Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 434 The public sentiment is turbulent

The document records in detail how many events there are in this Provincial Games, how many people have signed up for each event, and which cities' athletes are signing up.

However, Mo Yu didn't care much about these. He glanced back and quickly focused on e-sports.

[E-Sports "Gods and Gods": 0. 】

He was not surprised when he saw this line of writing.

GAG has a certain reputation in Jingzhou and even Handong, but it is among the people and does not matter within the system. After all, it is not a recognized official competition. It is okay to relax and play on weekdays. It really is a lifelong career like other sports. Even to the level of advancement, it would be impossible.

Now that GAG appears in the Provincial Games, even if cities and counties want to sign up, they can't find anyone.

The main reason is because those people don't have any information about any player at all. It's okay for them to play on a daily basis. Now that they have to play a game, it's normal for them to not be able to find anyone.

The main purpose of his coming today was to confirm with Li Kang how many cities were interested in signing up.

Mo Yu put down the document and said slightly worriedly: "Mr. Li, I wonder if everyone is interested in this competition?"

"You want to ask how many places are registered?" Li Kang asked with a smile.

Mo Yu nodded slightly and said with a look of shame: "I can't hide it from you. I'm afraid there won't be a place. It would be a joke and it would bring shame on your face."

Li Kang raised his hand and nodded at him, smiling: "Don't worry."

"Everyone's enthusiasm for signing up for the competition is quite good. According to rough statistics, there are about a dozen places."

Mo Yu was relieved when he heard this.

A dozen places means that there are more than a dozen teams participating, so there will be no embarrassing situation where there is not even a single team.

After all, the Provincial Games is an official sports meeting and is of great significance.

E-sports projects can be included, and the worst situation did not happen, but it was unexpectedly good.

"Then what's next? Should I directly send a notice to select the candidate?"

Mo Yu asked immediately.

Li Kang nodded and said: "Okay, the greetings have been typed. I will send you the list of cities I am interested in later. Then I will start the registration process directly in the game. You will arrange for a staff member to go over and cooperate with you to let those who pass People can just go and register offline.”

"However, you can't choose some crooked melons and cracked jujubes. When the time comes, the competition will not be good, and it will also damage the credibility of the project. At the very least, you have to make something famous, and it must be exciting enough, so that you can live up to my help. this time."

"Don't worry." Mo Yu immediately promised: "I guarantee that the most powerful experts will be selected to participate!"

That afternoon.

Mo Yu immediately held a video conference, invited club owners with Handong professional players to attend the meeting, and informed him of relevant matters related to the Provincial Games.

at the meeting.

He directly asked the Handong professional players competing in GPL and GDL to temporarily give up the league and take time to participate in the Provincial Games.

At the same time, officials will also make arrangements on the schedule.

There was no objection from any club present at the meeting and it was unanimously approved.

At night.

A message was posted on the GAG ​​client.

[GAG was officially selected for this Handong Provincial Games and became one of the official competition events. 】

[We sincerely invite players from Handong Province to register for the competition. Players can complete the registration process through the online channel. After receiving the electronic voucher, they can go to the offline registration points in the following 16 cities to participate. 】

[This registration can accept a team of up to five people. If a single person registers, the offline registration point will match similar teammates to form a team based on data such as rank and winning rate. 】

[Registration conditions: Diamond rank or above, no age limit, no gender limit. 】

[The winning team will represent the local area in the Provincial Games! 】

As soon as the news came out, it exploded.

Tens of millions of players in the national server never expected that GAG could enter the Provincial Games.

This is an official sports meeting recognized by the government, and the meaning behind it is extremely important, and everyone understands it.

However, the regulations stipulated that only players from Handong Province were allowed to sign up, and their IDs had to be checked on site, otherwise I really don’t know how many people signed up.

Even so, there was a stir online.

"It is suggested that the authorities relax their requirements. Why can't we people from Guangdong Province represent Handong Province in the sports games?"

“We are from the same family as Hunan and Han, and people from Hunan Province must also participate!”

"I am the king of District 1. My home is on the edge of Handong Province. I want to sign up!"

"My hometown is Handong!"

"This is discrimination, blatant discrimination, change the rules quickly!"

"I have a girlfriend from Handong Province, can I participate?"

There are messy posts everywhere on the Internet, and there are many players’ true thoughts in the ridicule. It is such a major event that e-sports has entered the Provincial Games. Anyone who knows something about e-sports does not want to miss this historic moment, and hopes Moyu or Handong Province can change their minds.


After all, it was a sports meeting in Handong Province, and Mo Yu had to abide by some rules and not be too unscrupulous. Everyone else was local, and it would be too ugly if he found all the outsiders.

And even if he didn't consider those things, the number of people alone forced him to abide by the rules and not open his mouth.

Otherwise, if everyone is allowed to register, then GAG will become the event with the largest number of participants in this Provincial Games, and BO1 will not be finished even if it takes a month!

That night.

Just after 12 o'clock.

As soon as the registration channel opened, countless qualified players from Handong Province called their friends to fill out the registration form.

After filling out the registration form, they will receive a serial number.

After arriving at the offline registration point, show the serial number, and after verification, you can form a team first, and then wait in line to compete with other teams.

Considering that there may be too many applicants, and the Provincial Games are about to start, there is not enough time.

The offline registration point was only open for three days, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., a full twelve hours without any rest in between.

The participating teams are randomly selected by computer and compete in pairs.

The winners advance, the losers are eliminated, and so on, and finally the strongest team is selected to represent the local area in this provincial games.

At the same time, cities with professional players will also be treated equally and participate in this audition with teammates matched by the system.

at last.

Teams that pass the audition will undergo a period of internal training and will eventually represent their city in the Provincial Games on the opening day.

This approach has certain drawbacks, which may lead to insufficient integration between players and lack of coordination.

But there is no way, there will always be some omissions the first time. When there is a competition next time, there will be a precedent to follow, and everything will be easier to handle.

After all, e-sports is not a traditional sports competition.

Traditional competitions require day-to-day training to maintain physical condition; e-sports is more about talent and operation, and does not have high physical requirements. Players who can pass the audition mean they have strength, but they only need to cooperate There is only a difference in tactics.

Furthermore, the teams in each city are in the same situation, so there won’t be much of a gap.

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