"Don't worry, I'll pay more attention."

"That's good!"

The two chatted for a few more words and confided in each other about their long-distance relationship before hanging up the phone.

Neither of them wants to force one to work and live in the other. For Mo Yu, as two people, love between men and women is important, but it is no longer the highest level. What he wants to do most now is to start e-sports.

And Shang Xingyue is not the kind of little girl who likes to be clingy, she is very independent.

A temporary long-distance relationship is nothing.

Anyway, we will be together sooner or later!

"If it works well next month, there may be a chance in Pengcheng next year."

Watching the competition in the audience, Mo Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking and planning for the future in his head.

Off stage.

The game is in full swing.

When the Flash Wolves play BO1, they often perform extremely amazingly. Even the world champions can be defeated. This trait has gradually begun to show.

In the GPL, WE, which has everything to do with everything, was beaten defensively by Flash Wolves for a while and could only wait for a comeback opportunity.

Fans at GMS have already started shouting online!

"Die to me!"

"Come on Lightning Wolf!"

"Rush into the second round and beat WE!"

"Is this the winner of the GPL Spring Split? That's it, it looks just like that!"

Many netizens whose IP addresses are shown as being from Bay, Hong Kong Island, Singapore, and Vietnam in the background send barrages on the overseas version of Moyu Live. The huge sea of ​​barrages is occasionally mixed with a few refutations from domestic fans, but in the end It's too little, and it can't stir up much waves at all.

In China, more than 90% of them are fans who support WE.

WE can claim that 60E is no joke.

GAG's first championship skin team, the gods during the Internet cafe competition, the miracle of being disconnected and beating the Korean team with five kills, and all kinds of deeds have given them a huge number of fans, even if they are compared with the emperor star who is in the sky.

Especially this year's spring split, they won the championship strongly and became the first championship team since the establishment of the league, which gave fans even more confidence.

At this time, even though they saw WE being suppressed by FW, fans did not complain and were still very tolerant.

At the stadium, "WE, come on" one after another is enough to prove everything!

As if feeling the power of the outside world, the energy gathered successfully. In the 24-minute dragon group, WE finally seized the opportunity!

FW wanted to force the dragon, but as a result, there may have been some differences in the team's tactical command. The duo in the bottom lane made a mistake in their positioning, and Olaf, the top laner, took the opportunity to drive first.

As soon as the ultimate move Ragnarok is activated, he transforms into a reckless man and rushes into the formation, slashing everywhere!

The remaining four people seized the opportunity and focused their fire first to directly kill the AD that was slowed down by the axe, and then swarmed forward. FW maintained the advantage for 24 minutes and was instantly wiped out by a wave of attacks.

WE took advantage of the situation to win the baron and advance in three ways.

Wang Guangguo leads the way alone, one can kill one, two can fight, three can fight to the death, and they will die!

Under constant interference, FW's economy was quickly stretched, WE continued to seize resources, and finally defeated FW again in the 29th minute to eliminate the team, completely ending the game!

"Congratulations to WE for getting off to a good start!"

The colonel roared loudly, and all the sullenness that had been suppressed for a whole round was released at this moment.

"We won. Two waves of team annihilation. Flash Wolves were completely defeated. The number one seed in the GPL division is well-deserved!" Changmao laughed loudly.

Xiao Cang couldn't hide his smile: "Flash Wolves played very well, but WE was very resilient and was not disrupted in the disadvantageous situation. It still stabilized the situation. In the end, it seized the opportunity and successfully came back, helping the GPL division win the third place. A victory!"

There were roars inside and outside the stands.

When the handshakes were over and the players saluted, the audience cheered loudly, and WE became the first team to be cheered by the audience!

Once this game is over, the GPL division is full of confidence!

Immediately afterwards, there was a second show on the first night.

M5 vs. TSM!

M5, who came from the European division, is definitely not a weakling. This team, which most people are not familiar with, is definitely the most powerful tactician among professional teams in the world.

In the previous life, although the M5 team has been disbanded, it has left its name in the history of the alliance.

For example, AP Juggernaut, mid laner Lulu, mid laner Stoneman, counter jungle system, double jungler, big tree jungler, ADC lantern, AD Kennen, etc. are all created by this team. Single Dharma King Alex is considered the most familiar player to domestic audiences!

In the current world, as early as last year when the GAG ​​five major division leagues were not established, M5 has already emerged. It has participated in several cup competitions held in the European divisions. Various routines are also emerging in an endless stream. It seems that playing routines has become this team. The genes that have been engraved in the team’s bones since its inception.

Even after they became a GEU league team this year, they still remained true to their original aspirations!

Playing routines and lineups in various ways, sometimes even because the routines are too ruthless and only focused on killing people, the defense towers are pushed off, eventually leading to the loss of the game.

For this reason, the sponsors behind the team have scolded them several times.

The European branch interviewed them several times, but unfortunately they still refused to change. After all, if they changed, it would no longer be M5!

Because of this, many teams will learn some routines they have never thought of based on their game videos, and they can often be used with extremely good results.

As for the other TSM team, there's not much to say.

The god of training matches, the undisputed king of the North American division, the top 16 every year, the foul-mouthed senior brother, and the orangutan captain. Anyone who mentions them is definitely a familiar existence among players!

Similarly, this team is still thriving in the current world, becoming the first team favored by sponsors in the GAG ​​North American Division and one of the veterans of the North American Division!

When two teams like this meet in an international competition like MSI, it's like Mars colliding with the Earth!

A master of healing, haunted by a curse. The two sides fought fiercely for 52 minutes and used ten 6-level equipment. In the end, the supernatural power may not be matched by destiny. The curse of the competition broke out. TSM had no choice but to lose this game and became second in Group A after FW. A team that had a failed start.

So far.

It was already half past ten in the evening.

All games ended that night, and the scores of Group A are as follows.

WE won one game, M5 won one game, FW lost one game, TSM lost one game, and KTB had zero games.

Judging from the current situation, the qualifying situation of Group A is not clear yet. Whoever can win eight points will be the first to advance. However, the group stage is all BO1. I am afraid that even WE in its heyday will not have much chance. confidence.

The main thing is to look at the first round. Which team can be the first to achieve four wins, then the chance of advancement will be greatly increased.

This argument is also the most popular among netizens on the forum. After analysis, many domestic netizens believe that even if WE does not win the first game by crushing, it is still basically not difficult to advance, and the first domestic spot is guaranteed!

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