Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 420 League Promotional Short Film

"A world of difference."

Looking at everything in front of him, Zhang Yiming shook his head.

E-sports is popular all over the world. Not only Moyu games, almost all manufacturers are holding similar offline competitions.

But after watching all the competitions, they were all scumbags in the game of fishing. They were completely killed in an instant, and there was no single enemy.

"This is the only real e-sports arena!"

Sighing slightly, he walked into the square in front of the Competition Center.

The field of vision suddenly broadens.

Huge crowds gathered in the square, thousands of them, as if they were at a train station during the Spring Festival travel rush. People waiting to check in were lined up in long lines to prepare for admission.

Zhang Yiming found a queue that seemed to have few people.

The ticket check in front was very fast, and in less than ten minutes, it was his turn.

The entrance is lined with rows of ticket check windows, just like an airport. Not only are personal belongings checked, but lighters are also confiscated and mineral water is not allowed. These are all for the personal safety of the players.

In the ancient days of the LPL, when IG players bowed at the end of a game, there were incidents of water bottles being thrown at them.

There are also many celebrities who were retaliated by black men when they attended events, including water and sulfuric acid being thrown at them.

In order to strictly prevent such incidents, the security procedures at Jingjie Center are as stringent as those at airports.

"Please put your belongings on the machine, put the lighter over here, and then come over for security inspection."

The ticket inspector stared at the screen in front of him, checking the various items passing through the conveyor belt to prevent dangerous items from being brought into the venue.

Passed the security gate.

Professionals held testing instruments and scanned Zhang Yiming's body to confirm his safety before letting him in.

Entering the venue, following the crowd.

Zhang Yiming picked up the backpack he carried while walking, opened it and took out a large-size T-shirt with the Emperor Star Team LOGO printed on it and put it directly on his head, then took out a cute Teemo green hat, and finally Taking out the glow sticks and support flags, it was like being fully armed.

And he wasn't the only one, there were also many people in the audience who did the same thing.

Someone directly took out a large piece of white cloth, shook it in the air, and instantly unfolded it. On it were the team makeup photos of everyone in LGD.

There are also girls who have some small stickers with the team's abbreviation on their faces, arms, etc.

Everyone has his own method!

Walking into the venue and finding a seat, there happened to be two couples on the left and right, with him, a single guy, sandwiched between them.

Zhang Yiming touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed, so he had to look up at the decoration design of the venue.

The entire venue is circular, surrounded by a stage. There is a stage in the middle, and there are auditoriums arranged up and down in a stepped manner around the stage. The commentary desk is in the middle of the auditorium. He is not far from the commentary desk, so he can just turn his head. See.

Look ahead again.

The stage was in the shape of spread wings, with all the lights on, and no one there for the time being. A passage was connected from the tips of the wings on both sides, leading all the way to the outside.

On the big screen, GPL's annual promotional video, as well as some fire protection short films and advertisements for league sponsors are being played.

Zhang Yiming bought a first-class ticket, which was fairly close to the front. If you look carefully, you can even have a chance to clearly appreciate the faces of the contestants.

But he didn't need to look carefully.

The 800-square-foot bucket-shaped screen composed of 10 huge LED screens hung above the stage covers the entire venue from any viewing angle. If the audience wants to see the situation on the field, they can directly look up at the bucket-shaped screen, and the picture quality is very clear.

“This set of bucket-shaped screens alone would probably cost a lot of money!”

"Other companies may not be as expensive as a screen in organizing a competition plus bonuses. It's really a generous sum!"

"There is no comparison at all, the gap is too big!"

The more he watched, the more shocked Zhang Yiming was.

The various decorations and arrangements of the Jingjie Center are completely in line with the top sports venues. Many things look ordinary, but in fact they are expensive and expensive. The speakers, screens, lights, and stages cost at least several million or more. Tens of millions!

“It’s such a pleasure to watch a game in a place like this!”

Putting away his messy thoughts, Zhang Yiming quietly waited for the game to start.

As the time approached, the auditorium gradually filled up. At 2:50, the lights on the stage in front suddenly dimmed. At this moment, everyone knew that the game was about to begin!

The venue gradually fell silent.

The chatter died down and everyone was looking at the stage.

next moment.

The headlights of the venue are turned off, and the auditorium is dark. Directly in front, a picture appears on the stage floor made of LED screens. Fiery red is shining. The spotlights are on, and the light pillars are clearly visible in the dark night.

On all the screens in the venue.

The GPL League LOGO appeared, then gradually disappeared, and the song "Hero" sounded. With the blessing of high-end audio equipment, the sound effect was so good that it exploded.

As the music played, GPL league promotional animations began to appear on all screens.

Animated images of contestants with distinctive features are running and jumping between high-rise buildings. They transform into heroes. The chubby VN holds a dark silver giant crossbow and shoots crossbow arrows; Gogoing dances with double knives, roars to the sky, and is surrounded by dark energy.

During the battle between the two, PDD transformed into a prince, and the mouse in his hand turned into a golden halberd and jumped down from the sky. The smiling golden light jumped out of the attack range, and shot out an energy light bullet with his backhand.

Big Nose fell from the sky, surrounded by cards, waving his hands constantly, and shot out countless flying cards.

Qi Jiang is hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to move; holding the pole in his posture, he guides the shark to break out of the floor.

One by one, well-known players turned into heroes, making frequent moves and constantly fighting.

at last.

The buildings disappeared and the city was shattered.

A towering peak stands.

In the cold wind and high in the sky, on top of the snow-capped mountains, everyone is climbing forward!

The crown on the top of the peak was broken, the throne collapsed, Lu Zibo held the demon doll and looked down the mountain!

——GPL League’s annual promotional short film “Climbing the Peak”!

The newly created promotional video is officially unveiled at this moment!

Well-known players from the nine teams transformed into heroes in the game, fighting from the city to the mountain. Everyone was showing off their magical powers, and wars broke out frequently. In the end, the collapse of the throne on the top of the mountain indicated that the status of the Emperor Star champion was not guaranteed, and countless people were climbing to the top of the mountain. !

The short video will play for one second.

The spotlight shines brightly, bathing the entire stage in light.

Both sides of the stage.

In the dark contestant tunnel, a beam of light shines on the gate of the contestant tunnel.

The next moment, figures floated.

Under the leadership of the coach, the players of Emperor Star and LGD entered the stage from the player channels on both sides. They waved their hands and saluted the audience. Every time they took a step forward, smoke erupted from both sides of the channel.

The whole place was in great shock, and the audience shouted and shouted.

LGD and Emperor Star, the names of the two teams were constantly shouted, mixed with shouts of player IDs.

When the contestants walked onto the stage and bowed to the audience, the cheers in the venue became even louder.

The mountains are roaring like a tsunami, one wave higher than the other!

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