Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 316 The group stage begins

While the online lottery grouping was still being discussed, the group stage was about to begin that evening.

People gathered inside and outside the venue, and there were tourists everywhere.

The light beam outside the museum shoots into the sky, announcing that a super event is being held here.

At 7 p.m., security checks opened on site, and the live broadcast channel began to show pictures.

The campaign videos recorded before the game began to play in a loop, with several advertisements from sponsors interspersed in between, so the audience would not look so bored.

By the time the venue was almost full, at 7.50, the referees, commentators, cameramen and others were all in place, and the music was blaring.

At 8 o'clock sharp, the new female host Sister Tuozi came on stage.

"Welcome to the audience friends at the scene, welcome to the audience friends in the live broadcast room, and welcome to the "Gods and Gods" S1 World Finals. The first game of the group stage is about to usher in, OMG vs. NaJin Sword, Who wins and who loses? Let’s wait and see!”

"Next, the screen will be handed over to the commentary desk!"

At this time, the hunchback sister was still very shy in front of the audience. After putting down the microphone, she quickly slipped off the stage like a frightened little rabbit, leaving the audience alone with her cute and pretty face and long white legs.

In the barrage, a group of LSPs were praising her. There were endless barrage comments about her good legs and cuteness.

On the commentary desk.

New commentator Guan Zeyuan, Wang Duoduo and RITA all laughed.

"The audience in the live broadcast room should pay attention to your words. Luo Xin, the new host, has a very cheerful and lively personality. Don't post random barrages!" Colonel Guan said: "First of all, let's broadcast an advertising slogan that everyone likes to hear. , don’t worry about the length, the company also needs to eat! ’

"Thank you to Tiancheng Group for its strong support for this world finals. When buying clothing, choose Tiancheng!"

“Thank you Jingzhou Construction Engineering.”

"Thank you Huajia Electronics."

“Thank you Douyu Live.”

“Thank you Lao Gan Daddy Hot Sauce.”

First, he thanked the five major sponsors who gave the most money. At the same time, the camera skillfully scanned a circle of advertising posters of various companies behind the commentary desk, and then there was a series of sponsorship advertisements from small companies.

The colonel recited more than ten sentences in one breath before finally finishing them all.

Among the three, he is the earliest to join the company. He has already participated in the commentary of three major cup competitions, so the entire team is led by him. Wang Duoduo and RITA have just joined the company. Although they are very proficient in business and have also been trained in the company I have been practicing for a long time, but there are too few practical exercises, and I am far less skilled than a college student.

"Haha, the audience just expressed their love for Luo Xin!"

"Luo Xin is really good-looking and has a good figure!"

"By the way, we have a lot of sponsors this time, and some of the things in them are really good!"

The three of them chatted briefly along the topic.

Although Colonel Guan hid the attribute of poisonous milk, he was still very skilled in controlling the rhythm of the commentary. Seeing the contestants on the stage still preparing, he first used Luo Xin and advertisements to buy time. When the screen in the live broadcast room changed, the director When he turned to the contestants' bench, the senior colonel immediately stopped him.


"The game has begun, let's take a look at the BP game between the two sides!"

"The first game of this group stage will be BO1. The blue team is the familiar OMG team, and the red team is the NaJin Sword team. Both teams are from the qualifiers!"

"Based on past data alone, OMG's technology should be stronger than NaJin Sword's. Not only in head-to-head ratio but also in wins, or in terms of players' personal data, OMG has the advantage."

"So, many netizens on the Internet think OMG has drawn a good draw!"

"But in fact, NaJin Sword's performance is not bad, and it also defeated many strong enemies in the Korean competition!"

"It's just that the atmosphere in the stands now seems to be what everyone expected. Everyone at OMG is smiling and the atmosphere is very relaxed. In contrast, NaJin Sword is more solemn. I wonder if they are unsure?"

"No matter what, this one is very important. Both sides must show their full strength, because if you lose this game, you will fall into the loser group and lose your life!"

Three people are analyzing.

A group of people in the live broadcast room are setting the pace.

"OMG will win!"

"Isn't it easy to beat the Korean team?"

"Don't be too confident, or you may capsize in the gutter!"

"The competition level in South Korea is not much worse than that in China. NaJin Sword has become a professional team. What is OMG?"

"It's nothing like a professional team. OMG has been competing for a long time and has extraordinary strength!"

The barrage is a mess.

There were domestic teams participating, and it was the first game. There were a lot of viewers watching the live broadcast, and many people were discussing it.

Different from Han Zaban in the previous life, in this world's e-sports circle, the Korean division has not yet risen. Everyone agrees that the country is number one, and the others are rubbish. So even though NaJin Sword has transformed into a professional team, the majority of those who support OMG are still .

On stage.

The atmosphere within the OMG team is still relatively relaxed.

"Coach, how do you hit this?"

"I'll catch it when the time comes. Get a crocodile for Gao Ping and hit the road to clear the level!"

"Don't mess with me! Keep a low profile. I heard that the official audio will be released before the game. Don't be too pretentious!"

"Haha, you have to pay attention to that!"

Everyone had a great time chatting.

Su Xiaofei put on headphones and warned from behind a few people: "Cheer up, brothers. Judging from the afternoon's research, our team's hard power is stronger than our opponents. As long as everyone stays steady and uses all their strength to win, There should be no problem!”

"But in this S1 competition format, the first place in the group stage is extremely important. The losing team is on the edge of the cliff! Therefore, we must pay attention to our opponents and we must not lose!"

Su Xiaofei once again explained the seriousness of the matter.

He had a vague premonition of something ominous.

The atmosphere in the OMG team is too relaxed. Although everyone knows the importance of this game, no matter which aspect is compared, the current OMG is better than NaJin Sword!

Judging from the video, NaJin Sword's tactics, hero selection, and game ideas are still relatively traditional and backward, and are far from being comparable to the current top teams.

OMG has experienced the baptism of the national server and is undoubtedly one of the teams at the forefront!

It is precisely because of this that everyone in OMG even thinks of underestimating the enemy.

Tactically, we must despise the enemy, but strategically, we must pay attention to the enemy!

OMG's current state is not quite right, but everyone else is immersed in it, and only he sees some clues.

Seeing that the game was about to enter the BP stage, Su Xiaofei reminded him for the last time: "Be sure to hold on!"

"Don't worry, coach, who will move first?"

"The game has entered the BP stage. Judging from the BP game between the two sides, we have still removed several familiar late-stage mage heroes in the middle. Phoenix and Death Song were all popular in the previous version. In addition, the jungle has also blocked Mantis. , Leopard Girl, the remaining two Crocodiles and Ball Girl should be targeting both players!"

"Judging from the BP, it seems that everyone has not thoroughly studied the new version!"

"From the current point of view, it should be!"

"I have also consulted with someone about the training matches in the past few days. The heroes enhanced in the new version performed well, but there are currently no matching tactics. It depends on who can study it thoroughly first and reap the bonuses of the version!"

"Okay, let's get down to business, OMG vs. NaJin Sword, the game begins!"

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