Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 403 Walking down the mountain

In the S1 World Finals, Emperor Star not only faced LGD in the first round and fell into the loser's bracket, but then directly passed through N and won the world championship in one breath!

The scene at that time directly slapped many black men in the face.

Before the game, those people who said that Emperor Star could not be ranked first in the rankings all stopped and did not even dare to say nonsense.

It can be said that no one is dissatisfied!

At that time, who could have imagined the result today?

When walking down the player tunnel, a shot appeared on the screen.

The light on the stage was dazzling, but the five Emperor Stars were walking lonely in the dark contestant passage. They could only vaguely see a few black outlines, as if announcing to the world that God had walked down the mountain.

Many people in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and South Korea are paying attention to this game. Before the BO3 is over, some people are already making negative remarks.

"GPL has declined, and S2 probably has no place for them!"

"The myth is shattered, the throne collapses, and the next one to reach the top will be GCK!"

"The weak cannot withstand the cold wind on the top of the mountain. Only the truly strong can remain standing. GEU will win!"

"The darkness has faded, and GCS is about to bathe in glory!"

"Only GMS is the region that wears the crown!"

The five major divisions are full of bold words, as if they have seen the super grand scene of their own division winning the flag in S2 and winning the cup all the way. However, Emperor Star is already a remnant of the old era and cannot rise again.

In the lounge.

Zhang Zhaoyang stood up and left. The game was not over yet. Although he could not suppress his anger, he did not want to affect the subsequent state of the players. Even if there was to be a settlement, it would not be obvious in one or two games. At the very least, he would have to wait and see again.

Looking at the five people who lowered their eyebrows and lowered their eyes in silence, Han Wen would hate that iron cannot become steel.

"How many times are you playing?"

"The opposite side is DFG. The first one was beaten so badly?"

"And you, Le Rong, are you pretending? What kind of shit did you beat? Fuck!"

"Wang Cheng, you are still smiling, you are playing well?"

"The jungler got blasted, the bottom lane was dealt all kinds of tricks, and the top and mid laners didn't perform at their own level at all. What? After winning the championship next year, I have no motivation and don't want to play?"

"If you don't want to fight, then I'll tell Mr. Zhang to find someone new to play. You can go wherever you like. Go home and plant sweet potatoes. What professions can you play?"

Korean can curse loudly.

The atmosphere within the Emperor Star has affected the players' condition. The performance of the most stable top and middle points is not outstanding, and can only be regarded as average. Chengfeng, who shined in the World Championship, was even more exposed. It is simply a shame for Xin Zhao, a big bug who takes advantage of natural resources, to not get any of them.

As for the bottom lane?

Korean will be extremely disappointed. The performance of the duo is not even as good as their fucking ranking. If this continues, Imperial Star may not even be able to make it to the playoffs of the Spring Split, let alone participate in this year's MSI!

His merciless curses finally got everyone excited.

At a young age, they don't understand the meaning of giving in. The bottom duo who were scolded the most had their fists clenched.

Han Wenhui saw this scene and stopped his mouth in time.

He sneered: "What? Are you unhappy? If you're unhappy, just call me back!"

"Don't forget, you are the Emperor Star and number one in the world. If you lose this BO3 game, think about how you will face the fans and face the criticism!"

No review, no analysis.

There was no problem with BP or tactics in the last game. The only problem was the players' personal status. In just a few minutes of rest, all Han Wenhui could think of was to use insults to stimulate the players' blood!

It doesn’t matter if you lose the first game, as long as you don’t lose in BO3!

The second round begins.

From the moment they came on the field, the entire Imperial Star team was in a different state.

Xin Zhao, who was killing everyone in the top position, was held down. Lu Zibo used his personal strength to suppress the DFG mid laner in the middle. The opponent's middle and jungle were unable to link up at all.

The big bug in the wind controlled the resources early, and it took more than ten minutes to eat up the stacks. It transformed into a behemoth and went on a rampage!

The most criticized bottom lane has also been stabilized. The online layout is exquisite and it is calm and calm in dealing with GANK.

All members of Emperor Star have been reborn, and their world champion style has reappeared.

In this situation of superiority across the board, DFG resisted tenaciously, but was eventually pushed off the base and had no choice but to lose. The two sides fought to a 1-1 draw!

"This is the Emperor Star!"

"This is the strength of a championship team!"

"The mistake in the first round is only temporary. The state fluctuates and no one can maintain it forever!"

"However, DFG also played very tenaciously. Judging from this, their strength has improved very quickly. Anyone facing the new DFG must be extremely vigilant, otherwise a tragedy will occur!"

Wang Duoduo analyzed.

Psychologically, he supports the Emperor Star; but professionally, he must be impartial and speak from a commentary perspective.

Judging from the second game alone, DFG has been away for three days; Emperor Star seems to have stood up again, but I don't know whether it is a temporary return to glory or a return to the top.

In the live broadcast room.

The ten-year-old fan of Emperor Star began to speak.

"Did you see it? It's just that the top player is in a bad state. It's great luck to be able to take advantage of even one point. There will be no chance next time!"

"Emperor Star is still strong!"

Kuroko showed no sign of weakness.

"Are you going to get into trouble after winning a DFG game? Let's win BO3 first and then talk about it!"

"I don't know who is going to be beaten to death, haha!"

There was endless debate.

Everyone has their own point of view.

Soon, the third game began.

After regrouping, the two teams collided again.

After learning the lessons from the first two games, DFG started to play defensive counterattack. In the head-on attack, they were still at a disadvantage facing Emperor Star, and defensive counterattack was the best tactic to win.

With a late-stage lineup, the control in the early and mid-term is also sufficient, and DFG wants to hold it back.

But Emperor Star didn't give him a chance.

The first person to step forward and break through the front line was Lu Zibo.

With a small fish man in one hand, he completed a solo kill in 5 minutes. Then he turned on the reading mode, walked up and down, and destroyed three lanes by one person, just like a god coming down to earth.

Faced with such a killer in the middle, the FMVP of the World Championship, the DFG lineup was completely torn apart, and the bottom lane that they had high hopes for was directly penetrated. Big Mouth was about to die when he saw it, even if Lulu was by his side to protect him, it was useless.

A WQA for the little fishman is two-thirds, and a pole vault, if you don't cross, you will die!


Emperor Star made a strong attack and completely defeated DFG in 26 minutes, finishing 2-1!

The little fish man is undoubtedly the MVP of this game!

During the post-game interview, Yu Shuang asked: "TheGOD players, you didn't perform well in the first game. Many fans thought your level had dropped. Is this true? What do you think?"

Lu Zibo took a deep breath.

"I have really slacked off a bit recently, so everyone has not performed so well. However, the coach has formulated a very strict training plan. I believe I will be able to recover soon. Fans please continue to support and believe in Emperor Star. We will definitely live up to everyone's expectations. !”

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