Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 319 The Beginning of the War

"It won't be to this extent. I admit that Lao Han is indeed capable, but the situation in the training match is there now. Lao Han's tactical ideas have not been effective. Why should we listen to him?" 09 was puzzled. : "Mr. Zhang, you don't have any objections?"

The difference in Emperor Star's training results was obvious to everyone, and he didn't understand why Emperor Star was still persisting under such circumstances.

Lu Zibo shook his head: "No, Mr. Zhang will not interfere in any team training, tactics or anything related to the team!"

"Then you won't interfere even if you lose the game?" 09 asked.

"Isn't it true that the fight hasn't started yet?" Lu Zibo said, "Everything is still unknown."

09 I was completely speechless after hearing this.

After a long time, he stood up and sighed: "I don't understand, I really don't understand!"

Hotel training room.

After another training match, Emperor Star still failed, but this time, Lu Zibo played very well and had an advantage online, which ultimately made the game less miserable than before.

After reading it, the Korean audience would ponder silently.

The atmosphere within the team was very dull, and no one knew what to say.

If it continues, the future of Emperor Star may be in doubt, and some people will not be able to sit still.

"Coach, after so many fights, the new tactics are not effective. Do you want to try changing them?"

Jungler Chengfeng suggested.

Under the new tactical system, he was the core of the team, but as a result, training matches failed again and again, and he was under great pressure.

"Let me think."

Han Wenhui shook his head, sat in front of the computer, checked the video, and kept thinking about the record.

Emperor Xing and others had no choice but to wait.

While waiting, Chengfeng said apologetically: "I'm sorry, it was my performance that caused problems for the team."

Lu Zibo waved his hand and said: "Don't think too much. The loss in the training match is the fault of the entire team, not one person's fault. I also had problems with the one I played just now. The wave at 7 minutes wanted to support but was held back by the army line. In the end, It was my fault that you were turned against me."

Top laner Niu Fei also laughed and said: "Who among you doesn't have the pot? I didn't play well on the road, so you really don't have to think too much!"

The bottom lane duo also expressed comfort.

The losing streak in training matches did not affect the atmosphere within the Imperial Star team. Everyone was rushing to take the blame, and Chengfeng couldn't help but feel much better.

While everyone was chatting, Han Wenhui finally spoke.

"Make another appointment and change your mind."

"Chengfeng, you continue to choose the brush hero this time. You can take Ice, Verus, and Policewoman in the bottom lane. Just stay stable in the lane."

"On the road, you can try to win heroes such as Weapon, Sword Lady, Crocodile, and Sword Girl that are suitable for split pushing in the later stage."

"And the playing style in the middle has also changed. It no longer focuses on defending the line. Choose heroes who push the line quickly and support quickly, and suppress them through the line of troops. But you must pay attention to the jungle area and always cooperate with the jungle invasion."

"We continue to fight wild nuclear tactics!"

Inside the venue.

Both sides have stepped onto the stage, and Han will guide BP.

"Just follow the play style I have trained these past few days. Just stay stable in the bottom lane. Play in the middle and jungle. With the jungle as the core, suppress and suppress aggression. You must remember that killing is not the goal! You must take what resources you can get! "


Han Wenhui kept telling him, and everyone in Emperor Star listened carefully and nodded solemnly.

Everyone is serious.

When the game starts, Han Wenhui will continue to talk to each player to confirm the selection and ban of heroes.

In the end, Emperor Star picked up a lineup that few people played.

Top laner Nuo Shou, jungler Leopard Girl, mid laner card, and bottom lane EZ Gablon.

This is also the first time that Leopard Girl has been in the jungle position in this world championship.

Before this, no one had ever chosen Leopard Girl in the main game, but she appeared in training games, but was eventually abandoned.

All teams feel that in the current version, Leopard Girl is fast in the jungle, but she prefers to control the map and invade the counter jungle. If her teammates are not strong enough and their vision cannot go through, Leopard Girl's fragile body will be easily caught and killed once she goes against the jungle. As a result, there was no sound in the middle and late stages, and the team became 4 vs. 5, directly falling into a disadvantage, and finally lost the game.

Therefore, few people dare to use this hero in the main game, and Emperor Star is the first team.

On the commentary desk.

The gold medal team Haier Brothers are responsible for commentating on this much-anticipated battle of the century.

"The Leopard Girl jungler seems to be used for the first time in the S1 main game. Chengfeng rarely used it before." Wawa mused.

Miller flipped through the information in front of him: "That's true. I also checked Xiachengfeng's ranking record. He actually used Leopard Girl before. He was also one of the few Leopard Girl players in the national server who played well, but in the game He is rarely used. Recently, due to S1, all teams have been training internally, so his ranking record has not been updated for a long time."

"The last Leopard Girl record was in September, almost three months ago!"

“It’s been a while, I don’t know if the feeling is still there!” Watou laughed: “There are also cards of The and God. In the current version, the cards seem to have appeared for the first time! And in my impression, there are very few The and God cards. Use this hero."

"Well, the mainstream equipment of cards is now released first, and the damage in the early stage is not enough. Moreover, this hero mainly focuses on playing rhythm, catching people and earning money, so it is difficult to stand up and carry the banner of output." Miller analyzed Said: "The God prefers to play online and rarely plays such heroes."

Wawa smiled and said: "It seems that Emperor Star has hidden a lot of new things. I wonder if LGD is prepared?"

Miller nodded and said: "There must be some, but I don't know who has prepared more things!"

"It seems like this one is worth looking forward to!" Watanabe said with a smile: "Then let's see what kind of exciting game the two sides will bring us next!"


Zhang Zhaoyang pulled Han Wenhui and asked worriedly.

"Old Han, are you sure? I've also heard about the training match. Now facing LGD, can you perform well?"

"Hard to say."

Han Wen would stare at the TV in front of him.

The last training match yesterday came to his mind.

Under his strict request, Lu Zibo completely abandoned his previous online style of emphasis on kills and counterattacks to suppress blood volume. Instead, he used rhythm heroes and farmed money to focus on the jungle. The jungler also changed his thinking and couldn't find anyone. Chance doesn't consider arresting people at all. Everything focuses on making money and fighting as a supplement.

The final result was that Emperor Star finally won a long-lost victory in the training match.

In the review after the game, the jungler Chengfeng ranked second in the team in terms of economy and hit unprecedented damage numbers. Lu Zibo also changed very quickly, from a cannon in the middle to a bomber. A fighter in the jungle.

The wild core tactical system he thought about in his head was completely beaten out!

Although the actual game was still somewhat unskilled and he did not perform well in many aspects, it was already the prototype of the tactics he imagined!

"As long as they can skillfully master the tactical ideas I mentioned, they will definitely be able to easily tear apart LGD's defense and win in one fell swoop!"

Hangul clenches his fists.

When Zhang Zhaoyang heard this, most of his worries subsided.

"Then let me see how it turns out!"

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