Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 388 Reversing Public Opinion

It's freezing outside, but the private room is warm and cozy.

"Tell me, what's the matter? You have to make an appointment with me privately for the Chinese New Year." Li Kang unbuttoned his coat: "Why, what do you and this little Mo always want to do with me?"

"It's something about this year's Provincial Games."

Lou Xing explained: "The matter of the Provincial Games will be communicated after the year, and I'm afraid I won't have enough time."

"Provincial Games?" Li Kang was stunned when he heard this: "What's the matter about the Provincial Games?"

He didn't quite understand.

The Provincial Games is a sports meeting held every year in the province. It may be important or ordinary, but it has nothing to do with Lou Xing, a big leader in Jingzhou. If you want to ask, Yan Kai must ask him first. Yes, Yan Kaixian is the direct leader in charge of Jingzhou Sports.

"It's just an immature idea of ​​mine." Lou Xing asked, "Teacher, do you know about e-sports?"

"Of course I know." Li Kang was confused, but still replied: "It's such a big fuss, who doesn't know?"

Jingzhou is the provincial capital, and the provincial capital is in Jingzhou.

Of course, Li Kang knew everything about what happened under his nose.

"The scale of several games was so large. It was discussed at the meeting at the time. I remember it was related to Mr. Mo who was waiting for me, right?"

"That's right." Lou Xing said, "Teacher, you may not be aware that e-sports was actually proposed and carried forward by Mo Yu."

"It's actually him? I don't know that!" Li Kang was surprised for a moment, then suddenly realized and asked: "It seems that you invited me here today and talked about the Provincial Games. Is it related to e-sports? Do you want e-sports?" Competing to enter the Provincial Games?"

"I can't hide anything from you." Lou Xing smiled and said, "That's right."

“E-sports has developed extremely rapidly since its birth. In just two years, it has tens of millions of loyal fans around the world. It is also deeply loved by young people and is known as their favorite competitive sport. . Not only that, e-sports has also brought great benefits to the urban development of Jingzhou. All walks of life have made a lot of money from this sport, and Jingzhou has been promoted all over the world. It can be said that e-sports Athletics has become a business card for Jingzhou to be displayed to the outside world."

“However, although e-sports is developing in full swing, there are also shortcomings. Because it was born out of online games, it is naturally untenable in terms of public opinion. Although there are many positive reviews, there are also many bad reviews, and it is inevitable that people will be discriminated against. .”

“A big reason for this is that e-sports is not officially recognized yet, so I wonder if e-sports can be included in our province’s Provincial Games next year.”

Hearing this, Li Kang immediately understood Lou Xing's intention.

"I see."

"You want to use the Provincial Games to help e-sports get its reputation right!"

Lou Xing nodded.


"The Provincial Games is organized by the province. This kind of games is of great significance in people's hearts. It is a recognized and formal competition. Before e-sports, all competitions were held privately. No matter how grand they were, they naturally gave people a sense of informality. It is not officially recognized. If e-sports can enter the Provincial Games, I believe the situation will be greatly improved."

Li Kang frowned when he heard this and said, "What you said makes sense, but what benefit does this matter have to you? I heard what you said, and it seems that the benefits are greater for other people."

"You can't say that." Lou Xing waved his hand: "Although this matter has no direct benefit to me, the indirect benefit is great."

"Over this period of time, Jingzhou has gained a certain reputation around the world with e-sports. E-sports has not only promoted the development of Jingzhou's tourism industry, but also has a great promotion effect on other industries, especially This year’s economic crisis has helped solve a lot of troubles.”

"It can be said that helping e-sports is actually helping Jingzhou, and it also helps me in disguise. After all, this can be regarded as an achievement."

Domestic inspections of officials often use GDP to judge heroes.

E-sports has now become a major pillar industry in Jingzhou. It not only creates a new industry in the tourism industry, that is, the e-sports industry. E-sports talents from all over the country come to Jingzhou, attracting There are many foreign companies, all of which will definitely add more jobs to Jingzhou in the future.

At the same time, Moyu Company, as the leading game manufacturer in China, also has Moyu Live Broadcast, which has boosted local employment and economic growth.

The two combined have played a large role in Jingzhou’s GDP growth.

The reason why Louxing is willing to strongly support e-sports is that it sees the various benefits that e-sports brings.

Li Kang also understood.

"I understand what you said. It means that you now want to help e-sports change public opinion. Entering the Provincial Games is to give outsiders a feeling that e-sports is a formal sport. In this way, no matter it is for you It’s still good for Jingzhou.”

"Yes." Lou Xing nodded: "So I would like to ask for your help, teacher. You will be responsible for organizing the Provincial Games next year. I just need you to say whether e-sports can be included in it."

Li Kang frowned when he heard this: "Having said that, this matter is not easy to handle. First of all, the sports bureaus of other cities do not have professional e-sports athletes. Secondly, will this kind of thing affect the Provincial Games itself?"

"Although the Provincial Games don't get much attention outside the province, after all, it is the biggest competition in Handong's sports world. I'm afraid it will be quite difficult."

"And now even the country has not recognized the legality of e-sports. It may be inappropriate to rashly set a precedent."

"Teacher, you may not know very well." Lou Xing said: "Actually, although the country does not recognize the legality of e-sports, I know that e-sports has actually entered the eyes of the people above. After the Olympic Games this year, the domestic attitude towards sports has become more and more serious. We are paying more and more attention to it, and several e-sports events have become so big that they seem to have been listed as one of the inspection projects."

"Oh? Really?" Li Kang's eyes lit up: "In this way, the matter of entering the Provincial Games will be much easier to handle. Anyway, at least when outsiders ask, they can have a reason to deal with it, but the matter of the players what to do?"

"Are there many e-sports players in Handong? Don't let the competition be held by then. It will be a big joke if only a few people participate."

"I'm not sure about this." Lou Xing shook his head: "From what I know so far, it's definitely not a problem for gamers, but for professional players, Jingzhou should be fine, and other cities It might be a little difficult.”

The Provincial Games, as the name suggests, means that every city in the province must send people to sign up to participate. It cannot just be Jingzhou playing by itself, that would be boring.

Lou Xing really doesn’t know the address of the current professional players.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Lou Xing's eyes lit up: "Mo Yu is here, you can ask him about this!"

I was too tired taking care of the kids and overslept. Sorry, just one chapter today.

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