Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 181 Chinese New Year

My predecessor's hometown was in a small town dozens of kilometers away from Jingzhou. My parents opened a supermarket in the town and saved a little money, so they bought my predecessor a small house in Jingzhou.

After traveling through time for so long, Mo Yu has become accustomed to the fact that his parents are his parents.

One is that he was an orphan in his previous life, the other is that he has received the memories of his predecessor, and he has been completely replaced. If nothing else, he should still shoulder the responsibility of being the son of man. The third is that as time goes by, he can also I feel the love from the heart of the two elders.

Along the way, Mo Yu can be regarded as returning home in rich clothes.

Many people in the town knew that Old Mo's son was very promising and had opened a large company in Jingzhou, but they didn't know exactly how promising he was.

Now when everyone saw a million-dollar luxury car parked in front of the supermarket, they immediately understood and came to inquire about the situation.

On the first day Mo Yu returned home, he felt like a monkey in the zoo. Relatives, neighbors, old friends, old and young, all came to see him and inquire about information, which made him unbearable. It was best to just stay at home and not go to the store. .


Slowly opening his eyes, Mo Yu lay on the bed and yawned with great comfort.

He hadn't been this relaxed in a long time.

When he opens his eyes every day, it's work and plans. Only this small bedroom at home allows him to experience the feeling of sleeping and waking up naturally that he hasn't experienced in a long time.

The company didn't have any big plans for the New Year, and there was a dedicated person in charge of the New Year activities that had been scheduled long ago. He only needed to control the general direction, which also gave him a long-lost leisure.

Listening to his parents discussing the Olympics outside the door, Mo Yu couldn't help but think.

The Olympic Games, held every four years in the imperial capital, bring together athletes from all over the world and attract the attention of countless people. It is extremely grand.

What a wonderful sight it would be if e-sports competitions could also appear at this event.

Unfortunately, even in the previous life, e-sports only appeared in the Asian Games, and it was only an exhibition match. It will not be an official event until the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games. If you want to rush to the Olympics, there is almost no hope.

The only news is that the International Olympic Committee announced that it will hold an e-sports Olympics.

And this competition lasted only a short week, and only e-sports players participated. There were no players from other competitions. It caused almost no disturbance. Compared with events such as the Winter Olympics, it was simply not worth mentioning.

What is even more unacceptable is that there are no widely spread e-sports events in this e-sports Olympics. The events in them are not the traditional e-sports that people are familiar with, but are more inclined to virtual sports.

The ten official competition games set up are equivalent to virtual archery, baseball, chess, cycling, dance, racing, sailing, design, taekwondo, and tennis.

It has absolutely nothing in common with what people generally think of e-sports.

Even so, this is good news. At least the International Olympic Committee has released a signal that it is willing to embrace e-sports.

This has given the e-sports circle hope.

In this world, e-sports has just sprouted, and officials have not yet classified e-sports as a formal sport, and may not even have noticed it.

“The road to e-sports has a long way to go!”

Sighing slightly, Mo Yu turned on the computer and started checking the news.

He has been paying attention to the economic crisis. He has noticed the relevant signals since a few years ago. Now he continues to follow up, and then contacts the memories of past lives to seize the opportunity, mobilize funds in advance, and win all the venues and headquarters in one go.

After constantly browsing relevant news on the Internet, checking various news broadcasts, and checking relevant information for dozens of minutes, Mo Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

“The situation remains the same as in the previous life, with no changes. If this trend continues, house prices will plummet from the end of this year to the beginning of next year until the 4 trillion plan is released, so these few months are the best time for me to take action. "

Thinking secretly in his heart, Mo Yu made a plan.

He doesn't understand finance, so he doesn't care about the opportunities to get rich contained in the economic crisis. As long as he can achieve his predetermined goals, it is enough.

At least if you buy land, houses, stadiums and buildings, you can hold the physical objects in your hands, and you will make a lot of money in the next twenty years.

Bang bang bang~

There was a knock on the door.

The mother's voice sounded outside the door: "Son, are you up? It's time to eat."


Mo Yu responded and quickly went out to get dressed and wash up.

On the dinner table.

The family of three was having breakfast, which was very warm.

Mo Yu talked about taking the two of them to live together in Jingzhou.

"Mom and Dad, the new house I bought is too big. It's not humane or lively to live alone. Would you two close the supermarket and come back with me?"

The two elders looked at each other, and then their mother Liu Zhen asked: "How big is the house?"

Mo Yu smiled and said: "More than four hundred square meters."

"More than four hundred?"

Both were surprised.

His father, Mo Changli, couldn't help but ask: "Son, have you really made a lot of money?"

Mo Yu was confused and didn't know why his father asked.

"Didn't I tell you on the phone? I made a lot of money!"

Mo Changli said awkwardly: "Your mother and I always thought you were bragging. After all, you were still poor last year, making so little money every month, and you didn't finish any games. Who knew you would suddenly say you were rich this year? Believe it!"

Mo Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'm sorry you two have never believed in me, and you still think I'm trying to save face by telling lies? Is this necessary?"

"I haven't seen this with my own eyes~" Mother Liu Zhen interjected: "It was all said on the phone, and I didn't transfer millions back. If you hadn't driven a good car today, to be honest, I wouldn't believe it, your mother. !”

Mo Yu explained helplessly: "Really, your son has made a lot of money. He has a car, a house, a company, and thousands of employees!"

As he spoke, he took out two more bank cards.

"These are two new cards issued in my name. Each contains three million. You can spend it yourself!"

three million!

With real money and silver in front of them, the two elders completely believed it, and the father sighed with emotion: "After working hard for most of my life, it's finally my turn to enjoy it. Wife, the supermarket doesn't care about it. Please watch it. Next year, we can relax and travel." !”

The sound of thirty-year-old firecrackers filled the sky from morning to night. Looking out the window and listening to the sound of the Spring Festival Gala program on the TV, Mo Yu once again felt the strong flavor of the New Year that he had not experienced for a long time after so many years. Every house is decorated with lanterns and colorful lights, and the gongs and drums are noisy.

"very nice!"

Mo Yu sighed in a low voice, and then began to send blessing text messages to Yan Kaixian, Zhang Hongwen, Zhang Zhaoyang, Deng Junhua and others.

That is to say, VX has not appeared now, otherwise he would send hundreds of thousands of red envelopes to the employee group to make everyone happy together.

The sound of fireworks and firecrackers outside the window is endless, the sound everywhere is shaking, gunpowder smoke fills the night sky, and the strong smell irritates the nasal cavity. This kind of scene has become increasingly rare with the development of the times. It is even prohibited in cities and can only be found in rural areas. Only then could I see this.

He even found a childlike cannon among the firecrackers that had just been set off, straightened the fuse, lit it, and threw it away.


The crisp and loud explosion made him feel like he was back in his childhood.

Taking advantage of the time when the firecrackers have exploded, a few friends will go in and look for the firecrackers that have not exploded yet. They will hold an incense stick in their hands, light it up close, and then immediately throw it out, repeating it endlessly.

Wait until the first day of the new year.

There will be groups of children knocking on the door early, holding a plastic bag in their hands, staring at the host's house and begging for sweets.

Mo Yu's family was also well prepared. He grabbed a lot of candies and chocolates that had been prepared long ago, and the little kids were so happy that their noses came out.

This scene only exists in recent years. In a few years, I am afraid we will never see it again.

Then starting from the second grade of junior high school, Mo Yu followed his parents everywhere to pay New Year greetings.

After walking around for a long time, all the relatives knew about his current achievements. They all gave thumbs up and praised him as a good and promising boy. The children even shouted around his brother and uncle.

Mo Yu was not stingy either, giving away the red envelopes one after another, not caring about the small amount of money.

Finally, on the seventh day of the first lunar month, the holiday is over.

Mo Yu drove his parents back to Jingzhou and then returned to work.

When he returned to the company, he immediately held a senior management meeting.

First, the senior executives reported on the performance of each department, and then after Mo Yu made a speech of affirmation, he began to propose plans for the new year.

"There are several tasks this year. The first is that all the company's software is fully integrated into the ZFB recharge portal. Players can freely choose to use any payment method to recharge. I will personally contact you about this matter."

ZFB is currently only used by Taobao users and is not available on the market at all. There is no corporate account. Mo Yu can only go to Alibaba by himself to see if he can meet Lao Ma.

"The second is the update of "Gods and Gods". Manager Huang will continue to fully preside over the development. All new heroes must be online before April."

"In addition, the development process of "Racial Hegemony" on Lava's side will continue to speed up, and we will strive to complete the remake and launch the entire network by the middle of the year."

"In addition, this year we will further promote "Gods and Gods" overseas and establish overseas servers in multiple regions."

"As for the development of the e-sports ecosystem, the company will hold multiple events this year to further promote the e-sports brand, promote the development of the e-sports ecological environment, and promote the emergence of more related professional clubs."

"Expand staff again to fill the manpower of various departments."


From game updates, employee recruitment to overseas promotion and e-sports development, Moyu arranges all aspects, and each plan has corresponding goals that need to be completed.

However, this is only a plan on paper. To actually implement it, everyone needs to work together. In the end, it is enough to complete 80%.

"That's almost it. Is there anything else you want to add?"

"If not, let's break up the meeting!"


Mo Yu personally went to Alibaba headquarters and asked to see the person in charge of ZFB.

He had already contacted the other party and made an appointment. The other party also received the news and greeted him personally downstairs. The two of them talked and laughed all the way. When they arrived at the office upstairs, a thin but energetic man sat in the room. , a man full of business tycoon aura.

The old horse actually appeared!

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