Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 400 The Champion’s Curse Begins to Appear

"Viewers, welcome to the 2009 GPL League Spring Split!"

"First of all, I would like to say a belated Happy New Year to everyone!"

"This game is between the Emperor Star team and the DFG team. It is also the first game this year!"

"Who wins and who loses? I believe everyone is looking forward to it!"

"Judging from the situation of the two teams last year, Emperor Star should be stronger. The team's cooperation, player strength, and tactical diversity are all at the top of the league. In comparison, DFG's performance was not very good. We lost miserably against WE before, going 0-2, and even Linglong Tower in the second game.”

"Yes, but in e-sports, winning or losing is only temporary. Everyone is making progress. If you don't advance, you will retreat! After a year, I hope DFG can be reborn and show a brand new self!"

"Okay, there is a letter from the director at the front, the game is about to begin!"

"Then the screen will be handed over to the commentary box."

In the studio, the three guests discussed and analyzed, and the screen jumped to the commentary box.

Two figures appeared in the commentary box, namely Wang Duoduo and Rita.

With several wonderful performances, Wang Duoduo has officially made a name for himself among players and has the exclusive title of Bard.

As for Rita, although her narration skills are average, she has a pure and sweet appearance and has a certain number of supporters.

These two people are responsible for the commentary of this game, one at a time, and they complement each other.

"Dear viewers, I am Wang Duoduo, the commentator for this game."

"I'm Rita."

The two briefly introduced each other, and Rita started a commercial.

"Thank you to Laogandie Food, Jingzhou Construction Engineering, Tiancheng Clothing, and Huajia Electronics for their strong support to the GPL League!"

"Break the shackles, release energy, War Horse Energy Drink, help the e-sports league!"

Rita read the slogan of War Horse seriously.

As an emerging energy drink, War Horse has set its sights on the newly created GPL league and spent a huge amount of money on advertising for the 2009 season. This is also the first official appearance of War Horse!

In line with Rita's expression, the brand War Horse began to be familiar to GPL audiences.

After reading the oral broadcast, the two officially entered the commentary state.

Wang Duoduo took the lead: "Today's BO3 is very popular with everyone. I believe the audience at the scene should pay close attention to the game between the two teams!"

"Yes!" Rita nodded: "After all, it is the first show after the new year. Everyone is very enthusiastic, and there are many spectators at the scene."

At this time, the camera cuts to the auditorium.

The auditorium of Wanlv Garden was almost full.

Looking around, many of the support materials have slogans such as 'Come on Emperor Star' and 'The, God, you are the best' written on them. Obviously, they are all fans of Emperor Star.

The DFG is much less.

Sparse and scattered, only a few were seen.

If the camera hadn't found it quickly, no one would have noticed it for a while.

"The fans of both teams are very enthusiastic, and the atmosphere at the scene is very lively. I wonder how the two teams are doing now after a year?"

"Looking at the rankings in the past two days, DFG has been practicing very hard."

"Everyone is making appointments for training matches. I heard that DFG is playing pretty well and their results in the training matches are pretty good!"

The two were chatting and laughing, talking about some league news that the audience didn't know.

As official commentators, they not only have close relationships with each team, but also have connections within the Moyu Company. They are both very aware of many insider information that the audience does not know.

DFG's condition is indeed improving.

The manager sent by Li Tiancheng gradually became familiar with the club and became more comfortable with the club management. The DFG players were also willing to work hard and often organized online training during the annual vacation. You can often see several people forming a row in the first area, and the players are ranked. It went up quickly.

The two discussed it for a few minutes before the game finally started.

"Okay, I received news from the director that the game is about to start. Let's enter the game site and wait for the first BO3 of the day!"

"Looking forward to the wonderful performance from both sides today!"

The screen jumps.

The camera crew diligently searched for beauties in the audience until the host Sister Tuozi appeared.

Wearing high heels, a round head, and a red fragrant suspender skirt, the hunchback sister made a stunning appearance!

LSP kept talking in the live broadcast room.

The hunchback sister smiled.

"The first BO3 of the Spring Split of the Gods and Gods GPL Professional League, Emperor Star vs. DFG, the game is about to begin!"

"GPL, fight for glory!"

on the stage.

Both parties officially entered the BP stage.

Due to the problem of insufficient number of heroes, it was still 3BAN at this time, and both sides quickly completed BP.

During the Chinese New Year, GAG carried out an update, cutting off the values ​​​​of several heroes who performed well in S, and weakened the jungle heroes to a certain extent. The wild core version was officially announced to have disappeared. Each league team has its own opinions on the current version. The idea has not yet become mainstream, and the research is not thorough enough.

In this case, the BPs of both sides did not target the lineup, but targeted the heroes in each position who performed very well in the rankings.

Emperor Star removed Clockwork, Zyra, and Blind Man, while DFG removed Vampire, Blind Man, and Cards.

The Imperial Star lineup is top laner Olaf, jungler Big Bug, mid laner Jiao Yue, bottom laner and Qin Nu.

The DFG lineup is top laner Stoneman, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Prince, and bottom lane VN plus Snowman.

After BP ends, the game officially begins.

first round.

Emperor Star did a trick. With the cooperation of the bottom duo, Big Bug first took the Stone Man, and then directly invaded the DFG blue zone and took away the blue BUFF. At the same time, top laner Olaf ate his own blue BUFF. Although the army line was slightly There were losses, but huge profits were made in the jungle.

In this wave alone, DFG was at a bit of a disadvantage at the start.

But soon, DFG adjusted.

First, Xin Zhao cooperated with the prince in the middle, and launched a wave of GANK, hitting Lu Zibo's Bright Moon Flash, which reduced his health and forced him to return to the city. Then the prince returned to the city, and Xin Zhao quickly turned down, timing the time when his vision faded, and stabbed Qin Nu to death. , get first blood!


"The field of vision has disappeared, and the plane girl hasn't felt the danger yet!"

"Xin Zhao has arrived, something is going to happen this time!"

"A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun came out like a dragon!"

On the playing field.

Xin Zhao seized the opportunity and walked over directly to stab the piano girl.

The snowman ice ball slows down and the VN keeps up with the output.

The Emperor Star duo was startled and retreated quickly. The plane W pulled away and handed over the treatment in order to save Qin Nu.

However, Qin Nu was too fragile, and her health dropped quickly. As Xin Zhao flashed and took Qin Nu's head, the first blood prompt sounded!

——First Blood!

The whole place was in an uproar!

No one expected that DFG played so methodically. Even though the jungle area was being plotted at the beginning, they actually blossomed in the bottom lane and won the first blood of the championship duo!

After a year, DFG seems to have really practiced the magic secrets and opened up the Ren and Du channels. It is completely different from a year ago!

The commentator was also surprised.

Wang Duoduo said in surprise: "This wave is a bit unexpected. Xin Zhao did not return to the city after capturing Zhong, but went directly to the bottom lane. Emperor Star's bottom lane vision just disappeared, and Xin Zhao found the opportunity to get the auxiliary first blood. !”

"In this case, the disadvantage in the jungle in the early stage has been restored. Now the big bugs dare not fight against Xin Zhao. The damage is a bit far behind! At the same time, the Emperor Star bottom lane is also suffering a bit!"

"To be honest, this wave is very inappropriate. There is no vision. The Emperor Star bottom duo is a little irrational. How can they press forward? At least they have good vision first!"

Wang Duoduo was extremely puzzled. In his opinion, the Emperor Star duo was completely sick this time, exhibiting demented behaviors that should never be seen in the professional arena. It was not at all in line with the standards of a championship duo!

Rita tried to save her respect and tried to find a way to excuse herself: "It must have been a mistake, but only one supporter died, so it's still acceptable. It's not a loss this time!"

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