Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 350 Champion Skin: Ziwei Reaching the Top

A week has passed since I won the championship, but the news on the Internet is still fermenting and the popularity is still maintained.

Thanks to the live broadcasts on the three major platforms of Jingzhou TV, Douyu, and Moyu, the number of viewers of the S1 Global Finals easily exceeded 18 million. Almost every game player has watched the game, and the rest It’s other users who don’t play the game but are attracted to it.

With such huge playback data and such high popularity, it is certain that the number of users of "Gods and Gods" will also grow further in the future.

The most obvious thing is that in the week after the game ended, the number of global players increased by at least 20%. The total number of global game users officially exceeded 20 million, and it is still increasing.

In many Internet cafes in China, you can often see people calling friends and dragging their friends into the pit to queue together. The phenomenon of running water is extremely obvious.

On the online live broadcast platform, the anchors of "Gods and Gods" also took this opportunity to earn a lot of popularity and eat up a wave of traffic.

Some of the highlights that happened during the game have been edited by many people and posted online to attract clicks. Even if those scenes have been seen for a long time, when they see them again, they will still like and comment on them.

Just as the popularity on the Internet continued, everyone from Dixing also came to the headquarters of Moyu Company.

Mo Yu, Huang Jiajian, and Liang Bing, the art director of God and God, all came to receive them.

First, they took a few people to see the scene of their victory in the memorial hall, and then visited the inside of the company. Then everyone from Emperor Star followed Liang Bing to the conference room in the art department to discuss the most important thing today.

That is the S1 championship skin design plan.

"Guys, please look at the big screen."

Liang Bing projected the computer screen onto the big screen in the middle of the conference room.

I saw a series of first draft pictures with only simple lines displayed on the big screen. From the appearance point of view, they are the new skin design models of the five heroes, but they are still relatively simple. There is only a preliminary drawing, and there is no coloring. It can only be roughly See the overall outline.

“According to everyone’s previous requests, the five heroes who will receive championship skins this time are Crocodile, Leopard Girl, Ball Girl, Airplane, and Zyra. The current preliminary design idea of ​​our art team is to use purple as a whole, with the summit as the theme. The design concept, the hero skin design mostly reflects this design idea with characteristics such as advancement, championship, and honor.”

Liang Bing continued to introduce the design concept of the championship skin.

Due to the fact that he was in Jingzhou, Emperor Star came to the company on the third day after winning the championship and had in-depth discussions with the championship skin design team, and decided on the hero candidates and some iconic symbols that the players wanted to add. action.

For example, Lu Zibo’s designated ball girl asked him to reflect the meaning of his teammates and parents during the return animation.

It just so happened that the ball girl was a ball player herself. Liang Bing came up with an idea on the spot. When the ball girl returned to the city, six balls would float from her body and turn into six villains. Four of them would surround her to represent her teammates. The other two representatives, representing Lu Zibo’s parents, stood behind him and held up the trophy, while the ball girl held up the trophy.

When the return light beam lights up, the six little figures will emit light effects, as if they are using all their energy to help lift the ball back to the city.

However, these are also some preliminary design ideas, and the final version will definitely need to be finalized after many discussions. Today's meeting will also explain the skin design concepts, actions, and meanings that have been decided in the past few days.

"Our art department has basically incorporated all the requirements put forward by everyone in the preliminary design plan based on the previous statistics. These are the paper manuscripts of the design ideas and skin plans. You can take a look and put forward any opinions and ideas. .”

Liang Bing distributed the documents in his hands to everyone in Emperor Star, then sat down and waited quietly.

In the conference room, the sound of turning pages of paper sounded.

The document clearly labels all aspects of the skin in great detail, making it easy for Emperor Star players to understand clearly.

A few minutes later.

Lu Zibo put down the document with satisfaction and said, "Mr. Liang, I am very satisfied with the general structure of the skin, but I also have some questions."


Liang Bing stretched out his hand to signal.

Lu Zibo nodded: "Why did you choose purple for the overall color tone? And when you mentioned the design concept just now, you said climbing to the top. I can't see the meaning of this word in the skin."

As soon as he finished speaking, the others in Emperor Star also looked at Liang Bing, obviously having similar questions.

Seeing this, Liang Bing smiled and explained: "Actually, the colors and concepts are not decided casually, but are derived from analysis and association based on the specific situation of the Imperial Star Team."

"The reason why purple is used is because in ancient Chinese mythology, the Emperor Star generally refers to the Ziwei Star, also called the North Star. It is the brightest star in the night sky and refers to the Emperor and the Supreme. And I remember Mr. Mo said , Mr. Zhang also quoted a poem when he founded the club. In that poem, the meaning of the Emperor Star is actually the Ziwei Star it refers to."

"Based on this information, this set of champion skins uses purple as the main color, emphasizing the various meanings contained in the Emperor Star and also connecting it with the Ziwei Star."

"The design idea of ​​climbing to the top is that the team considered that Emperor Star went all the way from the loser group to the championship, and finally successfully climbed to the top to win the championship. It expresses the meaning of reaching the top."

"However, the idea of ​​reaching the summit is not reflected much in the current big framework. It will be more reflected in the later details, but if you look carefully, you can actually see some of it."

"Like this crocodile skin."

Liang Bing operated the computer to open the first draft of the crocodile skin.

Various perspective patterns of the crocodile appear on the screen, but they are not colored, but the general shape and lines can be seen. The overall feeling is that it is rising into the sky, giving people the feeling of looking up at the crocodile rising into the sky.

Liang Bing introduced: "Needless to say the background story of Crocodile. He is an Ascendant and a general of the Shurima Empire, so his exterior decoration is mainly armor, and this set of armor actually contains a lot of our There’s some idea of ​​getting to the top hidden in it.”

"Looking at the shoulder armor, the edges are sharp, the tail is upturned, and the overall direction is towards the sky. There is a meaning of climbing to the top."

"Looking at the upper body, the outline of the entire armor also highlights many sharp spikes, and these spikes are also facing the sky."

"In addition, the overall shape will be more inclined to the style of our country, which will be very different from Western style."

“These are the ideas of our design team.”

"In short, the design concept of the summit is that the overall direction of the whole set of skins is upward, and it will look sharp. The later pattern details will also be highlighted with some lines, making the whole set of skins from details to The whole thing reflects the design concept of climbing to the top.”

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