There is a long way to go to correct the reputation of e-sports.

One Provincial Games is not enough. Even in the previous life, if e-sports entered the Asian Games, some people would inevitably say weird things. They thought that allowing e-sports to enter a competition like the Asian Games would be a shame. The country should not promote it. It would be best to ban it completely. of.

If Mo Yu wants to truly eliminate discrimination, he must at least wait until the people who grew up with e-sports begin to take charge and gain a certain social status. Only then will those voices gradually disappear and eventually become a phenomenon as e-sports spreads for decades. This normalized event will completely disappear.

After chatting with a few people, I went to the front to meet and greet Li Kang, Lou Xing, Yan Kaixian and others. When I came back, the Provincial Games had officially opened.

"The spring breeze brings warmth and the earth reopens"

The host's voice sounded on the stage, and then the leader came to the stage to speak, and then came the athletes' entrance.

The passionate "Athletes' March" resounded throughout the audience.

At the entrance of the runway, a group of figures walked slowly.

"I'm coming."

In the stands, Zhang Zhaoyang quickly raised the telescope he specially brought.


"What's the rank?"

"Show me!"

Several club owners all came over.

Everyone found it very novel, and never thought that e-sports would one day be able to compete with athletes from other sports like it is now.

Mo Yu also felt a little excited, feeling that he was witnessing a historic event that had never been seen before or since.

He has good eyesight and does not need a telescope. He narrows his eyes slightly and looks into the distance.

A long row of cheerleading girls stood around the plastic runway, dancing to the music.


The pretty girl who was the first to hold up a sign, holding a sign saying "Jingzhou", led the way.

Behind the girl was a phalanx of athletes.

All athletes wore uniforms, looked around, waved their arms to greet the audience, and bursts of cheers rang out from the audience.

As the phalanx approaches.

In the field of vision, close to the right side of the auditorium, there are several familiar figures appearing. They are the athlete representatives representing Jingzhou in the GAG ​​event.

Lu Zibo, who was standing in the front row, acted the most normal. He had long been accustomed to all kinds of big scenes. He had played in the finals with tens of thousands of people in the audience. Now the Provincial Games is completely accustomed to him. The only thing that makes him feel What causes fluctuations is the different meanings contained in the two venues.

Another GDL player was a little nervous, his arms were a little stiff when waving, and his smile was dry.

The remaining five auditions will be completely shut down.

I have never experienced such a grand sports meeting, let alone a competition later.

The few of them were walking among the crowd. They were extremely embarrassed and very nervous. The outward manifestation was that their hands and feet were uncoordinated and their walking was a bit unsteady. If they hadn't trained several times before, they might have walked the wrong way now. location.


As the team approached, Zhang Zhaoyang put down his binoculars and said with emotion: "I never thought sports meets were anything interesting before. When I was in school, I could just run away at any school sports meet. Now that I see e-sports on the field, I feel happy and relaxed." It was completely different at that time. Thinking about being able to see GAG ​​play at an official sports meeting, the feeling is really indescribable."

"Of course it's different." Mo Yu said with a smile: "E-sports is your current career, a sport you really love. It must be an honor to see it compete on a stage like the Provincial Games."

"Who is not?" Deng Junhua sighed: "I really never thought that such a day would come!"

"Suddenly, I felt like I was energetic even raising pigs." Li Xiaofeng sighed: "It's a pity that there are no Handong people in WE, but it makes other clubs shine."

"Haha, what's the pity? We are in Handong Province now. We may not have the opportunity to visit other provinces in the future, and even the Asian Games and Olympic Games are possible. At that time, the WE team members may not have the opportunity." Mo Yu said with a smile: "Perhaps one day, e-sports competitions can become normalized events like sprinting and long jump!"

"The meaning is still different." Li Xiaofeng shook his head and said: "Now we are creating history, taking the first step, and being able to leave a name in history. If we play again in the future, the situation will be different again. It will be like landing on the moon. These are the 11 people A small step for e-sports, but a giant leap for e-sports!”

Among the crowd, several club leaders whose players participated in the Provincial Games had mixed emotions at this time, with a look of pride on their faces.

To be selected as the players to participate in the official sports meeting for the first time in the world, those 11 professional players from the league are bound to leave a mark on the development of e-sports. The e-sports history museum established by Moyu Company is also on the list. A picture called "11 People" will appear.

During the chat, the Jingzhou Phalanx had already walked in front of everyone.

Following the Jingzhou Phalanx is the Nanshi Phalanx, and then the Yuanshi Phalanx, all of whom have signed up to participate in the GAG ​​event.

Suddenly, Zhang Zhaoyang suddenly felt energetic, jumped up, raised his fists in the air, and shouted below: "Come on!"

The sound was so loud that it overwhelmed the music and startled everyone else.

But he didn't take it seriously and continued to shout: "Come on!" He also turned around to greet a few people: "Let's shout together!"

An inexplicable emotion suddenly filled the air.

Embarrassing, passionate, exciting.

Mo Yu couldn't restrain himself and laughed loudly: "Shout together!"

"come on!"

"come on!"

The rest of the people were also infected by the two of them, completely abandoning their embarrassment and letting go completely.

The owners and managers of dozens of clubs all stood up, and the cheers blended together, and finally became unified, and the momentum was unparalleled.

"come on!"

The loud sound attracted curious glances from many spectators around, but Mo Yu and others had completely let go. A group of men in suits and ties didn't care about worldly opinions, as if they were back in their youth, not caring about the opinions of outsiders, they were just pure. Emotional release.

On the track, several athletes passing by were also attracted by the formation, and many people raised their heads to look for the source of the sound.

When they saw it was Mo Yu, Zhang Zhaoyang and others, they were surprised at first, as if they had not expected it at all. The next moment, they seemed to be infected. They gradually let go, waving their arms more frequently, and smiled very happily. .

Not far from the main stage.

Several leaders attending the meeting also saw this scene and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Li Kang sat in the middle, shaking his head helplessly: "You really don't pay attention to your image, how can you look like a successful businessman."

Lou Xing, who was following him, laughed and said, "I think they are very pure and gentle people. Don't you think so, teacher?"

"A lover of temperament?"

Li Kang laughed: "Maybe!"

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