Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 337 Conversion to Purchase

"Xiao Mo, come on, come on, you really brought a big surprise to Jingzhou this time!"

When the big leader standing in the C position in the box saw Mo Yu, he immediately waved.

Mo Yu walked forward in a few steps, bowed slightly and said with a smile: "You are so flattering!"

"Hey, don't be humble." The leader's right hand passed through the air, pointing to the central stadium below: "In recent times, Jingzhou has become famous thanks to this World Finals. , everyone in the province is praising me, it’s really earned me a lot of face, and the most important thing is that with the help of this e-sports trend, all walks of life in Jingzhou have achieved great development, which is amazing!"

"Now the whole world is in the midst of an economic crisis, and many industries have been impacted and are in a very depressed state. If you hadn't taken the lead in organizing this World Finals, I'm afraid I wouldn't have had a good year and would have been scolded.

The big leader sighed.

The economic crisis has become more and more severe this year, spreading around the world and inescapable in China. Coupled with several major natural disasters this year, many industries have fallen into depression and urban vitality has been greatly lost.

Especially at the end of the year, many factories and companies can't even pay wages, and real estate is in a downturn, and Jingzhou City can't escape it either.

That's why the huge number of tourists brought by S1 is so valued, because these tourists have brought a lot of blood to the entire Jingzhou.

"We have made internal statistics and found that the tourism consumption in these seven days alone is comparable to the National Day Golden Week, bringing in at least hundreds of millions in revenue, which is very impressive." The big leader smiled and said: "This is all thanks to you!"

"As an entrepreneur in Jingzhou and receiving help from the city, this is what I should do." Mo Yu said with a smile.

"Yes, I am very conscious." The big leader smiled and said: "I think this World Finals was well organized, but the number of events is still too few after all. There are only a few games a year. We still need to organize more in the future."

"How's it going? Do you have any plans for this next year? Let's hear it!"

Mo Yu replied: "There are indeed some plans in this regard, but they have encountered some problems and are still in the formulation stage."

"Oh?" the big leader asked with interest: "I didn't expect that you already have a plan. I don't know what the problem is? We happen to be here today. How about we talk about what can be solved and try our best to help you solve it? "

Mo Yu's heart moved when he heard this.

When he looked at the big leader, he didn't look like he was talking in vain, but rather like he really had this intention.

Recalling his several interactions with Yan Kaixian, the other party revealed that officials in Jingzhou were very supportive of e-sports and had helped solve a lot of troubles. Mo Yu immediately had an idea.

For today's e-sports events, after the completion of S1, the cup system based on the "Gods and Gods" project can be said to have been completed. The next step is to form a league, and forming a league naturally requires a person who can compete all year round. professional e-sports venues.

He had actually been preparing for this matter for a long time. At first, he wanted to use Zhang Zhaoyang's relationship to see if he could get the large stadium that was still being built by Jingzhou Construction Engineering. However, Zhang Hongwen didn't let go, so he changed his mind. I want to take advantage of this year's economic crisis to think of a solution. The best thing is to take over the old gymnasium and renovate it.

This not only saves time but also saves effort and money, making it the best choice.

The old stadium itself is large in scale and in a good location. The biggest shortcoming is that the equipment and grounds are beginning to age, and because of the new central stadium, business has become less and less popular. It is closed for at least 12 months, 365 days a year, and it is completely closed. a decoration.

Mo Yu just took a fancy to that place and wanted to buy it. Aging was not a problem. Anyway, he wanted to renovate and renovate the old stadium into a professional e-sports stadium dedicated to e-sports competitions and use it as a league venue.

But there is a problem with the old gymnasium. It belongs to a state-owned enterprise. He has nothing to do with that enterprise and is not very familiar with it. The best way is to build connections through official people.

When he heard this, he immediately thought of it and was about to speak, but when the words came to his lips, he looked at Yan Kaixian out of the corner of his eye.

Yan Kai, who was standing next to the big leader, looked at him first with a smile on his lips. After catching his gaze, he tapped his head slightly, and he immediately knew what he was doing.

I know that this time it is indeed the truth and the words from the bottom of my heart. It has been discussed long ago that I will give him some benefits to help him develop the e-sports industry, rather than just talking in vain.

"It's really a bit of a problem." Mo Yu had just the right amount of sadness on his face.

"Just say it!" The big leader waved his sleeves.

"It's like this. There are still too few e-sports competitions now, so I plan to establish an e-sports league next year, and some domestic leagues are planned to be arranged in Jingzhou, but there is currently a lack of a professional venue."

Mo Yu talked about the establishment of the league in detail, and then raised the problem of lack of venues.

Several people present listened carefully to the league plan he mentioned.

Jingzhou has benefited from the development of the e-sports industry, but the number of games in the current cup system is still too few, and there is no way to increase it. Now that they heard that he was going to hold a league, several people immediately became interested.

"Do you think this league is like the football league? Will it be played every month?" the big leader asked immediately.

"Yes." Mo Yu nodded: "The overall idea is the same, but there may be some differences in the specific details!"

"Good thing! Great thing!" The big leader said with a smile: "To be honest, we have always wanted you to hold more events, but it's hard to push them. Now that the idea of ​​this league has been proposed, it is exactly what we want!"

"I hear what you mean, right now there is a lack of space? What? Do you want to buy land and build it yourself?"

"I won't hide it from you. You also know the situation this year. Real estate prices have plummeted very quickly, and land prices have also dropped accordingly. If you have any ideas about this, there will be an auction of the land after the year. You can arrange it then. .”

"Is that okay? Wen Bureau?"

Director Wen, the head of the land administration, happened to be in the room. When he heard the big leader's question, he also smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem. I will ask the secretary to contact you when the time comes."

Mo Yu immediately expressed his gratitude and quickly exchanged contact information with this person.

Although he had his eye on the old stadium, buying the land was also important.

Not to mention that if there is a need after the league, the company will also be in urgent need of building a headquarters building.

He has not forgotten that Moyu Company is now overcrowded, the office space is crowded, and the game servers are all rented, which is very unsafe. Especially if more games are to be launched in the future, the annual rent for office space will be an astronomical amount.

In this case, why not just take advantage of this lowest cost opportunity and spend your own money to build a fishing building?

Mo Yu immediately thanked him: "That would be too troublesome for the literary bureau!"

"It's all for Jingzhou. There won't be any trouble. We can sit and chat with each other if we have the chance." Wen Ju said with a smile.

"I will definitely visit you when I have the opportunity, as long as you don't mind it." Mo Yu smiled, and then looked at the big leader: "Building a new building is a good idea, but I'm afraid I won't have enough time. After all, the league should be done sooner rather than later. So I had another idea, which was to convert it into a purchase!”


Everyone was stunned when they heard this, wondering what it meant.

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