Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 461 Let two chase three

SKT is also crazy.

Especially Faker, when asked by the host about the double calamity battle, he had a dull expression on his face.

"Play normally, I've done this before in qualifying."

As soon as these words came out, Yue Lun's face turned dark and he sat there without saying a word, silently arranging his peripherals.

same day.

The scene was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Even before the fight started, fans from both sides were already fighting.

The cheers came one after another, and domestic fans watched the show leisurely.

On the commentary desk.

“The fans here today are very enthusiastic!”

Wang Duoduo looked like he was watching the fun.

"After all, there is a grudge." Rita smiled happily.

The guest commentator sitting on the other side smiled evilly and said: "I seem to have heard that GCK has planned to change the rules and no more blind selections are allowed in the fifth game."


"Inside information, I don't know whether it's true or not. Anyway, I think it should be true."

"Hahaha, it seems Yue Lun can't take revenge!"

"It doesn't matter if you can't repay it. Yue Lun has become a shining point in the entire history of e-sports, the only second place that is remembered by everyone!"

The three of them were laughing and talking, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Soon, as the players from both sides took the stage, the game entered the BP stage.

The eyes of e-sports fans all over the world are focused on it!

Three hours later.

"The game came to the fifth and final game. SKT's tenacity was far beyond imagination. After losing two games in a row, they actually managed to come back!"

"The last two shots were so good!"

"SKT won't let two chase three, right?"

The camera panned across the stage as war songs resounded throughout the audience.

When the face of the watermelon-headed boy is fixed on, even the most unconvinced person can't help but praise him.


Looking at the entire game, KTB had an unstoppable winning streak from the first two games. Just when everyone thought they were going to win the game three to zero in one go, the boy with the watermelon head stood up.

A wandering mage controlled thunder and lightning in the middle, destroyed all three lanes, and exploded in team battles, ending KTB's dream of three to zero.

The Lord of the Shadow Stream in the fourth game made Yue Lunmeng remember that humiliating afternoon, and the nightmare came again. Even though he tried his best, he could not block the shadow that came and went like an army and took the enemy's head from it.

In these two games, Guapi was at his best, leading his teammates to drag the game to the crucial fifth game.

By this time, the five members of KTB's side already felt a bit stunned. Faker's two extraordinary performances shocked them too much.

Positioning, operation, overall view, and situation judgment are all at the top level.

Countless GANKs failed to stop his development.

Can it still be blocked in the fifth game?

Silence spread. Compared with the confidence and arrogance before the start of the game, the atmosphere in the KTB team at this time plummeted.

At the end of the fourth game, the head coach had already discovered that something was not going well. He was keenly aware that the atmosphere in the team was not normal. He did not talk about any tactics in the lounge, but played for five minutes, and the players were in good condition. Finally recovered.

But when they caught sight of Faker from the corner of their eyes, several people still felt a palpitation in their hearts.

Especially Yue Lun, sweat broke out on his forehead.

The pressure of letting two chase three is too much!

the other side.

Guapi gasped for breath, feeling like he couldn't run anymore after exercising, and exhaustion filled his heart.

He tried his best for four consecutive games and led the entire team by himself. That feeling was really tiring.

The opponent was not a rookie, and he was not playing in ordinary rankings but in the top six of MSI. In the high-intensity competition, even he gradually began to feel powerless.

Not physically, but mentally!

The high-intensity finals, coupled with the fact that he deliberately did not eat any food to maintain his condition, by this time, he was already feeling exhausted.

However, seeing that we have reached this point, should we just give up?

Looking at his teammates on both sides, Faker calmed down all his emotions and focused on the game again.

"Keep an eye on me, Xingxiong. The opponent will definitely increase their GANK efforts. You should pay more attention to the middle!"

Stupid Chicken looked worried: "Okay! But, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Faker shook his head and encouraged loudly: "It's the last one, come on!"

The game ended faster than expected. When everyone thought that the fifth game would be the most intense and lasting game, the result was unbelievable.

Facing SKT, which was chasing two games in a row, KTB took the wrong approach, and the coach delegated power, and finally got a lineup that hit the early stage.

All five heroes are the confident choices that players think they play best and have the highest proficiency.

When they took it out, not only the commentators exclaimed, but they themselves seemed to have regained their confidence.

But the result is cruel!

Before this lineup's power period had even arrived, the game was completely shattered.

It only took 26 minutes.

SKT ended the game completely and got the first spot to advance to the final round!

"An unexpected round!"

"I thought KTB might be able to turn the situation around with a confident choice, but I never expected it to be so fast!"

"Statistics show that the average duration of this MSI is 29 minutes and 46 seconds, and the current version is also a development-oriented and delayed version, but SKT did it and directly defeated KTB!"

"Five confident choices were brought out, but KTB was unable to parry. In 26 minutes, the base was bulldozed by a wave, and the game was over!"

"Congratulations to SKT for successfully advancing from two to three!"

The commentary desk was exclaiming, and the highlights of the game just now were replayed on the screen.

5 minutes of swapping in the middle, 8 minutes of vanguard battle 2 for 2, 14 minutes of one versus two on the top lane, 17 minutes of 2 for 3 for the dragon team, 22 minutes of 0 for 4 for the baron team

From the beginning to the end, SKT had excellent scores on all three lines, beating KTB hard.

Even Faker's performance in this game was far less impressive than in the previous four games. Coupled with KTB's over-targeting, his only line kill was swap.

But Guapi couldn't do it, and the four babies who had been led for four games rose up.

They performed extremely amazingly!

SKT, which had been suppressed all spring, completely overturned the mountains above their heads at MSI and advanced to the final round as the third seed of GCK, shocking many jaws!

Who would have thought that the No. 3 seed, which was least favored before the start of the tournament, could make it all the way to where it is now?

Looking at all the MSI schedule, it seems that once they enter the international arena, this SKT is no longer the SKT that Korean audiences are familiar with. They are evolving crazily!

Korean commentators are crazy.

"It's hard to imagine, this SKT team is so tenacious!"

"The reason why it is commendable to beat two to three is because it is too difficult, and today, SKT did it!"

"Originally, I hoped that KTB could win. After all, it seemed that they had a greater chance of winning against teams from other divisions, but after watching this game, my mind was changed!"

"I have a strong hunch now that SKT is better than KTB, and they may really be able to win the championship!"

The commentators are praising, and netizens are also praising.

Teams are divided into divisions, but victory is not divided into divisions.

All regions are praising SKT for finishing second to third!

But among the overwhelming praise, only one person was worried.

The stupid chicken sitting next to Guapi, the only bodyguard on the field, noticed Guapi who was slumped in the chair for a long time after the game and did not move, and even needed to be reminded during the handshake.

When the stupid chicken helped him up, his palms touched his back, which was full of moisture!

He quietly glanced back and saw that Faker's suit was already stained with sweat and had water stains on it!

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