Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 220 Branch Candidates

The name of the European and American Cup is very confusing, but it is clear!

Simple and clear.

Mo Yu, who is useless at naming, can only come up with such a name.

Anyway, the name is not important, the game itself is the most important, and Thomas and Ryan agree, then there is nothing to say.

"When I return to China, I will arrange for some people to come and set up a branch to cooperate with you two in organizing events. They are all experienced people. If you don't understand anything, you can ask them."

"In addition, don't delay the sales plan of "Racial Hegemony". The company will arrange production and shipment as soon as possible."

Mo Yu arranged some more affairs.

I explained all the big and small aspects to the two of them, and of course they had no objections.

At this point, all the competition arrangements for the five major competition areas have been finalized.

Although the three major competition regions in Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States are a little rushed. They have to launch games, promote and attract players, and hold competitions. The time is a bit rushed, but fortunately this year is only halfway through!

If the speed is fast enough, a series of plans should be completed before the end of the year.

After all, with the reputation of winning the E3 award, the game "Gods and Gods" has gained a certain degree of popularity around the world. It started very well. As long as it goes online smoothly, it will be very simple to have hundreds of thousands of players in the two European and American servers.

This is enough!

With subsequent promotions and offline competitions, this number will continue to grow.

After deciding on the affairs of the European and American competition regions, Mo Yu notified the other three competition regions of the news of the S competition.

Kim Tae-ho from South Korea, Wang Tianding from Southeast Asia, Zhang Zhaoyang, Li Xiaofeng, and Deng Junhua from China. After hearing the news about the S competition, these people are all gearing up and going all out to hold the next few competitions. They are bound to let Mo Yu watch. Come, the foundation for holding the S competition is already there and can be arranged immediately.

After arranging all the affairs, Mo Yu was finally able to fly back to Jingzhou.

During this time, he was running around everywhere and was extremely tired. It was only when he returned to the company that he had a relatively relaxing time.

However, I only rested for less than 2 days, and I immediately had to go back to the company to handle business.

After all the important documents that had been accumulated for a period of time were signed, Mo Yu called Yang Qiu.

"Now the overseas plan of "Gods and Gods" has been basically completed. The establishment of the five major competition areas still requires manpower. Four major overseas branches must be established to cooperate with agents to host the construction of the local competition system. Do you have any good candidates?"

The competition is funded by the agent, but it belongs to the fishing company in name.

But if no one from the company goes over to watch, who knows what those agents will come up with, so someone must go over and watch.

However, the employees and middle-level leaders of the branch can be local people, but the person in charge must be domestic, at least of the same race and race, so Mo Yu can feel more at ease.

"Europe, the United States, Southeast Asia, and South Korea, the four major branches must be in the hands of the company and directly under the company's jurisdiction. You should have trained a lot of talents under you, please recommend a few."

Mo Yu asked.

Yang Qiu now holds great power.

His subordinates not only manage all administrative departments of the company but also manage the event organization department.

As the company continues to expand, the manpower of these two departments is also constantly expanding, but it is difficult for him to make up his mind to find four trustworthy people.

After all, the four major branches can be regarded as frontier officials. Although they are not as good as the headquarters, they need to go abroad, and they are not familiar with the place, but the sky is high and the emperor is far away at the branch, they hold great power, and they are poor, so it is easier to make achievements.

He thought for a few minutes before naming two names.

"Currently, I personally think the only suitable people are Jiang Zhi and Su Shangqi."

Mo Yu raised his eyebrows, he also knew these two people.

"I also know the two of them. Jiang Zhi has been following you as his deputy. During the college league, he personally presided over many match points. This person is not bad, but I remember Su Shangqi is doing administrative work, right?"

"Not bad." Yang Qiu nodded: "Jiang Zhi's professional skills are very good. He will be responsible for the coordination and command of the three major domestic cups this time. When released alone, he has the ability to take the lead."

"As for Su Shangqi, he has strong organizational and management skills. Although he has not been directly exposed to competitions, he is still considered a veteran of the company. He has been influenced by his experience and is no stranger to organizing competitions. If he is released, his abilities will definitely be sufficient."

Mo Yu nodded: "From what you said, I am indeed qualified. You can bring someone to meet me later. Do you have any recommendations for the remaining two places?"

Yang Qiu shook his head and said helplessly: "There are a few candidates for the next level, but according to my observation, they do not have the ability to be independent and need to grow."

Mo Yu felt helpless when he heard this.

After all, Moyu Company has only been established for less than 2 years, so it is normal to have a shortage of talents.

However, the plan to establish a branch cannot be postponed. Even if the ability is low, communication is extremely convenient now. Besides, the branch office has no business pressure. What is needed is to cooperate with the agents to establish a competition system, recruit people, and build a framework. If the ability is low, it will be slow. It's really not possible to cultivate slowly, but it's not impossible to wait for an opportunity and change again.

"Nowadays, manpower is tight, but the affairs of the branch cannot be delayed. You can choose another one. As for the remaining one, I will arrange it."


Yang Qiu felt relieved when he heard this.

It would be nice to choose one less.

After all, four people were recommended by him, which could easily arouse suspicion.

After Yang Qiu left, Mo Yu opened the door and waved to the young man sitting at a workstation not far from his office: "Xiao Li, come here."

The man named Xiao Li was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up, took a pen and paper and entered the office.

Looking at the young man in his twenties in front of him, Mo Yu said with a warm smile: "Don't be restrained, sit down!"

Xiao Li did it lightly when he heard the words, but still held the pen and paper tightly in his hand, ready to record the work arrangements assigned by Mo Yu at any time.

Seeing this, Mo Yu nodded slightly and said, "How long have you been in the company?"

Xiao Li was a little surprised, but still replied: "A year and a half."

Mo Yu sighed after hearing this: "I didn't expect that you have been my assistant for so long. I remember that your family is from Pengcheng. Did you study in Europe before?"

"Yeah." Li Jiahui nodded: "Cambridge."

"The top students from Cambridge have been working as assistants, but they are still short of talent." Mo Yu sighed: "The company plans to establish a branch in Europe. Are you interested?"


Li Jiahui was suddenly startled and almost lost his grip on the pen and paper in his hand.

Seeing this, Mo Yu smiled and said: "You have been accompanying me throughout this trip abroad. The company wants to establish a competition system around the world. You have been with me all the time. You must also know about this matter, so I plan to let you go to Europe and cooperate with me." Thomas established the local competition system and conveyed the company's instructions. Do you want to challenge it?"

Li Jiahui is naturally very willing.

When he joined Moyu Company, Moyu was just starting out and was far from the success it is today. However, he had a keen eye at the time and abandoned many big companies. He resolutely joined Moyu and became Mo Yu's assistant. .

The reason for this is because he believes that Moyu Company has a bright future and it is easier to get a position by staying next to the boss than in any other position.

Now after hearing Mo Yu's words, he immediately stood up and said: "Mr. Mo, I want to go! I have been with you for so long and I have learned a lot from you. I believe that I can definitely live up to your expectations when I go to Europe!" "

Mo Yu smiled when he heard this and said, "So confident?"

"I am confident!" Li Jiahui said sternly: "When it comes to all matters of the company, big or small, I am absolutely clear by your side, including how to organize an offline e-sports event. I have conducted in-depth research on the competitions held by the company. Once he arrives in Europe, he will definitely be able to quickly help Thomas establish a complete e-sports system, and I guarantee that you will not be disappointed!"

Mo Yu smiled when he heard this: "In that case, I'll give you a chance!"

Li Jiahui was instantly overjoyed.

"Thank you, Mr. Mo!"

Mo Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be in a hurry to thank me. The European division is very important. It is one of the five major competition areas and will be the focus of the future global e-sports competition system. After you go there, in addition to helping Thomas organize the competition, there will also be A mission."

Li Jiahui immediately sat upright.

Mo Yu said: "After all, there is a layer of separation through an agent. The contract in Europe is only signed for three years. Within three years, you have to find a way to get Thomas and get to know more people in the industry. Once Thomas does not follow the contract in the future, If something like this happens or something like concealment happens, I need the European branch to take over the operation, maintenance, promotion and other work of all the company's games there."

"In the final analysis, we not only focus on the competition, but also become a branch in the true sense. Can we do it?"

The European region is so important.

Mo Yu can't guarantee that Thomas will be able to unswervingly support the company's decisions as he is now. The best way is to do it himself.


If Thomas can really continue as usual, then he will not burn bridges. With so many games he will develop in the future, Thomas will always be needed, but no matter what, "Gods and Gods" must be in the hands of his own people. Just feel relieved.

Li Jiahui obviously understood the twists and turns, and nodded immediately: "It will definitely live up to the trust."

"Then leave it to you."

Mo Yu was very satisfied and waved him away.

It didn't take long.

Yang Qiu walked in with Jiang Zhi, Su Shangqi, and a man named Zhang Hengbo.

Mo Yu repeated his instructions to Li Jiahui to the three of them.

Of course the three of them understood what he meant, and they all clapped their chests in assurance.

"Very good, it's settled then. Jiang Zhi, you will be in charge of the North American branch, Su Shangqi, you will go to South Korea, and Zhang Hengbo, you will go to Southeast Asia."

"Remember, once you find any abnormality, no delay is allowed and you must report it to the company immediately!"

"If you do a good job, promotion, salary, and stock incentives will not be a problem. If you do a bad job, it won't be a problem."

Although Mo Yu was smiling, the atmosphere in the office suddenly solidified.

"You bear the consequences!"

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