Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 478 Tiredness

As soon as the history-making third game was over, viewers watching the live broadcast from all over the world started a heated discussion.

82 minutes, 105 kills!

Simply unprecedented!

Not to mention games, even in ranked games there are very few games that last that long.

After this round, the audience could clearly see the fatigue of both players under the camera.

Some people drank water, some slumped down, some lay back, and some rested on the table. Even when they walked off the stage to the lounge, there were a few people who were stumbling on their backs and unsteady on their feet.

Whether it's SKT or FNC, both sides are the same!

This game is an unprecedented and huge challenge to the physical and mental strength of both players!

Ten guys on the field had never played a game that long.

Such a long game is not as simple as two and three games added up. The physical and mental energy spent in this one game alone is equivalent to the three games they used to play in a row.

The reason is that the players become more nervous as they get to the later stages.

Because the situation on the field may cause unbearable consequences if you are not careful, every decision and every operation may affect the outcome of the game.

This kind of tension can make people mentally exhausted if it lasts for ten minutes, let alone dozens of minutes.

The players' bodies were so stiff that they had to move before they could get up. They also needed adequate mental rest.

Even when they returned to the lounge, the coaches of both teams did not ask the players to review the game. Instead, they immediately arranged for people to provide food and drinks to the players to supplement their nutrition. Even the two teams were even equipped with professional physical therapy because they had the support of big bosses behind them. The teacher helps the players relax their bodies.

"After this game, both SKT and FNC have obviously passed their peak period. It depends on which team can hold on in the fourth game!"

"The situation is very unfavorable for FNC! They have lost two games in a row and are on the verge of failure!"

"But this situation is very beneficial to us. LGD is recharging their energy in the background now. It should be much easier to play FNC at night!"

As soon as Changmao finished his analysis, both the colonel and MISS agreed.

Although it is very untimely, the more intense the fight between FNC and SKT, the better it will be for LGD!

After a short break.

The game came to the fourth inning.

Most people realize that this game may be the one that determines the final result.

After the epic battle in the third game, the fourth game will become a powerful competition of the willpower of both players.

There may be operations and tactics in the fourth game, but it is more of a huge challenge to the players’ physical and mental strength.

Whichever side can persevere and make as few mistakes as possible will win.

If FNC wins this game, then SKT will fall into an abyss of destruction. The fifth game is basically a game where the chances of losing are far greater than the chances of winning, because the spirit is completely defeated, and the willpower and desire to win are the strongest in the game. After taking them all, my energy was exhausted to the point where I was most exhausted. I lost the fourth game, and I couldn't regain my energy at all in the fifth game.

If SKT wins, then the dust will settle and the fate will be left to the evening, waiting for the result of the game between FNC and LGD.

Both sides knew this very well, and they used all their methods as soon as the fourth game started. There were no hidden tricks. All the secret weapons and tactics arranged before the game were used, and all the money was wiped out.

The whole game.

Both sides made frequent mistakes, far inferior to the third game.

The frequency of online positioning errors, too deep a line, and the use of skills and empty skills have greatly increased.

Everyone behind the screen had a look of exhaustion on their faces that was difficult to conceal.


Both sides ended the game with mistakes.

The entire game lasted 27 minutes and resulted in 39 kills.

From this we can see how big the mistakes on both sides were.

In a normal game, it is impossible to score 39 kills in a 27-minute game.

After all, the rigor of the game is much greater than that of ranking. Even if the online battle is snowballed, it is difficult to have a similar situation. Most of the kills occur in the resource group.

And the game with 39 kills in 27 minutes is basically no different from the high-end ranking game.

"Congratulations to SKT for defeating FNC and scoring a crucial point!"

Commentators from various countries announced the final results of the game.

SKT won.

The final suspense of this finals is the game between LGD and FNC in the evening.

LGD won, won the cup, and were crowned champions, becoming the strongest team in the world this spring.

If LGD loses, then tomorrow, all three teams will face a more cruel BO1 round-robin overtime match that does not give anyone any time to think, react, or arrange!


In the live broadcast room, the number of viewers has reached its highest level.

After gathering data from several GAG servers around the world, the number of people in the client's live broadcast channel exceeded 8 million, which is already comparable to last year's S1.

But at that time, the total number of GAG players was far less than it is now, with only more than 20 million registered users.

Unlike today, the number of registered GAG users worldwide has exceeded 40 million and is approaching the 50 million mark.

When S2 is really held at the end of the year, I'm afraid the number of viewers will be another even more terrifying number!

The Jingjie Center was already overcrowded.

There were huge crowds inside and outside the stadium.

The 8,000 seats in the venue were packed to capacity, and at least several thousand people gathered outside the venue, all staring at the additional large live broadcast screen.


In several large shopping malls in Jingzhou, there are also shopping mall personnel who have taken a fancy to the huge influence of this MSI and spontaneously organized offline viewing activities.

Many spectators who had not bought live tickets gathered with their friends to watch the game. At least one or two hundred people gathered in each place.

The shopping mall is also happy to do this, and has also prepared some milk tea, drinks, peripherals and other small gifts.

Even some Jingzhou citizens passing by were quite interested in it.

Many older citizens usually know about e-sports and have watched e-sports, but they have never watched a game offline, let alone bought tickets in person to watch a game at the Sports World Center. This time, they took advantage of the shopping mall event. I finally experienced the feeling of watching a game offline.

At the scene, players from both LGD and FNC were already waiting in the backstage lounge.

Everyone in LGD looked grim.

The coach cheered on the stage.

"I have said all the tactics that need to be said, and you should also understand the importance of this game. Win, win the cup, lose, and continue tomorrow!"

"I believe everyone should know how this game should be fought. I will only say one thing."

"The champion will definitely be LGD!"

"come on!"

the other side.

After a short break of a few hours, everyone in FNC had recovered a lot in the evening, their energy and energy were much better, and their faces were much rosier than in the afternoon.

"Hold on, this is a crucial game, it's about the championship!"

"There is absolutely no way we will lose!"

"FNC is the strongest team in Europe, and we want to win the first international trophy for the entire European division!"

"FNC, come on!"

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