Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 372 Global Championship

"We can't hide it anymore." Yang Qiu put down the tea cup, looked at the two of them and smiled: "I knew that you two came to me for tea without any reason, there must be something wrong. Do you want to ask if "Racial Hegemony" is in the company? Are you planning for next year’s tournament?”

When Xu Changming heard this, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"I can't hide it from you."

"This year's "Gods vs. Gods" event is in full swing. The world finals are popular all over the Internet, and the game has reached the top spot. With such a grand occasion, who doesn't want to participate? "Racial Hegemony" has also made great contributions to the company and made a lot of money. There is a large amount of money, but there has been no news, which makes me feel anxious."

Chen Rucheng couldn't help but stop what he was doing and pleaded: "Mr. Yang, you are now the company's event director. The entire e-sports strategy cannot be separated from your leadership. Please tell us whether Mr. Mo has any plans." Bar?"

The two of them begged and begged, but Yang Qiu no longer tried to hold on.

"Okay, okay, don't pretend to be pitiful." Yang Qiu said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Mo has already arranged it!"

"What? Mr. Mo has arranged it?!"

The two were overjoyed when they heard this, and Xu Changming immediately asked: "Mr. Yang, what's going on?"

Yang Qiu waved his hand and said: "I won't hide it from you. The race plan of "Race Hegemony" has been arranged on the schedule. Recently, Mr. Mo and I have been discussing the details of the event. After the year, there will be a seven-month event. The global peak competition will take place in about a month!”

The global peak competition!

Xu Changming and Chen Rucheng looked at each other and saw the joy in their eyes.

Seeing this, Yang Qiu continued: "The reason why this matter has not been made public is that firstly, it is nearing the end of the year, secondly, there are still many omissions in the "Gods and Gods" league, and thirdly, there are still many things that have not been arranged for the global peak competition. Okay, that’s why Mr. Mo didn’t tell you.”

"But you two don't have to worry. The general framework of the event has been decided, and the time will definitely not change. It will definitely be held next year!"


Xu Changming couldn't help but ask.

"Really! What's the benefit of me lying to you?"

Yang Qiu pretended to be angry.

After receiving his affirmative reply, both Xu Changming and Chen Rucheng were overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, what I have been worrying about has been arranged for a long time, and judging from the name of the event, the scale is not small!

The global peak competition lasts for 7 months!

There is no doubt that the event will be open to all "Racial Hegemony" players around the world!

"Mr. Yang, what exactly is going on in this game? How to arrange it? Tell us quickly!"

Xu Changming couldn't help but asked anxiously.

Chen Rucheng picked up the teacup and filled Yang Qiu with tea, staring straight at him, which made Yang Qiu feel a little nervous.

"Actually, Mr. Mo has asked me to tell you. In this case, I'll make it clear to you two now, so that you don't have to think about things and make small moves every day." Yang Qiu chuckled, picked up the teacup and took a sip, then coughed twice. voice and began to tell.

"The global peak competition of "Race for Hegemony" is actually two games, one is the peak points competition and the other is the global competition!"

"The peak points competition comes first and is divided into three stages, namely national - intercontinental - global."

"First of all, the entire competition is expected to accept registration from March next year. Any player who intends to participate in the Peak Points Competition will be eligible to sign up as long as he has played 100 games. After the registration deadline, the system will randomly select it based on the algorithm. Each player will play at least 10 games per week. The winner will receive one point, and the loser will not receive any points. The top 20 players in each country's server will eventually be selected to enter the intercontinental stage."

"The same method will be used in the intercontinental stage. The system will automatically match players with similar winning rates and points to compete. The winner will also add one point, and the loser will not be counted. In the end, Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, North America, and South America will be determined. The top players from the five regions will select 8 people from each region, with a total of 40 people participating in the final global competition."

"At this point, the peak points competition is over. The early stage will be conducted directly on the server. In the later stage, additional arrangements will be made to transfer the competition to professional competition servers, and various technical means will be used to prevent cheating."

"When the peak points competition is over, it will be the global competition."

“The Global Hegemony Tournament will be held offline. Like the World Finals of Gods and Gods, the competition will be conducted in professional venues through drawing lots and using a single-elimination format. Each person will compete with others in the group. Keep going in cycles until the final champion is determined!”

Yang Qiu stopped speaking, and both Chen Rucheng and Xu Changming were shocked by the huge scale of the entire event.

There is no doubt that "Race" and "Gods vs. Gods" are incomparable.

"Gods and Gods" has tens of millions of players around the world, spread all over the world, and you can find fans everywhere; "Racial Hegemony" has far fewer players, and most of them are concentrated in the three continents of Asia, Europe and the United States.

Therefore, there is no way to hold events in "Race Conflict" in separate divisions, because there are really few people in some areas and the level is poor, making it impossible to compete. Even if an event is arranged, the scale will be small and pitiful, which is completely unnecessary.

The Global Summit Contest takes this into consideration.

Since there is no way to divide the competition areas, we might as well unify them into one competition area.

Masters from all over the world compete directly online and advance step by step, from the national level to the world, and finally compete with the world's top players.

Both the points system and the online system are adopted to select the masters in the most convenient way.

Under the points system, it is impossible for a rookie to advance. Even if he uses superb cheating methods to avoid server detection, he will be detected later when he enters the competition server. There are also many ways to monitor, so that cheaters have nothing to do. Escape.

It can be said that the Global Hegemony Tournament is completely customized based on the characteristics of "Race Hegemony" and is not copied at will.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Mo had already arranged everything!"

After coming back from his thoughts, Xu Changming couldn't help but said with admiration: "It will start in March and last for seven months. It will be such a big competition. It will surely bring together experts from all over the world. It will be an unimaginable spectacle! It's really exciting." expect!"

Chen Rucheng also came to his senses: "It's really fascinating! Mr. Yang, I wonder how much prize money there will be in this competition?"

Only with high prize money can there be enough gimmicks to attract top players from all over the world and expand the influence of the event!

The prize money for the S1 global finals of "Gods and Gods" is 15 million U.S. dollars. When the news was announced, I didn't know how big a stir it caused. The day Emperor Star won the championship, it made countless people's eyes red with envy, attracting teenagers from all over the world to come here. , the number of global players has increased rapidly.

I don’t know how much prize money there is in the global peak competition of “Clash of Races”?

Can you also shock the world!

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