Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 298 The time has not come yet

Liu Wenyun's open-mindedness or courage is simply beyond Mo Yu's imagination!

He never expected that Liu Wenyun would now have the idea of ​​setting up an e-sports major at Beijing University!

Where is Beijing University?

A school, 985, a century-old school, a prestigious school ranked among the best in the country!

If such a university really dared to take the lead in opening an e-sports major, Mo Yu couldn't even imagine that. Liu Wenyun would probably be scolded to death by his students' parents, and would be severely criticized by his superiors. His personal reputation would be ruined in a short time. His reputation was completely discredited within a short period of time.

These are by no means scaremongering by Mo Yu, but are almost 100% likely to happen in the future.

What schools were the e-sports majors in previous lives taught at?

There are the most private colleges and universities, with very few undergraduates. The most praised one is Zhongchuan. However, even if it was initially established as an e-sports major, it was criticized by many netizens, who believed that it was not doing the job properly and encouraged unhealthy trends, not to mention the media's doubts. A small number of people have all kinds of nonsense, but they don’t agree with it unanimously.

It was already the end of 2016, and people’s thoughts and perceptions about games and e-sports were completely different from what they are now.

Even the national level has issued documents to support the development of the e-sports industry, which is why the phenomenon of e-sports majors has emerged.

Liu Wenyun planned to open it in 2008, which was simply risking the disapproval of the world.

Once he comes out and becomes the first person, Mo Yu is really afraid that he will lose his security later in life, retire early, and may even cause a lot of trouble at the official level. It is not impossible.

"Your idea is so bold." Mo Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "If you want to ask me what I think, I can only tell you that the time is not yet ripe. Half a step ahead is a genius, one step ahead is a madman, and you are not even a madman. He is simply a freak! To be considered a lunatic, with a brain problem, he would have to suffer unbearable insults and ridicule, verbal and written criticism, and possibly even worse."

Liu Wenyun was startled when he heard this, and said in surprise: "Is it that scary? Not really, right? It's just a professional e-sports course, and I don't intend to teach gaming, but it is really for the students' consideration. We want to cultivate a group of professional talents to serve the e-sports industry. They will do game design in the upstream, event operation planning in the midstream, and referees, commentators, and hosts in the downstream.”

"Will this lead to such serious consequences?"

"You think so well." Mo Yu shook his head and said: "No matter what the teaching is, I am afraid that when the word "e-sports major" comes out, many people will not study it at all. Everyone will think that Beijing University is teaching people to play games. , even students who want to apply for e-sports majors may have similar thoughts!"

"What's the situation in society now?"

“Although the development of e-sports is booming, it is still rootless. It cannot be taken seriously at the official level. There is no formal document to rectify its name. The public opinion environment is not good. There is still a prejudice against online games. Even e-sports The influence itself is still too small, many people don’t even know about e-sports, and some of those who know about it think that e-sports is a waste of time.”

"Under this situation, the time for Beijing University to establish an e-sports major is not mature at all. Unless in another ten years, or all the above concerns disappear, then it will be the time to establish an e-sports major!"

Liu Wenyun frowned when he heard this and said in confusion: "Is the resistance really as huge as you said? What you said may be true for games, but it shouldn't be true for e-sports, right?"

He still doesn't quite understand. He thinks Mo Yu is a bit alarmist and has a turbulent tone. He feels that he has been playing games for too long and has developed a paranoia of being persecuted. He believes that e-sports is born out of games and will face the same situation as games.

Mo Yu solemnly said: "In our view, e-sports and games are not the same thing and cannot be confused. However, in the eyes of the outside world, e-sports and games are the same. The resistance I mentioned is still small. The real situation It may be more serious, so don’t take it lightly, I’ll tell you a few things and you’ll understand it as soon as you hear it.”

"you say!"

Liu Wenyun listened carefully.

Mo Yu began to explain the situation to him with examples.

"Do you know about this year's Wenxian earthquake?"

"Of course." Liu Wenyun replied without hesitation: "Who doesn't know about this kind of natural disaster that shakes the whole country and mourns it? What? Is it related to e-sports?"

"It has nothing to do with e-sports, but it has something to do with games." Mo Yu said: "Not long after the earthquake, a piece of news spread on the Internet, saying that a female Audition player named Zhang publicly posted a video online to insult her. People in the disaster area eventually led to the entire Internet boycotting the game Audition, and then in August this year, the higher-ups even announced the game by name, and in the end Audition was completely left alone."

"Although there are obvious black hands behind the scenes, judging from this matter alone, it is just a piece of artificially fabricated false information. After arousing public opinion on the Internet, it led to the game being banned. From this, we can see that now everyone The environment is turning against the gaming industry."

"There is also the Yang Yongxin Internet Addiction School incident. How many years has it been going on? There are all kinds of negative news circulating everywhere, but it is still at large. It has not been cracked down and blocked, and there are still many people who strongly support it!"

"These two things are enough to show how unpopular the game industry is now. Now you want to open an e-sports major at Beijing University that looks similar to games to outsiders. The consequences can be imagined!"

Mo Yu solemnly warned.

He is by no means an alarmist. He has actually seen too many similar things and countless negative news about the gaming industry.

Even the boss of a large company in the industry that started out as a game player despises online games from the bottom of his heart and feels that games are just a tool to make money. He is actually very disgusted with them.

All because his company has become a culprit in the eyes of many parents because of its popular games, and has also been named and criticized by major newspapers.

In addition, even after the stigma of online games is cleared in the future, some people still hate it from the bottom of their hearts and report various reports, such as the pesticide Huang Zhong skill icon and the LOL Bull Head skill icon. Such trivial things are nothing at all in the eyes of most people. It is evident that even the smallest things can be criticized.

"To sum up, at this time, if you want to start an e-sports major at Beijing University, it is not a good thing for you or Beijing University." Mo Yu warned: "Principal Liu, I advise you to give up this dangerous idea , although I also hope to see the emergence of e-sports majors, but it is completely unnecessary for the time being!"

After he finished speaking this long speech, the expression on Liu Wenyun's face kept changing. After being silent for dozens of seconds, he let out a long sigh.

"It seems that the time has not come yet. I still thought too simplistically and almost caused a disaster!"

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