodded and said, "In addition, keep in touch with a few big anchors. New live broadcast platforms will definitely appear in the future. Don't let others poach you."

"I know." Jiang Qizhang said: "Speaking of which, I recently heard that someone is developing live broadcast software. It seems that my old club, Duowan Network, has also entered the market!"

"They have YY Voice. Once they start live broadcasting, they will soon be able to catch up, posing a great threat to Moyu Live Broadcasting!"

"Don't worry." Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "With "Gods and Gods" here, there will be no problems with the content output of Moyu Live. As long as we do other content well, we will naturally be able to stand on the same page." A place of defeat!”

"But you can't underestimate them. You have to pay close attention to the trends in the industry and report any troubles immediately!"

Early December.

The temperature in Jingzhou is getting colder and colder.

At the same time, the anchor competition entered the final round.

The explosive killing team led by Lu Zibo, A Ni Cake Shop and others went through three fierce battles with the opposite team led by Electric Baton, Smile, Gogoing, Wuwukai and others. 0 won a hearty victory.

Many famous memes appeared during the competition and spread on the Internet.

For example, when facing Lu Zibo, the electric baton had a hard time dealing with it. He was defeated in the lane and was killed alone. Finally, he transformed into the three towers in the middle to save his life.

Ah Ni's Cake Shop was defeated by Rexiang online and huddled in the second tower. After the game, he made a bold statement that he would kill the opponent's top laner with a knife offline, and won the title of Northwest Killer King.

Various funny scenes were spread by the audience, further promoting the popularity of Moyu Live.

Platform users ushered in another wave of rapid growth!

That's why.

The long-standing stalemate negotiations with Sequoia and Nanshan were successfully concluded. The two parties signed a contract. Sequoia invested 60 million to take 15% of the shares of Moyu Live, and Nanshan invested 20 million to take 5% of the shares!

The three parties successfully signed the contract and negotiated cooperation.

As soon as the news was released, Moyu Live became more famous and attracted more people's attention.

South Korea.

"Gods and Gods" has been officially released online for some time.

In the early days of the game's release, it instantly became popular all over Korea with its unique gameplay and was loved by countless users. The relevant data continues to rise, which is extremely eye-catching.

In this situation.

Kim Tae-ho decided to hold an e-sports competition to promote the further development of the game.

However, he didn't want to pay, so he found a media company called NiceGameTV as a sponsoring company through connections. After discussion, the other party funded and held a Korean Enter the Dragon Cup.

In the end, the two parties reached a cooperation.

"Mr. Park, this Enter the Dragon Cup is of great importance. I will invite professional teams from China to participate. We must not lose!"

Park Zhengyuan laughed loudly: "Don't worry, Agent Jin, we Koreans are the most talented in the world in gaming. Any professional team is a bunch of rubbish and there is no way they can win!"

Kim Tae-ho warned: "E-sports competitions are not as simple as you think. Professional teams have undergone repeated training day after day and have experience, so they should not be underestimated!"

Park Zhengyuan didn't take it seriously: "The Chinese are just relying on the early advantage of game publishing in their country. I will organize the most powerful players in Korea to form a team and we will definitely win the game!"

"Of course, there is an old saying in our country that strategically despises the enemy, and tactically we must pay attention to the enemy. Agent Jin, can you hold an audition contest first to select the most powerful group of people, and then come and fight with the so-called Chinese people?" Professional teams compete.”

"I believe that by that time, I will definitely beat the shit out of them!"

Park Zhengyuan laughed happily and didn't take Jin Taehao's warning to heart at all.

In fact, Kim Tae-ho doesn't like Park Jung-won. His overly arrogant cosmic spirit has completely blinded his perception, and he is unwilling to recognize the reality at all.

It's just that Park Zhengyuan is a sponsor, providing money and people, and the purpose of the competition is to promote the game. He can't say anything, but he still has a few final words of warning.

"According to your arrangement, I will hold a selection competition first to select the most powerful team to participate in the Enter the Dragon Cup!"

"However, the Chinese team must not be underestimated, Mr. Park should take it to heart!"

There was a hint of mystery in Pu Zhengyuan's smile: "Don't worry, long live the Republic of China!"

"Mr. Mo, the matters related to the Enter the Dragon Cup have been finalized. The sponsor of the competition is NiceGameTV, which will fully fund the competition. Our list of participating teams has been determined. We sincerely invite your Imperial Star and WE teams to go to South Korea to participate in the competition!"

Mo Yu breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Jin Taihao's message.

Zhang Zhaoyang has been asking him about going to South Korea to play games during this time, and now the list has finally been confirmed.

However, in addition to Emperor Star, he also recommended two teams, WE and LGD, to Jin Taehao.

Unexpectedly, LGD was not selected in the end.

"WE is a newly formed club, and Emperor Star only got third place in the Jingzhou Cup, while LGD once finished second and won once, with a great record, so they are not allowed to participate. I guess this is the reason!"

"Now that the list is confirmed, I can reply to Zhaoyang and let him make preparations!"

"In addition, WE said that I wanted to visit last time, but it never happened. Why not take this opportunity to go to the WE club and visit Li Xiaofeng by the way?"

After making a plan, Mo Yu first called Zhang Zhaoyang and asked him to prepare for the overseas competition. On the other hand, he informed Qi Jiang to inform Li Xiaofeng, and then asked the driver to drive to the WE Club on Qingshan Avenue.

Half an hour later.

The car stopped downstairs at the WE Club.

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