Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 342 Continuous Battles and Successful Victories

"Single kill!"

"The enchantress kills the ball girl alone!"

"The God shook his head crazily and moved around, dodging all the ball girl's Q skills without hitting her once!"

"In this battle, The and God are victorious!"

"too strong!"

Playback begins on the big screen.

The audience clearly saw that starting from the first Q skill that the ball girl hit on the cannon truck, and then a total of three Q skills, the Enchantress avoided them all. If she caught one, Lu Zibo would die.

But it was so outrageous that I didn’t eat any of them.

The audience, commentators, and live broadcast room were all shocked!

The director was very generous. During the playback, every time the Enchantress moved was played in slow motion, and you could even clearly see the steps under the Enchantress's robe.

"A girl with a ball will hit a witch, and a girl with a ball will hit a girl. Is this the forehand and backhand teaching in the professional arena?"

"Why is the Korean server number one? Sorry, it's not enough!"

"Lie down!"

Miller spoke boldly and showed his domineering attitude, regardless of the occasion. The audience in the live broadcast room was also the same. They were completely entertained and had no inhibitions. They kept swiping the screen and lying down.

At this time, there will definitely be Heizi, Gongzhi, Runren, and Banana people, scolding the Chinese people for their lack of quality in the barrage.

It's just that compared to their few barrages, there are more barrages lying down, which can't make any waves at all.

After all, the Chinese server is the first division, and Lu Zibo has completed his forehand and backhand education, giving Faker, the fledgling number one in the Korean server, a good show.

This is an irrefutable fact, seen by tens of millions of viewers around the world.

Even the Korean division's own commentators were not very good at smoothing things over. They could only hesitantly say it was a mistake and quickly skip the topic.

As for the commentators in other regions, all they could express was wonder.

S1's two best mid laners, the newly rising Brother Li, lost to the newly rising Brother Lu, still in the finals. There must be another falling out on the forum, and the hanging chart party has new material.

The various off-field controversies did not affect the two teams still in the game.

The advantage gained from a wave of thrilling single kills was not enough to seal the victory. Instead, Faker became more vigilant and easily stopped fighting. Lu Zibo's several psychological tactics failed to produce any results. The ball girl was as stable as a rock unless the jungler was nearby. , otherwise we won’t be sure of victory and we won’t be able to kill him.

However, in the confrontation between the two, who dares to say that they are sure to win?

Even Lu Zibo, who had just completed a solo kill, didn't dare!

Therefore, although there was a fierce fight in the middle, no more kills were produced. Both of them played very cautiously, and there was no chance at all for a while.

8 minutes.

The game finally changed. Due to Xiaolong's refresh, it was originally a 3V3 between the bottom and jungle. With the support in the middle and the TP in the top, it suddenly turned into a 5V5 big team battle.

Lu Zibo's enchantress cut in from the side, copied W with her ultimate move, and directly stepped on the crowd to explode AOE. SKT's policewoman in the bottom lane was hit with double moves before she could react, leaving only a trace of blood.

Of course, others would not miss such a great opportunity.

Shouting "Kill the policewoman" and "Kill the policewoman", Ueno rushed forward in a swarm.

At the critical moment, Feiko Ball Queen scattered flowers, stunned the two of them, and saved the remaining female policewoman.

But he himself fell into danger and was immobilized by his assistant Qin Nu.

The ADC of Emperor Star, Lucky Sister, found the right position, raised both guns, and started a wave of hahahahaha~

The blood lines of all SKT members dropped rapidly, and they had no choice but to be defeated.

In the pursuit battle, the two sides tied at 2 for 4, and Enchantress scored a double kill. The situation had changed at this moment.

11 minutes.

The enchantress with three heads appeared in the bottom lane and performed a wonderful wave of blood bar disappearing skills. Before the policewoman E even landed, she was directly taken away by the enchantress who jumped out of the grass and could not react at all.

At 13 and a half minutes, it’s the bottom lane again.

Feike, who was on the way to support, watched his teammates die tragically under the tower. He couldn't wait for him to come, so he had no choice but to retreat. Enchantress got the fourth head.


The developed enchantress is simply a nightmare for the skinny skin. The bottom lane has completely become Lu Zibo's cash machine. The policewoman has been killed so much that she is worthless. Feike himself does not dare to show his face at all, even if he has a golden body, unless You have teammates, otherwise you will definitely die in one-on-one.

29 minutes.

The Emperor Star dragon ascended high, and the Enchantress came in and out seven times. SKT was annoyed by being harassed. They wanted to hit but couldn't, and they couldn't defend. In the end, they tried their best, thinking that they would at least kill the Enchantress, and finally But she has no choice but to achieve the reputation of a witch and a super god.

Finally, SKT's base exploded, and the time was fixed at 30 minutes and 16 seconds.

competition is over.

Emperor Star won another victory, 2-0, and got the match point. SKT stood on the edge of the cliff.

Lu Zibo Enchantress won the MVP of this game with super statistics of 8-0-11.

Feike took off his headphones and straightened his messed up hair. Feike was very unhappy.

In addition to being single-killed at the beginning, in the subsequent battles, his ball girl actually did not lose to the Enchantress at all. Both sides had similar last hits, similar levels, and similar economies, until the wave of small dragons!

Regardless of positioning or pulling, taking the lead or focusing fire, vision or control, Emperor Star is better than SKT in all aspects of team battles, almost crushing them in all aspects.

And this happens to be SKT's shortcoming.

The team was established too late and has not been well-integrated. Compared with a team like Emperor Star where five people have been playing together for almost a year and have food and accommodation together, no matter how fast the five members of SKT improve, they cannot compare.

"It's not just because of my poor skills, but it's actually because the team didn't work well enough and didn't cooperate well. Alas!"

Shaking his hands and sighing, Feike put on his coat and walked backstage.


The two teams met behind closed doors to study the third one!

SKT was on the verge of elimination. They had won consecutively and reached the upper bracket championship. Seeing that they were only one step away from winning the championship, Emperor Star came out. That feeling was really uncomfortable!

Even if they have already lost two games, they will not give up and must try their best to fight again!

As long as the game is not over, the hope of victory will always be there. Even if it is very slim, it has happened before that two teams chase three!

On the Emperor Star side, they pulled out a small blackboard, put up a model of the canyon map, and began to review details such as eye position, rhythm, timing, etc. It was important to let the team members realize what mistakes they had made and resolutely not make them again. This was crucial. Come get ready for Game 3!

While the two parties were discussing, there was also a lot of commotion online.

Discussions about who wins and who loses have gradually become less and less. Maybe except for the Korean competition people who are not willing to believe it, the other four competition regions actually recognize the Emperor Star more in their hearts.

After all, they have already finished 2-0, they can almost touch the trophy on their fingertips, and they are almost leading in all aspects for two consecutive games. Who would believe that SKT can make a comeback?

No one believes it!

The question that netizens are more concerned about has become whether the finals will be 3-0 or 3-1. Few people even guessed 3-2!

I'm tired. I'll check the situation later. It should be gone. If it's gone, I'll make it up tomorrow!

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