Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 377 Year-End Ceremony

The league is over.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet. Netizens have watched the performance of each team in the first week and have drawn their own conclusions.

Whether it's Emperor Star, who won the S1 world championship, or DFG, who likes to mention the weakest team in the league, netizens have no mercy when it comes to complaining or scolding.

So far.

The GPL League has also announced that it has entered the offseason, and each club is about to prepare for the annual vacation. Before that, there is the last grand event this year-the year-end awards ceremony.

Fishing company.

"How is the preparation for the annual meeting going?"

Mo Yu put down what he was doing.

"It has been completed. The venue is arranged at Lijing International. It will start at 10:30 in the morning. The opening performance will be held first, and then the company's annual meeting will be held. At that time, activities such as lottery draws and employee selections will be arranged on site, and year-end gifts will be distributed and meals will be served.

The second phase of the year-end awards ceremony starts at 4 p.m. Platform anchors, professional players, club owners, player representatives, and company management will all be invited to the scene, and then on-site awards will be given. "

Yang Qiu gave a brief report.

At this annual meeting, in addition to the annual meeting within Moyu Company, the year-end awards ceremony in the afternoon is only for people in the e-sports circle.

Mo Yu referred to the year-end award ceremony of Penguin in the previous life, and many awards would be selected on the spot.

For example, there are many awards such as the most popular anchor of the year, the best club of the year, the MVP player of the year, the best coach of the year, the most promising player of the year, and the new star of the year.

The selection criteria for these awards will be based on the results of the player survey in the client, which has already started in advance with the year-end ceremony. Who will win the award and who will not win the award. As an official, Moyu Company will not intervene and will only base its votes on the players. The decision will be made based on the ranking and the results of the year.

at the ceremony.

Not only will all personnel from the nine clubs that have joined the league be invited, but some anchors who broadcast "Gods and Gods" on major live broadcast platforms will also be invited to participate. The company's management, event hosts, commentators, etc. will also be invited to participate.

"How many people are expected to come to the afternoon awards ceremony? Have you invited reporters?" Mo Yu asked.

"Please." Yang Qiu nodded and said: "Jingzhou TV, Jingzhou Daily, and Jingzhou Voice have all invited people, as well as people from online media. It is expected that there will be about 300 people at the scene. In addition, Zhou Dong was unable to attend because he had to attend the Spring Festival Gala, but several singers who were invited to S1 at that time accepted the invitation and will attend the event."

Yang Qiu arranged everything.

He is now very comfortable with these parties, competitions and other activities.

Having already done big scenes like S1, a year-end awards ceremony is so easy and easy to do.

Mo Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Yang Qiu has fully grown up and is capable enough to run a company.

‘It’s time to separate the esports industry. ’

A thought flashed through his mind, but Mo Yu did not show it on his face, but continued to ask: "You have done a good job in awarding awards in the e-sports circle. How are the arrangements for the company's annual meeting?"

"Everything is ready. In addition to half a year's salary as year-end bonus, everyone in the company from top to bottom has prepared rice, flour, grains, oils, and 1,000 shopping cards as year-end gifts. For middle-level managers and above, there are only shopping cards, but the amount is larger. .”

“In addition, gifts on site have also been prepared, ranging from laundry detergent, rice cookers and other items to washing machines, refrigerators, and TVs. All have been delivered to the site. In addition, the top three in the lottery will win the first prize of 7 Days in Europe. For a luxury trip for two, the second prize is a 20,000 yuan shopping card, and the third prize is a high-end plasma TV.”

"The prizes for outstanding employees are 8,000 yuan shopping cards and certificates of honor."

Yang Qiu reported one by one.

Judging from the scale of this annual meeting, Moyu Company’s annual meeting is definitely second to none. Many companies cannot compare. Moyu Company’s current headquarters plus Lava, Valve and several major overseas branches add up to zero. Thousands of people scattered here and there.

The year-end bonuses of these people alone are not a small sum of money.


Overseas agents will also be invited to attend this annual meeting. Mo Yu also met with them some time ago, including four overseas branch managers including Li Jiahui, Jiang Zhi, Zhang Hengbo, and Su Shangqi. Talked privately.

Take advantage of this meeting.

Mo Yu reconfirmed some of the previous things, and basically finalized all the internal details of next year's major competition areas.

It can be said that the competition system of "Gods and Gods" is really all connected now, and all the conflicting points are properly arranged.

This time, not only domestic but also overseas competition areas are developing and growing together, and no competition area is lagging behind.

"Then let's arrange it this way."

"After the annual meeting is held tomorrow, except for the necessary personnel on duty, the company will officially start taking annual leave!"

The next day.

Lijing International Hotel.

The banquet hall was packed with people.

Employees from the entire Moyu Company, large and small, are here, including some overseas foreign faces. Those are employees of overseas companies.

Tian Weiwei, Yu Shuang, and Ren Dong were presiding over the annual meeting in front.

First, the singers performed, which entertained the employees. Many ordinary employees had never seen these singers in real life, but now they could easily get autographs, shake hands, and get signed albums. The singers were also very kind, and no one Dare to show off your face.

After the performance is over, the next step is to draw prizes and select outstanding employees.

People from the technical department, Lava, Valve, overseas branches, and competition departments all received awards.

Not only can these people get prizes and certificates of honor, but their salaries will also be increased the following year, making them the envy and envy of many people.

Like Tian Weiwei.

With her outstanding performance this year, she was awarded the title of outstanding employee and her salary was increased by 20%.

Because Wawa and Miller are so popular among players, they have also received awards and their salaries have also increased.

The people in the audience were envious of remembering, Wang Duoduo, Sister Tuozi, Yu Shuang and others. When they saw the three people coming off the stage, they all asked a few people to treat them to dinner.

A group of people gathered there laughing and making noise, especially a few young and beautiful girls, who attracted the attention of many people from other departments nearby. It was not until Yang Qiu walked over that everyone calmed down a little and became less presumptuous.

As each process went on, the annual meeting came to the final moment.

As the boss of the company, Mo Yu took the stage to deliver a speech.

"During this year, the company has grown and developed. Not only has it launched "Racial Hegemony", but it has also established a world e-sports system based on "Gods and Gods". The name of Moyu Company has been resounded all over the world!"

"Of all the gamers in the world, who doesn't know and who doesn't?"

"We are creating a new era!"

"Everyone, in the new year, keep up the good work and move forward bravely!"

"Finally, Happy New Year!"

Mo Yu raised his glass and drank it down, and the whole audience burst into cheers!

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