Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 286 A heavyweight trophy representing unity

Each of the three trophies is expensive to build, and the design concept is also very unique. It uses a lot of elements from the game and is very suitable for the World Finals.

Although there are not many game elements in the first Holy Fire Cup, the design concept of passing on the fire and endless life is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The second canyon cup has a miniature carved canyon map, which is very unique.

The third Summoner's Cup is also well-intentioned. It not only represents the summoner image of the player, but also has a blue crystal that represents the base, and the ancient characters that represent the runes. It is also unique.

Mo Yu is very satisfied with the three trophies. He feels that each has its own merits. The design concept of each one is very suitable for the World Finals. It is difficult to make a choice at the moment.

"What do you think?"

After flipping through the documents carefully, Mo Yu tapped his fingers on the table and asked Yang Qiu for his opinion.

Yang Qiu pondered for a moment and then said: "If it were me, I would choose the Holy Fire Cup."

Mo Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and asked softly: "Oh? Tell me what you think."

“The World Finals is the final event in the entire e-sports system. The people who can participate in this competition are undoubtedly the strongest teams and the most powerful players in each division. The reason why we want to hold it is not just to hope that we can use it. Will this continue to expand the influence of e-sports and pass it on?" Yang Qiu said: "The torch is passed on forever, and the sacred fire is always passed on and will never be extinguished. Isn't it just right?"

"You are right." Mo Yu thought: "But the Holy Fire Cup is too metaphorical and has no direct relationship with e-sports and "Gods and Gods". Moreover, its concept has been used in the Olympic Games, so there is a certain The repetition doesn’t feel right.”

Yang Qiu thought about it and felt that Mo Yu's words made sense.

The design concept of the Holy Fire Cup is undoubtedly very inspiring, but when many people hear about the Holy Fire Cup, they will quickly think of the Olympic torch relay, which can easily lead to misunderstandings.

"From this perspective, the Holy Fire Cup is indeed slightly inferior." Yang Qiu said: "Then I have to choose the Canyon Cup."

"Why not choose the Summoner's Cup?" Mo Yu asked.

"Summoner's Cup?" Yang Qiu frowned and said, "It's too heavy, isn't it suitable?"

"Although both the Summoner's Cup and the Rift Cup use a large number of game elements as design concepts and are in line with the requirements of the World Finals, the weight of the Summoner's Cup is an issue that cannot be ignored."

"It's too heavy, weighing 65 kilograms. Such a huge weight is extremely rare among all trophies in the world. Will it be unfriendly to the players to raise the cup when they win?"

"It would be a little difficult for an adult to lift a 65-pound object with both hands, and the trophy may need to be lifted high in the air. Wouldn't it be inappropriate if it is not lifted steadily or is not picked up at all?"

Yang Qiu looked slightly worried.

"Your worries are not unreasonable. Relatively speaking, 65 pounds is indeed too heavy. Considering the weight alone, the Canyon Cup is better than the Summoner Cup." Mo Yu nodded in agreement after hearing this, but then The topic changed again: "But I think its weight is not a disadvantage, but an advantage!"

"Advantages?" Yang Qiu was stunned and didn't quite understand.

Mo Yu said the reason why he preferred the Summoner's Cup.

"E-sports is not a game for one person. It emphasizes that only through unity can we win!"

"'Gods and Gods' is a game for five people. Victory belongs to five people, and honor also belongs to five people. Therefore, why can't five people lift the trophy together?"

"No matter how heavy the 65-pound trophy is, it carries the highest honor of e-sports. Compared with the Canyon Cup, which can be easily lifted by one person with one hand, I think the Summoner Cup will be more emphasizing unity. suitable."

"And if such a huge trophy is placed in the center of the stage, it will probably have more momentum, right?"

"Think about it, when the five members of the championship team work together, hold ten hands high, and lift the trophy under the spotlight, will it be more likely to touch people's hearts than one person with one hand?"

Hearing this, Yang Qiu fell into deep thought, as if five blurry figures really appeared in front of him. In the cheers of the audience, in the golden rain, he roared and held the cup high!

that picture

Yang Qiu couldn't help but shudder.

"Thinking about it this way, the Summoner's Cup does have its own unique advantages and is more suitable to be the championship trophy of the World Finals!" He admitted frankly: "Then this is the arrangement? Shall I inform Thomas Lyte Company?"

"There's no rush yet." Mo Yu waved his hand: "It's just a phone call. It's not too late to inform you later. But it's a matter of the venue. How was the research? Is it settled?"

"Almost." Yang Qiu said: "For this World Finals, in principle, domestic cities below the second tier will not be considered. Those cities are too small and the infrastructure is not that good. Since it is the World Finals, we will definitely have to do it by then. Facing the scrutiny of audiences from all over the world, second-tier and above cities are the best choice. These cities are either the provincial capitals, or have developed economies and rich cultural and historical heritage. Holding competitions in them will greatly improve It will boost the reputation of our country and make domestic players more proud."

"You've thought it through very carefully." Mo Yu nodded and confirmed Yang Qiu's idea.

It’s not that third- and fourth-tier cities are not good. Many third- and fourth-tier cities are not bad at development, and their ancestors have also been prominent. In terms of cultural and historical heritage, as long as the city in China can be named, there is no city that has not produced a few celebrities. ?

But these cities have lagged behind in the new era of economic development.

Foreigners can't come to China to watch games and all they see is a small county town, right?

That would greatly lose the face of a great country and the national pride of being a heavenly country and a land of etiquette.

"Based on this consideration, I arranged for people to visit more than 30 second-tier cities in China, large and small. Firstly, I excluded the ones in the northwest because they are too far away. Secondly, I also eliminated some cultural features that are not distinctive in the eyes of foreigners. We selected eight places that may not be as attractive."

"Rongcheng, Wudu, Jiangcheng, Magic City, Imperial City, Jinling, Suzhou, and Pengcheng."

"Either it has a national treasure and its own unique food culture, or it is the place with the best economic development in the country, or it is the capital, or it is the Jiangnan water town with its pavilions and pavilions."

"I think these eight cities should be the places that foreigners want to know about and are most attracted to, so I selected them."

"Currently, the company's employees stationed in eight cities are looking for suitable venues and at the same time solving some troubles with official procedures. It is best to get some conveniences. In the end, whichever city is more cooperative will decide where to go."

Working with children every day is extremely tiring, and when I come back I have to code again. I’m exhausted both physically and mentally! I haven't taken any leave except when I'm writing this book, so I'll take a day off tomorrow to relieve my fatigue and think about the follow-up plot. I'll resume the update the day after tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding!

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