Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 290 Event Broadcast

The news about the World Finals is getting worse.

The Internet is full of discussions.

After the official confirmation of the host city, a new round of enthusiasm started.

After final discussion, the first two rounds of the group stage were arranged in Rongcheng and Jiangcheng, the two knockout rounds were arranged in Pengcheng and Jinling, the semi-finals were arranged in Shanghai, and the finals were decided in Jingzhou.

The day the news was announced.

The prosperous CBD areas of the six major cities were fully featured in the promotional advertisements for the S1 World Finals of "Gods and Gods", including large screens in various shopping malls, high-rise building lights, bus and subway posters, taxis, city street light poles, highway overpass bulletin boards, Railway stations, airports, elevators, any place that can be advertised has been completely renewed.

Promotional posters and videos for the World Finals were all replaced one after another, and the news swept the city.

E-sports fans in the six major cities were absolutely delighted.

Photos of S1 in various cities are circulating on the Internet.


Several singers, including Jay Chou, Zhang Jie, Li Yuchun, Joker Xue, and Jane Zhang, issued statements. In this era without Weibo, they cooperated with Moyu Company to vigorously promote the song in some public places, which once again triggered a craze.

Moyu companies are also making efforts.

Some reporters from small media outlets who spent large sums of money also cooperated with the campaign, and news spread online.

There was an uproar on the Internet. Many passers-by who didn't know what was going on felt baffled and had no idea what was going on. Many people were attracted by the news and gradually came into contact with e-sports. Some people sneered, while others were elated.

All in all, the S game was completely popular.

"This advertising campaign has cost tens of millions, Mr. Mo. These are detailed lists." Yang Qiu handed over a document detailing various advertising expenses and came to Mo Yu to sign it.

Mo Yu looked at it and after confirming that there was no problem, he picked up a pen and signed his name.

"How's the effect?"

"Very good!" Yang Qiu perked up: "We are working together online and offline. There are overwhelming posters everywhere. Many people have already learned about the World Finals, and fans are eagerly looking forward to it."

"The only pity is that the cost is too high, tens of millions were spent at once."

Yang Qiu's face was full of pain.

"Spend what you have to spend, why be stingy?" Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "As long as it is effective, don't stop advertising. There is still some time before the competition. We must take advantage of this period to make our name and let e-sports influence us." The coverage is wider.”

"I understand." Yang Qiu nodded and said seriously: "However, some negative news has also been exposed on the Internet. I asked someone to check it out. It is all behind the scenes that some game companies and live broadcast companies are instigating."

"There's nothing to be afraid of as a clown!" Mo Yu said disdainfully: "I've seen those news too. They are all small characters. The real big players in the industry are not so farsighted. The better the development of e-sports, the better the gaming industry will be." Following the success, big manufacturers are eager to cooperate with our promotion, but only those short-sighted people will secretly play dirty tricks and make no waves."

"What they are doing is cutting themselves off from the industry and destroying the foundation of the game. Just wait, it won't be long before we don't need to take action at all, and everything will naturally be calm!"

"Then I'm relieved." Yang Qiu nodded: "There is something else I want to report to you."

"What's going on?" Mo Yu asked.

Yang Qiu thought for a few seconds and then said slowly: "People from two live broadcast companies asked me to meet!"

"Oh?" Mo Yu asked with interest, "Who is he? Have you seen him?"

"I've seen it." Yang Qiu said solemnly: "Huya and Douyu, their vice presidents got my contact information from somewhere, and they want to test my words to see if you are willing to sell S1. Broadcasting rights.”

"Mr. Mo, this happened two days ago. The reason I didn't report it to you was because I wanted to find out more about it first. I hope you won't blame me."

"Don't worry, how can I blame you?" Mo Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "You have grown with the company all the way to this day, and I can definitely trust your loyalty."


He knew that Yang Qiu could not hide it from him.

From the founding of Moyu Company to its current scale, Yang Qiu has now reached a position of less than one person and more than ten thousand people. His annual salary is more than one million, and there will be stock dividends at the end of the year. Who can dig it?

"They came to look for you. It seems they can't sit still!" Mo Yu smiled slightly.

"Not bad!" Yang Qiu said: "As Moyu Live Broadcast became an instant hit, more and more live broadcast companies began to follow suit. Huya and Douyu are the most developed among many companies, but we control the exclusive rights to broadcast e-sports events. , the industry’s big brother’s position is unshakable.”

"They have long been eyeing the huge traffic brought by e-sports events. This time the World Finals has such a huge influence, they naturally don't want to miss it."

"Then how do you reply?" Mo Yuxiao asked.

"Of course it cannot be considered. Unfortunately, the price they offered is really high. What a pity." Yang Qiu had a look of regret on his face.

Mo Yu smiled when he heard this: "Oh? How much did they charge?"

"Huya opened for 60 million, Douyu opened for 75 million!" Yang Qiu sighed sadly: "Too many, too much!"

Mo Yu laughed and said, "It seems they still have a good idea. The price is not bad."

Behind Huya is YY, which has strong capital, has received several rounds of financing, and has a lot of funds on its account; not to mention Douyu, several big capitals are rushing to send money, and now they are suppressing Huya, just touching Under the fish live broadcast.

The two companies are backed by large financial backers and are developing extremely rapidly.

Unfortunately, e-sports, the most popular online live broadcast project, was firmly controlled by Moyu Live. The huge traffic brought by several events made them jealous and they wanted to grab Mo Yu and force him to transfer the rights to broadcast the event.

This time, when I found Yang Qiu, I probably couldn't bear it anymore.

After both offline and online efforts, and several rounds of publicity, the popularity of the S1 World Finals is now simply sweeping the Internet. People are discussing it everywhere on the Internet. If there are Weibo and Douyin, it must be the number one social platform. Hot search, nothing can stop him, unless Brother Kun and Zhuan Zhuan collapse together to fight with him.

With such huge popularity, it’s no wonder the two companies aren’t jealous.

Yang Qiu shook his head and said: "It's not bad. I'm afraid I can try to buy some major sports events such as the NBA, Premier League, and Bundesliga. It's a pity that I can't make this money!"

IQY once spent 40 million US dollars to buy the four-year live broadcast rights of the Premier League, and Migu won 3 years of La Liga for 4.5 million US dollars, but that was in later generations, and there was an element of leakage.

But even now, Douyu Huya’s money is completely enough.

After listening to Yang Qiu's words, Mo Yu asked: "Why is it not easy to make money?"


Yang Qiu was stunned and asked tentatively: "What do you mean?"

"You have to earn what you should earn. After spending so much, you have to get some blood back. Why turn away the door?" Mo Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and curled his mouth: "Take some time and let them come to talk directly. First, We agreed that we will only sell to one house, and the one with the highest bid will get it!"

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