Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 476 Poisoned Milk and Spinach

"3 to 0!!!"

"3 to 0!!!"

"Congratulations to LGD for defeating SKT 3-0!"

The whole audience burst into loud cheers!

Everyone in LGD was so happy that they stood up and clapped their hands and hugged each other; everyone in SKT on the other side had dull eyes and sat slumped on the spot.

Faker sat there, staring blankly at the screen, refusing to get up for a long time.

3 to 0, 3 to 0 again!

Last year they faced Emperor Star and were crushed 3-0, and this year they faced the same result against LGD.

Is there really such a huge gap?


Faker's heart was full of bitterness.

Mingming made it all the way to the finals and was in great shape. He originally thought he could avenge his disgrace, but in the end, he once again replicated the darkest moment of S1 when he was in the GPL team!

Can't GCK beat GPL?

Will SKT ever be insurmountable?

Faker couldn't help but hold his head and fell into self-doubt.

Live footage accurately captured this scene, and countless Korean netizens couldn't help but lament.


"GPL is indeed the strongest competition region!"

“I don’t know when the GPL will be defeated!”

"Faker, don't give up, come on!"

South Korea's GAG game forum was full of encouraging remarks. No one scolded SKT, and no one scolded Faker.

After three games, all netizens in the Korean division have seen the performance of the SKT team. They really tried their best, but they just couldn't beat them. Moreover, SKT's ability to reach the finals has already exceeded their expectations.

Before the start of MSI, Korean netizens focused more on the KTB team, the No. 1 team in the division. SKT?

Being able to reach the semi-finals has far exceeded expectations, let alone reaching the finals now!

Besides, the game is not over yet, there is FNC next!

After a 2-hour break, at 2:30 pm, the Battle Center ushered in the battle between SKT and FNC.

This game is crucial for SKT!

If you win FNC, you will still have a chance to compete for the championship. If you lose, you will be completely disappointed and declared over!

The same is true for FNC.

If you win SKT, all you have to do that night is compete with LGD for the championship. If you lose the game, you will basically miss out on the trophy and have no chance at all!

Before the game starts.

Both teams have made a lot of preparations.

SKT, which lost the game in the morning, just ate something during the lunch break, closed their eyes and rested their minds, trying their best to adjust their state and not let the morning's defeat affect the afternoon game.

They don't eat or take a nap, they just eat a little bit to prevent overeating and sleeping from affecting their performance in the afternoon.

For FNC, although they were just recharging their energy backstage in the morning, the pressure was also quite high.

I watched all three games in the morning carefully, and analyzed and reviewed them after the game, hoping to find SKT's weaknesses and win them in one fell swoop.

Both teams were fully prepared for the afternoon.

When they came on the field, the camera panned over everyone's faces, and the audience could clearly see that everyone in SKT was no longer in the same state of decline as they had lost the game in the morning, and their mental state had obviously recovered a lot. The players were talking and laughing among themselves, and they had obviously adjusted. Come here; FNC are also laughing and chatting with each other, and they seem to be in very good condition.

Between the two teams, it is very difficult to say who will win and who will lose!

FNC was originally the undefeated champion team in this year's European division. After entering MSI, they defeated powerful opponents in a row. It can be said that they are full of momentum.

SKT is a dark horse that made it to the finals. Although they lost to LGD, their competitive level is obvious to all.

No one can say for sure which side will win.

There were loud cheers in the venue!

FNC, come on!

FNC, come on!

SKT, come on!

SKT, come on!

Fans on both sides were shouting at the top of their lungs.

Compared with the Korean audience, the audience in the European competition was even more wild. The big screen scanned the FNC fans gathered in the corner of the stands, waving various banners, including a big man with a beard and a cute Teemo on his head. Cuckold, it seems very inconsistent.

On the commentary desk.

The colonel appears.

As the domestic league was held, Guan Zeyuan's poisonous nature was gradually discovered. Many viewers discovered that when it comes to key games, as long as the university publicly supports a team or is optimistic about a team, that team will often lose after the game. .

Before the BP, Changmao stirred up the topic: "You can see that the players on both sides have adjusted well. I wonder which team do you support more, Colonel?"

The colonel pondered for a few seconds: "If you ask me, I wouldn't be able to tell."

Miss next to her smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, there is no domestic team anyway, just take a guess and be wild."


They all understood the barrage in the live broadcast room, and they all said the words "poisonous milk".

The colonel himself understood that he didn't mind at all, and even deliberately maintained this impression to make himself more popular among the audience, so he didn't become angry or angry at all. Instead, he thought about it and said very seriously: "Look. , SKT has obviously recovered. They should have made a lot of adjustments at noon, and I feel that they should be in good shape in the afternoon."

"So you support SKT?"

MISS tilted her head slightly.

Changmao laughed: "It feels like SKT is a little unstable."

The live broadcast barrages suddenly started to show up.

"It's over, SKT lost!"

"I declare that SKT won the third place 0-2!"

"Congratulations to the Sixth Man in Charge for winning the MVP!"

"SKT: Thank you! FNC: Thank you too!"

The colonel quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, listen to me. SKT is indeed in good shape, but I'm more optimistic about FNC. They haven't lost a single game in the European competition this year. Their dominance is too strong. I think today should be The winning rate will be greater.”

As soon as he finished speaking, MISS and Changmao immediately began to cheer with deep meaning.


"It's over, it's completely over!"

"FNC has to work hard, don't let the colonel take notice!"

The live barrage also changed its tone.

"I beat SKT 200!"

"Thank you Guan Zeyuan, the tuition fee is settled~"

"I bought SKT with all my money. I wonder where the villas are cost-effective?"

"Buy the opposite of the competition, the villa is close to the sea!"

"The wisdom of life is stud!"

"FNC, all-in!"

In the barrage, among the large number of poisonous milk barrage, comments about spinach began to appear.

Mo Yu looked at the computer screen in front of him and noticed this keenly, frowning slightly.

“Spinach is here again!”

Shang Xingyue was a little confused when he saw it at first. Hearing this, he asked, "What do you mean? Spinach? Isn't it a vegetable?"

At first she thought it was some new meme. After all, in the Internet age, there are too many memes, and if you are not careful, you will fall behind the times.

After reading it a few times, she suddenly came to her senses. "Spinach, spinach betting!"

"Have you opened a betting channel?"

Shang Xingyue's face suddenly became very serious, staring at Mo Yu!


Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "What the company has launched is just an entertainment game. Players can exchange for skins by betting a few virtual coins at most. It is not the same thing as what is mentioned in the barrage."

"Then what do these barrages mean?" Shang Xingyue asked solemnly: "I know that competitive sports are definitely inseparable from spinach, but now is a critical period for e-sports to be selected, especially GAG, which is likely to be the first one to be recognized. If competitive events are now contaminated by behind-the-scenes spinach, the consequences may be disastrous!"

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