Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 397 Start a game?

After making an appointment with Cao Qingfeng, Mo Yu left Sina.

"You go to the hotel by yourselves. I have something to do. Just give me the car keys."

After sending away the assistant and others who were following him, Mo Yu drove away and found a place to call Shang Xingyue.

The moment the phone rang, Jay Chou's song "Hero" came from the receiver.

This exclusive song specially created for GAG was sung for the first time at the opening of the S1 Global Finals. It was heard by tens of millions of players. With the continuous promotion of players, it became a hit just after it was sung last year. It is at the top of the download list of ringtones that cannot be moved or connected to the Internet.

And this year, the popularity has not diminished. It once reached the top ten and is deeply loved by players.

Almost every audience who has played GAG and watched S1 chooses to use this song as their ringtone.

The same is true for Shang Xingyue.

The ringing sounded for about ten seconds, and then the call was connected, and Shang Xingyue's clear voice came from the receiver.

"Huh? What for?"

Mo Yu smiled and said, "Busy?"

Shang Xingyue replied. "Well, there's something going on in the station, but it's almost over. It will be over soon. Why did you come to the imperial capital?"

"Guess where I am?" Mo Yu suppressed a smile.

"Huh? Aren't you in Jingzhou?" Shang Xingyue paused and suddenly thought of something: "Are you here?"

Mo Yu smiled and said, "We're here."

"Why didn't you tell me? I can pick you up!"

"Forget it, I know you are busy with work, so I won't disturb you." Mo Yu said, "Are you done? I'll go find you?"

"Okay, come on."

The two briefly exchanged a few words, and there was no sense of unfamiliarity. They often queued together on weekdays, and they had already become very familiar with each other.

After asking for the address, Mo Yu drove straight to the CC station office building.

Keep going.

It had to be said that there were too many vehicles in the Imperial Capital and the road was a bit congested. Even if it was not the peak period, it took almost an hour for Mo Yu to arrive.

When they arrived downstairs of the CCTV building, they saw Shang Xingyue standing on the roadside waiting in professional attire from a distance.

Shang Xingyue is tall and beautiful, and with her professional attire, she is very eye-catching. Passers-by can't help but take a look at her.

Seeing this, Mo Yu drove the car directly in front of her and pressed down the window.


The weather was still cold at this time, so Shang Xingyue quickly got into the car, and the warmth immediately drove away the cold wind.

"Why did you come all of a sudden without any notice?" Shang Xingyue took off his scarf and let out a breath of air.

"It's too cold, I don't want to cause trouble." Mo Yu waved his hand and drove forward slowly.

"What's the trouble?" Shang Xingyue smiled and asked, "Or is there something you don't want me to know, so you do it secretly?"

"You're overthinking." Mo Yu said amusedly, "I just went to Sina and talked about something. There's nothing shameful about it."

Shang Xingyue's nose twitched, and his tone was a bit arrogant: "I believe you. But why are you going to Sina to cooperate with them?"

"Sina has internally developed a social product called Weibo, which has great potential. I plan to ask all e-sports players to register and sell it well to Sina. It is also for the sake of future publicity." Mo Yu replied.

"Blog? Weibo?" Shang Xingyue asked doubtfully: "I remember there are people doing it in China, but it doesn't seem to have much response. Netizens don't like it very much. It's quite niche."

"Weibo is different from blogs. I am very optimistic about this project. Sina's Cao Qingfeng is very capable and has his own understanding of the market. With his leadership, Weibo has a very good future." Mo Yu said: "I remember you before When I was interviewed, I predicted that there would be a platform in China that would allow individual users to publish information. Weibo should have this potential, you can give it a try."

Shang Xingyue also remembered this matter.

At that time, she was not very close to Mo Yu. She had just watched a game and was very interested in e-sports, so she conducted a personal interview with Mo Yu and recorded the video and saved it on a USB flash drive.

When the two communicated, she did predict that there would be an information and social communication platform in China in the future.

"What kind of strength do you mean Weibo?" Shang Xingyue asked doubtfully: "Domestic blogs are not very big, and Penguin is the leader in social networking. It may be difficult for Weibo to break out of the encirclement."

"That depends on Cao Qingfeng's ability." Mo Yu said: "But I think it has great potential. When it goes online, you can register an account as soon as possible. There is no loss anyway."

"Then it's up to you. You should have a better vision than me in these matters."

Shang Xingyue nodded, and then she noticed that Mo Yu was driving very slowly along the edge of the road, his eyes constantly scanning both sides of the road, as if he was looking for somewhere, and she couldn't help but curiously said: "You want to take me there?" where?"

Mo Yu glanced at her and said with a smile: "Find an Internet cafe and play a game."


Start a game?

Shang Xingyue was stunned. She didn't expect that Mo Yu would take her to an Internet cafe.

Although she said she didn't mind playing games, wasn't the timing not right?

She looked out the window. It was still early and it wasn't time to eat yet, but even if she didn't eat, she should at least find a place to have a drink. How could anyone go play games just after meeting a girl?

"You came here specifically to pick me up just to take me to play games?"

Shang Xingyue was extremely speechless.

Mo Yu happened to see it and immediately remembered the question mark emoticon from Nick Young in his previous life.

"Okay, just to tease you, I don't play games, but I really want to find an Internet cafe. I mainly want to see the situation in the imperial capital, what games everyone is playing, and investigate the market. Do you know where it is?" Mo Yu said with a smile.

"If you really take me to play games, I'll look good on you." Shang Xingyue waved his fists: "There are business districts around here. You can only get there if you go to the front."

"Okay, you show me the way."

The two drove forward for about 20 minutes, and finally saw an Internet cafe at the intersection.

This Internet cafe is located on the side of the road. It has a big signboard with the words Green Power Esports Arena written on it.

Mo Yu suddenly felt curious.

Nowadays, there are only Internet cafes and Internet cafes all over the country. Except for Jingzhou, this is the first time he has seen an Internet cafe in another city with the suffix of e-sports stadium.

He was immediately interested.

"Just go here and have a look."

Parking the car, the two walked over.

This green power store is located on the second floor of a street shop. There are very common glass windows on the outside of the wall. You can't see the specific situation inside, but the background of the sign at the door is GAG's promotional poster. Wait until you go upstairs.

There are GAG ​​game posters all over the walls on both sides of the corridor, and large posters of heroes are pasted on the walls. When players come online, it feels like they are passing through a sacred corridor and being scrutinized by the heroes.

Entered the e-sports hall.

Suddenly, the warmth hits my face!

The first thing you see is the bar. The network managers inside the bar are all wearing JK, and they are all beautiful girls with beautiful faces. There are baristas and bartenders at the front desk, as if they are in a bar.

There is a space in front of the bar, with five rows of red sofas on which the audience sits, and a large screen in the front.

The GPL league live broadcast is actually playing on it!

Dudu protects you throughout the whole process and runs for love. Do you want to start a game?

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