Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 187 Huajia Motherboard

Jingzhou Electronics Industrial Park is located on the outskirts of the city and covers a vast area. There are dozens of factories in it, covering all the components needed for a computer such as motherboards, keyboards, mice, headsets, graphics cards, etc., including some major overseas manufacturers.

In the past few years, Jingzhou has promoted investment and offered very favorable conditions, attracting many domestic and foreign major hardware manufacturers to settle there, which has made a huge contribution to Jingzhou's GDP increase and job creation.

"During the Jingzhou Cup before, I remember that Yan Ju invited one of the major hardware manufacturers to watch the game. I left a phone number at the time. I can contact them this time. I don't know if they are interested in sponsoring the college league."

Mo Yu thought to himself, then dismissed Yang Qiu and asked him to reply to the three companies, while he looked through his phone to find the phone number.

"found it!"

There was a phone number for Hua Jia Zhou Xi Gu in the address book, and Mo Yu pressed the dial button.

The phone rang a few times and was quickly answered.

"Mr. Mo?" Zhou Xugu's confused voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Mr. Zhou, long time no see!" Mo Yu cheered up and asked, "What are you busy with?"

Zhou Xigu was discussing business with others in the office at this time. He suddenly received a call from Mo Yu and was confused about what it meant.

Thinking about it carefully, he and Mo Yu only met once during the Jingzhou Cup, and they had no contact since then. It had been more than half a year. He did not expect that Mo Yu would call him.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Zhou Xigu pointed to his mobile phone at the customer sitting opposite, and then walked out of the office.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm busy at work. Does Mr. Mo have anything to do with me?"

Mo Yu smiled and said, "I have a business I want to discuss. I wonder if Mr. Zhou is interested?"

Zhou Xigu was stunned and asked: "What business?"

Mo Yu said: "It's a big deal worth tens of millions. I can't explain it clearly on the phone. I wonder if Mr. Zhou is in the company. Can we meet?"

Tens of millions!

Zhou Xugu's spirit instantly lifted and he quickly replied: "Okay, see you in an hour!"

hang up the phone.

Zhou Xigu walked back to the office and said with a smile: "It's a call from a friend, Mr. Zhang, please forgive me."

Sitting opposite him was Zhang Yiming.

The reason why Zhang Yiming appeared in Huajia was actually because "Battlefield" was already online. At his suggestion, he decided to hold an e-sports competition modeled on Moyu Company. It just so happened that Huajia had cooperated with several Tianxing games in the past. , so this time I am here to solicit sponsorship.

Zhang Yiming waved his hand and asked with a smile: "It's okay. I just heard you say it was Mr. Mo? Which Mr. Mo? Mo Yu from Moyu Company?"

Zhou Xigu was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, it's him! Do you know Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Yiming paused for a few seconds, but he didn't expect it to be Mo Yu.

Since he made the bet, he is now extremely concerned about Mo Yu's every move, but he didn't expect to meet him in Huajia, so he couldn't help but want to pry.

"Who is making games today who doesn't know Mr. Mo? He has risen to prominence with just one game, creating a new way of playing and earning more than a billion dollars. He is envied by countless people in the gaming industry to death, and everyone wants to imitate him. To be honest, the game "Battlefield" that Tianxing and Hua Jia talked about this time was also developed based on Mr. Mo's game design ideas!"

"But I didn't expect that we would meet each other today. This is Li Gui meeting Li Kui and seeing his true form!"

"I just don't know why Mr. Mo came to see you? Isn't it convenient for Mr. Zhou to reveal it?"

Zhou Xigu said generously: "It's not about revealing anything. Mr. Mo didn't go into details. He only said that he wanted to negotiate a big deal worth tens of millions!"

"Ten million?!" Zhang Yiming was shocked, but his face remained calm: "That seems to be a really big deal! Congratulations to Mr. Zhou!"

"The business hasn't been discussed yet, so what's the point of congratulations?" Zhou Xigu said modestly: "It's just that when Mr. Mo is coming, I won't be able to continue to receive Mr. Zhang. Anyway, the business between us is almost done, what's the matter? How about follow-up communication?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yiming stood up, straightened out his wrinkled suit, and said with a smile: "No problem, I have already shown you the operating data of "Battlefield". Mr. Zhou must also be aware of the advertising benefits that hosting the competition can bring to Huajia." , then I won’t stay any longer.”

"Okay, I'll give it to you!"

Zhou Xigu immediately got up and sent the person to the door of the company.

"I personally have no opinion on sponsoring the "Battlefield" competition. It's just that the specific decision needs to be reported to the headquarters for discussion before a decision can be made. However, Huajia and Tianxing have always been good partners, so there shouldn't be much of a problem."

Zhang Yiming smiled and said: "I hope so, and please ask Mr. Zhou to help me say more good things!"

"rest assured."

Zhou Xigu smiled and said: "The company is busy with business, so I won't send more gifts."


Zhang Yiming then drove away.

About ten minutes later.

The car he had just driven away quietly came back and parked in the distance. A young man walked out of the Huajia Factory, approached the car window, and tapped the glass a few times.

The car window was quickly lowered to reveal a gap. Zhang Yiming revealed his profile and briefly spoke to the young man. Then they parted ways and the car sped away.

After one hour.

Mo Yu drove to the industrial park. Zhou Xigu and his assistant were waiting outside early.

"Mr. Zhou, long time no see~"

After all, he was here to ask for money, and Mo Yu was very enthusiastic.

Zhou Xigu was stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly, grabbed him with both hands enthusiastically, and said with a happy smile: "Mr. Mo is here to visit us, it's so glorious!"

"It's a blessing to see Mr. Zhou again~"

The two complimented each other and the scene was extremely harmonious.

After finally entering the room, Zhou Xigu asked someone to serve him hot tea. He stopped talking and talked about business.

"I wonder what the big deal of tens of millions that Mr. Mo mentioned on the phone is about?"

Mo Yu did not reply directly, but just smiled and said: "No rush, before we talk about business, I would like to ask Mr. Zhou, how much does Huajia spend on advertising every year? What is the effect?"

Huajia is the company where Zhou Xigu works. It is headquartered on the Southeast Bay Island. It produces computer hardware equipment such as motherboards and graphics cards. Its products are sold at home and abroad. However, the domestic mainland market is the largest market, and those in Jingzhou are branch companies. Zhou Xigu has full management and is responsible for all domestic related work.

"Why do you ask that?" Zhou Xugu said: "Huajia spends hundreds of millions on advertising and marketing every year. As for the effect, Huajia has been able to develop from a small motherboard factory to the point where it is now complete. The effect of advertising is indispensable. without."

Mo Yu smiled when he heard this: "It seems that Huajia is very willing to spend money on advertising and marketing."

"This is natural." Zhou Xugu nodded: "Sometimes advertising is even more important than technology."

After hearing this, Mo Yu deeply believed it.

The money spent on advertising by many technology companies every year is no less than what they invest in R\u0026D, or even more.

"In that case, Mr. Zhou, there is now an advertising channel that can directly target millions of college students. I wonder if you are interested?" Mo Yu asked.

"Millions of college students?"

Zhou Xigu was stunned.

Mo Yu said with a smile: "Huajia invests so much money in advertising and marketing every year. It seems that the effect of some channels is not satisfactory. It may even cost a lot of money. At best, it only improves the company's efficiency. To achieve a small effect."

"College students have always been a major consumer group of computer hardware products. If I can help Huajia break into it, I can even find a way to make college students like Huajia more when buying accessories, and even specify Huajia, and Huajia only needs to pay a little. It’s a small fee, I wonder what Mr. Zhou would like?”

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