Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 470 The role of bananas

"Who arranged this year's competition format? Isn't it too abnormal?"

When Shang Xingyue heard the arrangements for the finals, he couldn't help but curse.

She is no longer the original e-sports novice. Following Mo Yu, she has met a lot of professional players and knows how difficult it is for professional players who seem to outsiders to be just sitting in front of the computer and playing games.

The MSI competition system, to put it bluntly, is squeezing players.

She couldn't help but said: "This competition system puts too much pressure on the players, not only mentally, but also physically. If they don't play well, they will really have a hard time. Fighting in the end will become willpower." Competition, what do the people who designed this competition system think?"

Hearing this, Mo Yu didn't dare to speak for a long time, until Shang Xingyue stared at him suspiciously, and immediately changed his mind and passed the blame to Yang Qiu.

"Yang Qiu! You really failed to live up to my expectations. I didn't even get involved in MSI, leaving all the power to Mojing Sports. Even because I was too trusting, I just briefly reviewed the competition system and approved it. I didn't expect that there would be such a big flaw." !”

"This guy has simply betrayed my trust in him!"

"Wages should be deducted, wages must be deducted severely!"

When he spoke, his eyes were wide with anger, his tone was full of anger, and his acting skills were so good that he couldn't help but admire himself.

Shang Xingyue was still very skeptical at first, but after seeing such a sincere performance, his doubts were completely eliminated. He leaned over and said: "After all, this is the first time that Yang Qiu is in charge of organizing a game by himself. It is inevitable that he is a little inexperienced. You don't care. .”

"My fault." Mo Yu said angrily: "He used to be by my side and thought he was already proficient. I didn't expect he made such a big mistake. I can't forgive him!"

"Forget it." Shang Xingyue shook his head and said: "After all, it's the first time, so it's extenuating. Tell me the situation and don't do it again next time. Just be more careful. There's no need to fine and deduct wages every time. On the contrary, it will easily make people dissatisfied and alienated from you.”


Mo Yu hesitated and said, "He made a mistake and just let it go?"

"It's the first time, it's normal." Shang Xingyue urged: "Small punishments and big warnings are enough. Don't go too far. After all, he is your general."

"You have to be thoughtful. Well, let's forget it for your sake."

Mo Yu turned around and wiped his sweat quietly, then turned around and followed her words and said: "But I will definitely tell him, thanks to you, the boss lady, for saying nice things, otherwise I will definitely give him a severe bonus!"

The game continues.

The overly cruel and harsh competition system makes every player prepare for it.

In the team's lounge, the logistics team of each club specially prepared some bananas for the players to fill their stomachs.

This was the case for both LGD and SKT in the first game in the morning.

I didn't eat anything for breakfast on both sides. I just drank some water and ate something. I stopped eating when I was half full, so as not to prevent blood from being concentrated in the stomach for digestion and slowing down the brain's reaction speed.

As for the prepared bananas, they are used to fill the players' stomachs during the rest time.

Bananas are high in calories and mostly composed of carbohydrates, which can quickly help athletes replenish calories and put less burden on digestion and metabolism. At the same time, they will not cause drastic fluctuations in blood sugar and affect the athletes' operations.

In addition, bananas are also rich in potassium, which can relax the nerves and muscles of players. In addition, bananas are easy to carry, buy, and eat.

Therefore, bananas are a main food that players often eat during breaks in many sports.

For example, in tennis matches, players often take advantage of the break to show off a stick as quickly as possible.

This situation has also been used in e-sports competitions. At first, the Korean club was the first to use it. Later, other clubs also started to learn. Finally, almost as long as there is a game, the team leader will bring a bag of bananas on the day of the game. It has become routine for players to use it.

Inside the LGD lounge.

Coach 857 stood in front of the stage, and several players each held a banana, eating and listening.

We are all young guys to begin with, and in order to stay in shape, we had breakfast very early today, so we are all a little hungry now.

857 didn't pay attention. His eyes looked back and forth between 09 and GODV, seeming to be making a decision in his mind.

Below, 09's mentality is very stable, but GODV, who urgently needs a chance to perform, has enthusiastic eyes.

After a few seconds, 857 made a decision.

"09, you start, GODV comes on the bench."

"Okay, coach!"

09 replied immediately.

The expectant look in GODV's eyes that was sitting next to him suddenly dimmed a bit.

Seeing this, 09 said softly: "The opponent Faker is a veteran mid laner with rich experience. The coach is also worried that you won't be able to handle it, so don't take it to heart."

"I understand."

GODV nodded.

He knows there is a gap between himself and Faker.

It seems that he and Faker are about the same age, and it has only been one year since Faker debuted, but in just this year, he can be called an old man in the field of e-sports.

Moreover, he is a newcomer, and his performance in 2009 is obvious to all. Whether it is competitive state, mentality or status in the team, it is not his turn to start.

"Study more and the future will be yours."

09 patted him on the shoulder and stopped talking.

On the commentary desk.

The three commentators were dressed in formal attire and looked straight ahead.

"Hello, audience friends, I am the commentator for this game, Doll."

"I'm Miller."

"I'm Xiao Cang!"

"Thank you to Jingzhou Construction Engineering, War Horse Energy Drink, Huajia Electronics, Laogan Daddy Food, Tiancheng Clothing, and Razer for sponsoring this GAG Mid-Season Championship."

A long list of sponsors was introduced.

The baby tilted his head slightly to listen to the voice in the headset. After about ten seconds, he raised his head and looked forward: "According to the pre-match draw, the two teams in this game are the LGD team and the SKT team. The players on both sides have already entered the venue and taken their seats. The director in front came with news. , the referee is checking the equipment, please wait a moment, the game will start soon!"

Miller took over the conversation: "Today is a big project. We played from morning to night. Fortunately, we only commentate on one game, otherwise it would be really unbearable."

"That's right." Xiao Cang was wearing a lady's black suit today, looking quite heroic: "I hope the LGD players can end the game 3-0 in both games, that way the time will be shorter."

"That's a bit unrealistic of yours." The kid next to him said with a smile: "Although LGD seems to have the strongest overall strength among the three teams, FNC and SKT are not bad either, both games were 3-0. It’s too wonderful to think about, I think 3 to 2? Miller, what do you think?”

"3-2 is not good." Miller shook his head: "Two games of 3-2 means that we have to play at least ten games. It's too tiring. Let's go 3-1. I feel that 3-1 has a better chance. .”

The three people chatted very happily on the stage, stimulating the atmosphere of the audience.

A few moments.

A notification came from the headset.

Wawa immediately cheered up and said: "Friends from the audience, the game is about to begin, and then we will enter the BP session!"

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