Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 19 Skills are not as good as others

An encirclement formed in the bottom lane instantly!

Sword Master and Niutou were like trembling little lolita, unable to resist when faced with the five burly men headed by Pan Sen.

"It's over!"

The chosen worker sounded desperate.

Both of their double moves are still on CD, and they are facing two long-range heroes. The blood line is not healthy to begin with. Now Pan Sen jumps down and sits directly, and there are cards behind him to control. The two of them have no hope of escaping.

Surrounded from front to back, from left to right!

The Ice Girl who teleports on our side is dead. There is Ornn on the top lane who teleports, but he will die when he comes down. It is better to just push the tower.

Liu Kaiqiang shouted: "Do you want to save? Do you want to save? I have TP!" But Aoun didn't move at all, and was still knocking on the tower with the hammer.

The opponent has a five-for-two, and he will die if he goes down, so why not take the time to get a tower!

"Stop coming, push the tower down! You'll die if you come down!" The Tianxuan beater obviously understood the situation: "Xiao Dao, can we still struggle?"

"Struggling with a hammer, wait for death, there is no hope!" The knife pulled the butt and smashed it. He couldn't move, and he couldn't let go of his skills. He took advantage of the skills and highlighted one word, lie down!

Seeing the big wave entering the tower troop line, Tianxuan beat the workers to control the sword master, trying his best to recover the losses.

I just released a Q to collect a melee minion with residual health, and was instantly stopped by Panson. AQAEA, the card threw away the Q, and the yellow card remained above my head, ready to relay.

Qinnu touched it and turned around to hit the bull's head.

Big Nose controls the EZ and takes the sword master's head with one Q skill.

A few seconds later.

The werewolf finally arrived, grabbed a handful of bull heads waiting for death, and added an assist. In the end, this wave of big-nosed EZ got a double kill!

At the same time, the Friends team rushed in front of Ornn, pushed down a tower in the bottom lane, cleared the jungle, and walked away.

"This wave of losses is numb!"

Seeing the large wave of soldiers being taken away by the second tower, and the wild area being cleared out again, the Chosen workers felt like crying without tears.

"How to fight? The wilds are gone, the soldiers are gone, the dragons are gone, and I haven't even reached 6! There's no time to play!"

Before the game started, I thought very well.

Take a Juggernaut, develop it and fight in the late stage. As a result, the opponent's tactical understanding is obviously better than theirs. With the cooperation of Cards and Pan Sen, you can catch whoever you want. Add in a Werewolf, and his Juggernaut is fully developed. , I’m afraid it’s untenable!

There are too many powerful point controls and it’s impossible to solve them!

The Bronze Five team never thought there was such a way to play!

"The opponent's tactics are a bit tricky. I didn't even think about it before the game!" Lu Zibo regretted: "Pan Sen and Kao's two big moves are global support. The werewolf jungler can liberate the line with a wave of gank, and the line is completely delayed. Don’t stop them!”

"As long as you have a big one, you can immediately support everywhere. In addition, the card's ultimate move brings vision. The opponent doesn't even need to ward. As soon as there is a big one, focus on the development of the Juggernaut. Then in the team battle, there are more people and fewer people. If you win, you will clear the jungle area. , Scavenging resources, compressing the field of vision, we can only wait for death!"

"What should we do?"

Liu Kaiqiang was originally very happy pushing the tower, but now that Lu Zibo analyzed it, he also found it difficult.

"Yeah, how to fight? If the Sword Master can't get up, we won't be able to fight in the later stage!"

"Don't talk about the late stage. Now I can't even mess around in the early stage. If someone is big on the other side, come and catch me. I can't run away at all!"

The voice was noisy.

Lu Zibo thought hard but couldn't think of a way to crack the global flow.

In his view, the core style of global flow is to engage in small-scale team battles again and again, using the characteristics of heroes’ quick support, to continuously carry out small-scale advantageous team battles, rely on the numerical advantage to win, and then collect resources and expand the economy. , roll the snowball, and finally have the ability to crush the opponent and end the game.

This style of play was very popular in previous lives.

There are two ways to crack it.

The first is to put pressure on the line of troops, and the opponent will not dare to support them at all, because if they move away, they will lose the line and the tower. After a few waves, if they fail to support the person, they will be destroyed.

The second is line suppression. Use strong heroes to directly suppress you. In online battles, how can you fly without blood or mana? Fly down and die?

As for other aspects such as vision and capturing people, these are all passive responses. As long as these two are done well, the global flow will be useless.

But now, all members of the Bronze Five team have not seen the Friends team's play style at all. They only consider their own team's cooperation with the Juggernaut to enter the field and reap the rewards, and do not consider how to deal with the global flow.

On the road, Oengatimo, facing Panson, can be suppressed but cannot be defeated.

The ice girl pair of cards in the middle is opened at 55.

On the bottom lane, the Sword Master Niutou beats the piano girl EZ, and the short hand beats the long hand, which is a natural disadvantage.

Add a werewolf to gank the entire field, suppress with big moves, have output and control, and it is impossible to fight!

as expected.

For more than 9 minutes, the opponent repeated his old tricks.

The card flew up, and the werewolf jumped out of the jungle. Together with Panson, he directly captured Ornn TIMO. The mushrooms on the ground looked like nothing. He first pushed up the tower, then cleared the jungle, and then cleared the field of vision.

12 minutes.

After clearing the army line, Juggernaut entered the wild area to develop, but was squatted by Werewolf. The card stepped back, avoiding the control of Ice Girl, and calmly flew up, cooperating with the rushing EZ to collect Juggernaut's head.

15 minutes.

Lu Zibo's Ice Girl attacks in the middle, and cooperates with Ornn to call the sheep. The Bull Head takes the lead and prepares to kill the opponent's card.

Pan Sen flew over from the top lane and easily cleared the siege. If it weren't for the bull-headed ultimate move and his strong body, he might even be hit by the control tower and fight to death.

The next game seemed to become garbage time.

Faced with the global trend, Lu Zibo had no effective way to organize a counterattack. There were waves of small-scale team battles to capture people. The opponent always won with more hits and less. What followed was a constant compression of vision, and the wild area was pitch black. , all the outer towers were lost, and everyone was trapped on the high ground.

The defeat of the entire Bronze Five team has been determined.

The idea that was planned before the game to free up the Juggernaut's development and the other four to fight in a group and capture others could not be realized at all.

As long as the sword master dares to go out, several big men will swarm him in an instant, spiral into the sky, and explode on the spot. Even if there is someone to protect him, it will be useless.

The wild monsters were wiped out as soon as they were born, the large and small dragon pits had no vision at all, and the equipment was crushed!


The death roar of Baron Nash resounded throughout the canyon!

About ten seconds later, the soldiers on the opposite side with the big dragon BUFF rushed directly to the high ground!

Lu Zibo looked gloomy.

He is all short-handed, and the only one who can safely retrieve the line is his Ice Girl.

However, with the help of the dragon BUFF, the magic resistance of the small soldiers increased, and the skills could not be cleared at all. They could only watch the three highland towers being destroyed and all the crystals falling. In the end, the five people fought hard and played a wave of 5 for 1, killing Falling to the piano girl opposite.



The base exploded, and there was silence in the YY voice channel.

After a long time.

Lu Zibo opened his mouth to encourage.

"It's okay. It's normal to win or lose the game. The opponent is really good and understands the game better than us. We play as a ranked player, while others really play as a game!"

"It's not terrible to lose. At least we learned other people's tactics, other people's vision suppression, and team fighting skills. Can't we use them in future games?"

"At least this game proves that we are not inferior in personal skills, but in terms of tactics!"

"Besides, the outcome of online competitions is not determined by one decision. There are still opportunities, so don't be discouraged!"

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