Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 184 Ionia, high spirits and immortality

College leagues are not just held. It is best for colleges to be the first to relent and be willing to set an example. Only in this way can we lead the way and alleviate the resistance in many people's hearts.

After all, the general environment is not good enough. If someone interferes with it and the unscrupulous media adds fuel to the flames, it will be bad.

Mo Yu called and confirmed that Yan Kaixian was available. He immediately drove out of the company and went straight to the compound to find Yan Kaixian who had just finished the meeting.

He didn't hesitate and explained his purpose directly.

"I plan to organize a college league across the country. I hope you can come forward to contact the principals of Beijing University and Agricultural University, so that everyone can sit down and talk to each other."

Yan Kai first put down the pen and paper, took a sip of water, then sat down and asked: "Why are you contacting them for your competition?"

Mo Yu explained: "The college league is open to all universities across the country, and students from that school can sign up to participate. It is very influential, and after all, it is about games. Many things are strictly controlled, and social attention is relatively high. In some places, it may There will be too many worries and it will prevent students from signing up to compete.”

"So I hope that the Jingzhou official can come forward to name it, and then involve the two schools of Beijing University and Agricultural University. These two schools can take the lead. It is best to use the school's gymnasium and auditorium as competition venues. In this way, it can It can effectively reduce negative impacts and also play a leading role.”

Yan Kaixian heard the words and thought about it for about ten seconds, and couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"What you said makes sense."

"E-sports competitions are unique only in Jingzhou. After vigorous local promotion, the public's acceptance is quite acceptable. However, it may not be so easy to talk about in other cities."

"Let's do this. I'll make a call and find someone to contact the two principals. Let's make an appointment to have a meal and talk about things. What do you think?"

"No problem." Mo Yu said, "I will arrange the place. Give me a call after you make the arrangements."


Yan Kai responded first.

Mo Yu didn't waste his time and immediately returned to the company.

In the company.

He first went to the lava to inspect the development process of "Racial Hegemony".

With the game design ideas he provided, the development of "Racial Hegemony" is progressing rapidly. Almost 70% of the content has been completed. I believe it should be launched in July or August.

Then Mo Yu went to the new hero design department.

The 26 new heroes assigned two years ago were developed very quickly. Most of the hero modeling has been completed, but some detailed modifications are still needed. Some of them have been launched on the test server for players to experience and modify the balance of skill values.

In addition, the work of dubbing the heroes is also in progress.

When Mo Yu came over, Dao Mei's CV was being dubbed.

The actor's cadence and emotional voice sounded outside the recording room.

"Grandma always said that I like to dance violently, and I move to silent melodies and quiet rhythms!"

"My blade is at your service!"

"True will cannot be defeated!"

"Hold the position until the last man stands!"

"I have walked the silver plains and fished in the rivers of grass. This land knows me!"

"Ionia, high and everlasting!!"


Teacher CV’s voice is simply perfect. It vividly portrays the unyielding image of the knife girl who fights to defend her homeland and leads her people to fight against Noxus without hesitation. Mo Yu’s blood boiled with excitement after listening to it. He felt like taking part in it and wished he could set foot on it right away. What it's like to defend the battlefields of Ionia!

The sword girl in "Gods and Gods" adopts the revised skill design of the sword girl.

The old version of Sword Girl was too strong, especially in terms of real damage, and had to be cut again and again every year; while the new version of Sword Girl is elegant and agile, which is a great test for players' operational skills and is more suitable for the competition. The most important thing is that the two versions are compared with each other, and the new version is more handsome. ah!


The sharp blade sweeps across the battlefield, moving back and forth freely, what a show!

After Mo Yu thought about it for a long time, he finally gave up the old version of Dao Mei and chose the new version of Dao Mei.

About ten minutes later, Teacher CV walked out of the recording studio door.

"How's it going? Is it good enough? Is there anything that needs improvement?"

The CV actor is a very young girl, in her twenties, but her voice is very penetrating and contagious, especially when paired with Dao Mei's lines, she is so cool.

Mo Yu was the first to applaud: "It's very contagious, thank you for your hard work!"

Other staff waiting outside followed suit.

The CV actor was flattered and thanked him profusely.

"Thank you, thank you everyone."

"We should thank you." Mo Yu smiled and handed over a bottle of mineral water and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Drink more water and protect your throat. There will be a lot of cooperation between us in the future."

After the CV actor left, Mo Yu looked at Huang Jiajian who was waiting next to him.

"This actor has strong dubbing skills and we can work with him more in the future."

Huang Jiajian nodded and said, "Yes, I know."

The two walked forward while chatting.

Mo Yu said: "After this version update is completed, the launch speed of new heroes can be slightly slowed down, and a new hero can be launched online in about half a month to a month. I will provide you with the hero design draft. In addition, the balance must be Control it well, don't have too strong characters, the balance of the field is very important."

Huang Jiajian replied: "Before each hero is officially launched, it will be tested on the test server. I will pay close attention to this aspect."

"That's good." Mo Yu said, "How long will it take to complete the remaining work?"

Huang Jiajian thought for a while and said: "It is currently about 80% complete, and it should be all completed next month."


Mo Yu secretly calculated the time and found that he should be able to catch up with the college league in time.

The college league will start soon, tentatively in March.

Because students return from winter vacation around mid-February, leaving a month of preparation time for the competition to start around March.

"It should be just in time for the college league, but everything should be done sooner rather than later. Let's do it as quickly as possible while ensuring quality."


Huang Jiajian bowed in agreement.

Two days later.

Jiangyue Tower in Jingzhou.

The Qingshui River passes through the urban area of ​​Jingzhou from west to east, and then merges into the sea.

When the river passes through Jingzhou, the water surface is gentle and sparkling, and the moonlight is projected from the sky. It has a unique beauty of admiring the moon by the river and the gentle breeze.

Jiangyue Tower is built on the Qingshui River.

Diners sit by the river, feel the river breeze and admire the moon over the river. It is very charming. Therefore, Jiangyue Tower has been favored by many diners since it was built. Many successful people often choose to entertain guests in this building. On weekdays, the house is full of guests, and it is difficult for one to sit there. beg.

Mo Yu also spent a lot of money to reserve a private room on the third floor near the river in advance to receive the two principals from Beijing and Agricultural Sciences.

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