Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 370 Questioning the storm

"Hahaha, don't worry, I will inform you as soon as there is any news." Shang Xingyue said with a smile: "But there is no rush to be selected. It depends on the intentions of the senior management. My dad asked me to tell you something. In other words, just do a good job in the game, and the final result will be seen by the superiors.”

"I can rest assured that."

Mo Yu completely let go of his worries.

No matter what, Shang Cunyuan, as the leader of the Sports Bureau, did not show any obvious rejection of e-sports, but instead had goodwill. This is enough.

At Shang Cunyuan's current age, he can stay in that position for at least another ten years. With Shang Xingyue's relationship, there is great hope that e-sports will be selected as an official sports competition.

In addition, Mo Yu himself is familiar with the future direction of e-sports. As time goes by, e-sports will only become more and more popular and become a popular national event around the world. When this audience grows up and enters the society, e-sports will He will always be corrected.

The future is promising!

"Thank you for helping me so much. When are you free to come to Jingzhou? I'll treat you to dinner." Mo Yu invited me.

However, Shang Xingyue refused.

"I won't be free in a short time. As the end of the year is approaching, Taiwan is busy with affairs and I have to visit relatives during the Spring Festival. I really don't have time. I have to wait until I have a holiday before going to Jingzhou."

"It's such a pity." Mo Yu said: "The Jingjie Center will be put into use in a while. I originally wanted to invite you to watch a game, but I have no time so I have to wait until next time."

"It's okay, there will be a chance sooner or later." Shang Xingyue said with a smile: "But if you really want to thank me, you can come to the Imperial Capital when you have the chance."

Going to the imperial capital?

Mo Yu's heart moved when he heard this. He really had this idea.

It has only been a few months since Sina Weibo was launched. There is news that in order to increase its influence, some celebrities in the entertainment industry are being invited to register accounts and use the influence of celebrities to increase the number of Weibo users.

The future promotion and public opinion control of e-sports are inseparable from the tool Weibo.

Mo Yu happened to be planning to visit Sina.

Moreover, Shang Xingyue also said that her father, Shang Cunyuan, wanted to meet her.

Since everything happened together, why not just take a trip.

Mo Yu immediately made up his mind: "It would be fine to go to the Imperial Capital."

"Are you really coming?" Shang Xingyue was surprised when he heard this: "Is the company okay?"

"There are other people in charge of the company, and I happened to go to the Imperial Capital to do some other things. I will fly there after the new year. How about we make an appointment then?" Mo Yu said with a smile.

"Okay." Shang Xingyue said with a hint of happiness in her tone, "I'll pick you up then."

"Then it's settled."

Mo Yu made up his mind immediately.

The state of Emperor Star in the first game was obvious to all, and many fans expressed great concern.

The championship team that swept the world in S1 returned to China and played WE instead of crushing the game, but trying its best, which aroused the concern of a large number of fans.

Some people asked what happened to the club. The players' condition declined so quickly. Did they just enjoy the neglect of training after winning the championship?

Some people also blame the players, thinking that they relax after earning bonuses, their professional attitude has changed, and they are no longer willing to play the game with all their heart.

Some people scolded Zhang Zhaoyang on the Internet, saying that he, the boss, didn't care about the club and even posted some false pictures and released a lot of false news.

For example, there is a photo of Zhang Zhaoyang taking Lu Zibo for a midnight drive in a luxury car. There are several vague but beautiful young women in the half-open windows and doors in the back seat.

Some people swore that they saw the dissolute Emperor Star people in a bar in Jingzhou. A few photos taken by mobile phones that were not very obvious were posted below. From the profile, one of them looked like Jungle Chengfeng.

Similar pictures were circulated everywhere, causing a stir.

Those who posted the message also categorically stated that the people in the photos were people from the Emperor Star.

In their posts, they sternly accused Emperor Star players of not wanting to play anymore after making money and receiving bonuses. They relaxed and started to spend their lives drinking and squandering. That’s why they played so hard in the game against WE. Effortless.

Later, he predicted that Emperor Star would definitely lose in the subsequent competition.

This kind of messy false information is everywhere on the Internet, and many people who don't know the truth are reposting it. Even though everyone from Emperor Star has made several statements on the forum to no avail, there is still a small group of sunspots who are causing trouble behind the scenes.

Zhang Zhaoyang was so angry that he vomited blood several times, but there was nothing he could do.

Because Emperor Star's recent status has indeed declined with the version change and winning the championship, he has also discovered that, but the degree of decline is definitely not as sensational as what was posted online.

Clubbing, racing, and partying every night are all nonsense.

The team is still training hard.

He wanted to come out and slap him in the face, but the next Emperor Star game was scheduled for after the year. There was no way to prove it with results, so he had to release a video of the players training until late at night to clarify.

Many fans expressed their belief in the video after seeing it, but there are always some people with ulterior motives who spread false remarks everywhere in order to keep the world in chaos.

As a result, in the e-sports circle, Emperor Star stood at the forefront and caused quite a stir.

Inside Lava Studio.

Xu and Chen were drinking tea and chatting.

"Have you read the news on the Internet? There has been a big fuss over "Gods and Gods" recently. It is the World Championship and the league, and now there are all kinds of gossipy news about the championship team. It is a mess and the excitement is extremely high. It has attracted countless discussions among netizens, which is really enviable!" Xu Changming said with emotion: "I don't know when "Racial Hegemony" will become so popular?"

"It's really enviable." Chen Rucheng sighed: "The "Gods and Gods" competition is so popular, we don't know when it will be our turn."

Since its release, the sales of "Craft of Race" have been booming, selling well all over the world. Now there are at least millions of players, bringing huge profits to the company.

However, Mo Yu has been busy building the competition system of "Gods and Gods" and rarely pays attention to it.

So far, the biggest event in "Clash of Races" is an in-game national participation event held a few years ago. Apart from this, there are no other events.

"Hey, "Gods and Gods" is Mr. Mo's biological son after all. Just wait." Xu Changming waved his hand: "But I recently heard that the CSGO developed by Valve is nearing completion and will be available after the year. Since the closed beta has started, I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

"I heard Mr. Yu mention it several times during the meeting that it will be almost over after the New Year. What? Are you worried?" Chen Rucheng asked.


Xu Changming nodded, with a hint of worry on his face: "The company's resources are limited after all. Judging from the current situation, the competition system of "Gods and Gods" has been basically completed. Mr. Mo's next focus will definitely be decentralized. Whether to choose "Clash of Races" or CSGO is a question that needs to be considered."

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