Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 325 First Blood

Before going on stage.

The Korean Club organized the last tactical discussion.

"I know that everyone felt bad after losing the game before. Now there are many people on the Internet slandering the team. There is no way. The competition is so cruel. No matter what you do if you lose the game, it is wrong."

He stood up, knocked on the table, and finally said: "I won't say more about the importance of this game. Mr. Zhang's meaning has been made very clear. You decide whether to win or lose! I only have one sentence, In terms of strength, Emperor Star does not lose to any team!"


Standing on the field again, facing thousands of pairs of eyes, Lu Zibo originally thought he would feel nervous.

After all, the team has reached the edge of the cliff. Once it loses, it will be criticized by countless netizens. No matter how good the past results are, it can't cover up the fact that it appeared in the group stage. Before the game, it has the prestige of being number one in the team rankings. He will become the laughing stock of countless people. Thousands of people will laugh at Emperor Xing and laugh at him.

But when he actually stood on the stage, Lu Zibo calmed down and didn't think about those things at all. He only had the next tactical play in his mind. Everything off the court was put aside, and he only had the game in his mind.

After taking a deep breath and checking the peripherals, Lu Zibo looked at his teammates.

After these two days of buffering, the confusion of losing to LGD with a big advantage and falling into the loser's bracket has changed a lot, and the atmosphere in the team is much better than before.

He thought for a moment and then encouraged him: "Brothers, I won't say any more. Life or death depends on this. Come on!"

"come on!"

The team members responded in unison.

Players from both sides are in place, and the first round of BO3 begins.

"You can see that all the players from both sides are in place. Judging from the trailer, the atmosphere in the Imperial Star team is still very good. The previous defeat did not have much impact. KTB is a bit serious here. It should be Facing the Emperor Star Team, the psychological pressure is a bit high."

Changmao nodded in agreement: "In fact, it is understandable. After all, it is the team that has won the most honors in the world. Even though Emperor Star General lost, it had a huge advantage in the early stage. The reason why it lost the game was not due to personal strength or tactics. The problem of law is more about mistakes, which allowed LGD to seize the opportunity to turn defeat into victory. In fact, as long as they remain stable and do not give opportunities, no one will doubt that Emperor Star has a much greater chance of victory!"

"Facing such a team, I think no matter who it is, they will have a 120,000-point spirit, so KTB's current situation is understandable. They must be prepared and must not take it lightly."

"That's right." Guan Zeyuan said: "If KTB wants to win, it must be serious. Any slightest relaxation may lead to failure."

"Next, let's see who of the two sides can win this game and advance smoothly!"

"Let's look forward to the game starting!"

In the live broadcast room.

The anti-fan comments are very eye-catching.

"The commentator is blind? What else can a rubbish team have to brag about?"

"I'm sorry, I speak on behalf of KTB, I want to fight ten!"

"The best team in the world? Haha, that's hilarious!"

Exaggerated and disparaging remarks are very prominent even among the many positive comments, but there are also many encouraging words.

"Come on, Emperor Star!"

"You guys are the best!"

"Beat the Korean team!"

"Don't let Heizi become more and more arrogant and slap him in the face with a real victory!"

"Where are you pretending to be crazy? KTB also deserves it? Do you want to hit him ten times with his head?"

"Emperor Star has the championship honor, what does KTB have? Are they a black fan?"

Many people in the barrage denounced the anti-fans, but the anti-fans still enjoyed it, as if seeing the domestic team lose the game was their happiest thing.

Many netizens who supported Emperor Star were scolding, but there were also people watching the show quietly, while Heizi was clinging to the failure of the first show.

There was a lot of noise in the barrage.

On the field, the grand BGM rang, and the game had begun!

Lu Zibo's sword was in the middle, and the line was clockwork.

Before even laning, he had an idea in his mind.

Although Jiaoyue is a melee weapon, it has a very powerful explosion. QW plus the third passive A-level shot can produce explosive output in an instant. Enemies with less than half health will have to wait for death if they take one set in the early stage and then ignite it.

Although Clockwork is long-range and equipped with a shield, its body is extremely fragile. As long as it is consumed by the bright moon, there is a chance of killing it.

What he has to do is to find opportunities to consume blood in the early stage. If he can advance, he can advance. If he cannot advance, he should hold the line and wait for the jungler to catch or develop. As long as he does not die, after reaching level 6, Haoyue will not be able to move like clockwork in terms of flexibility or burst damage. Comparable.

With a clear enough idea of ​​​​the game, Lu Zibo also officially started the laning.

In the first three levels, he did it perfectly. KTB mid laner Clockwork posed almost no threat to him. Both sides used Dolan Ring and two reds. After the fight, although Clockwork's HP was healthy, all the red bottles were consumed. After finishing, Lu Zibo Jiaoyue still had one bottle left.

The game continued to drag on.

When he reached level 6 and saw the clockwork's health, Lu Zibo's heart moved and he immediately began to command.

"Chengfeng, come to the center, there is a chance!"

This time, Chengfeng was operating a Mantis. Since he had not yet reached level 6, he was playing very cautiously online and never found a good opportunity. Now that he heard Lu Zibo’s command, he immediately went back and entered the F4 notch behind the clockwork. .

Scanning the small map with his peripheral vision, he confirmed that Mantis was in place, and Lu Zibo began to perform.

First, he seized the opportunity and deliberately stepped forward to fight, and then retreated. Due to the passive damage of Clockwork's level A, Clockwork made a little profit in this wave of exchanges.

"It's all just blown out, and the technology is just like that."

Chongzhang immediately had an idea in his mind. He felt that Lu Zibo had made a mistake this time. Although Gaoyue did a lot of damage, he just stepped forward rashly and gave him a chance.

With the advantage of blood volume, looking at his relatively healthy health bar, calculating the damage a little and confirming the safety of the river, Clockwork began to show his face, and his style of play became more fierce and aggressive, but this kind of aggressiveness was not a mindless move. , but taking into account many aspects.

As everyone knows, all of this is also part of Lu Zibo's calculations.

Clockwork changed his style of play and moved past the center line of the river because he wanted to consume blood.

The next second.

The moonlight flickered on the battlefield, and the bright moon suddenly turned around, and at the same time, the mantis suddenly came out from behind.

Attack from front and back.

"Xiba! I fell into a trap!"

Clockwork cursed angrily and immediately retreated to the river.

But it has been attached to the bright moon and cannot be removed.

EQRW, after a set of skills, the blood volume of Clockwork dropped sharply, but he was still fearless in the face of danger. He controlled the magic doll W to accelerate and decelerate, and held the R key with his finger.

Mantis W behind him slows down.

Command - Shockwave!

Recalling the demon puppet and releasing a twisted shock wave, Clockwork planned to kill the bright moon next to him first.

At this time, Jiaoyue doesn't have much health. Once she hits the big move, it only takes one QA to get the kill.

But Lu Zibo had already predicted that before the shock wave was released, the hero flashed backwards and perfectly avoided Clockwork's ultimate move. Mantis, who was riding the wind, followed up Clockwork's ultimate move and dealt output. Haoyue finally added another Send out a full-moon scimitar and take the head!

First Blood!

Jiao Yue gets first blood!

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