Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 482 GCK reshuffle

There is a Professional E-Sports Association in South Korea, referred to as KESPA, which is the Korean branch of the World E-Sports Association established by Mo Yu.

It is just a private organization established by Zhang Hengbo, the Korean branch manager of Moyu Game, in response to Mo Yu’s call and led by the club owners. However, as the GAG ​​competition becomes more and more popular, and many game manufacturers are following the trend in organizing competitions, plus Many chaebols established e-sports clubs, and then introduced official forces, gained support from the top, and became an official organization affiliated with Cheong Wa Dae.


In KESPA, Moyu Game no longer serves as the leader, but as a bystander supervisor.

Zhang Hengbo serves as the intermediary, conveying information to the association and Moyu Game, discussing cooperation matters, and urging the association to organize competitions for all games under Moyu Game and supervise the fairness of the competition.

The day after MSI ended, KESPA immediately held an internal high-level meeting.

The attendees were the team managers of each club, and they represented the chaebol bosses behind each club; GAG agent Jin Taihao; Moyu Game Division Manager Zhang Hengbo; some Korean game manufacturers; and the chaebols behind each e-sports club. The proposed president of this association is SKT’s team manager Choi Min-sik.

As the most well-known team general manager in the world in the entire GCK division, Cui Minzhi has this qualification.

Under his leadership, SKT has achieved very good results in the most formal and largest GAG event in the world. It has won the first place among all e-sports clubs in South Korea and has become the most famous and shining star in the entire Korean e-sports industry in the world. A bright sign.

In the conference room.

Cui Minzhi sat upright.

"Hello everyone, welcome to this meeting."

"First of all, we will announce a few news. The association has welcomed new members, first of all, the Samsung E-Sports Professional Club established under Samsung Group; CJ Club established under CJ Group; DWG Club jointly established by Kia Motors and DAMWON; Hanwha HLE Club established by Life Insurance; NS Club established by Nongshim Group!"

"Everyone is welcome!"

Choi Min-sik took the lead in applauding.

Five people stood up below and nodded to the others.

Zhang Hengbo sat there applauding and looking at the five people who stood up.

Samsung, CJ, Kia, DAMWON, Hanwha, and Nongshim are all large multinational companies in South Korea. Their business covers electronics, automobiles, computer equipment, agriculture, insurance, food and other industries. They are Koreans. A large company behind the essential supplies that we often come into contact with in our daily lives.

Each company has assets worth hundreds of millions and is an industry giant.

When I joined KESPA at this time, I took a fancy to the increasingly developing e-sports industry and wanted to make arrangements in advance.

Even though he had already received the news, he was still a little surprised at this time.

"It really shouldn't be underestimated. It seems that South Korea's e-sports strength and overall business environment will see a huge improvement in the second half of this year!"

Zhang Hengbo thought to himself.

As the current leader in the global e-sports industry, the branch manager of Moyu Games said that none of the other game manufacturers present could beat him.

Although the game industry in South Korea is quite developed, when it comes to e-sports events, other manufacturers are still making small efforts and are completely incomparable with Moyu Games.

Including several manufacturers participating in today's meeting, although they have held events, they are not worth mentioning. They are not well-known in e-sports events. It is just that the association sees that the other party is also a big company in the gaming industry, so they pull them over to join in the headcount.

There are so many e-sports clubs present, large and small, including Samsung, CJ, DWG, HLE, and ND. Rather than joining the association, it is better to say that they have joined GCK.

Because most of these clubs have only one team, and that is the GAG ​​team.

The same is true for the five newly joined today. After buying seats, they directly purchased some of the original teams that were poorly managed and lacked funds, including players and coaches, and took them all away before they were established.

At most, a few of them have paid attention to "Racial Hegemony", established related project teams, and are training new people.

But most of them are GAG ​​teams, and they are also the emerging big players in this year’s GCK summer competition.

"It seems that the GCK division is really going to undergo a big reshuffle this year!"

"In Korea, even e-sports is a game that only chaebol can play~"

Zhang Hengbo sighed secretly.

Even if many independent teams or small teams get results, it is impossible to join KESPA. Behind every team present, there is a large company providing funding.

The applause is over.

Cui Minzhi raised his hand and pressed it, and then continued: "In addition to welcoming the newly joined members of the association, there is also good news to share with you. I believe that many of you here have received the news. OGN TV has obtained the five major areas of the GAG ​​competition. The event broadcast rights will be broadcast live 24 hours a day. In addition, the e-sports variety show "Forward, GAG!" produced by SBS TV station will also start filming in the near future and be launched simultaneously. The first season is tentatively scheduled There will be twelve episodes, one per week, and there will be some issues regarding promotion and guest invitations. I hope everyone can help."

"After all, this is a great thing that is conducive to the development of the entire e-sports industry. Please help everyone here."

Choi Min-sik broke another big news.

Different from its previous life, OGN is a private TV station company that was just established recently. It is a TV station that specializes in broadcasting game events and game-related programs.

Zhang Hengbo also knew about this, but at first he thought that the other party would only broadcast a few episodes occasionally, but he did not expect that it would be broadcast live 24 hours a day, and most of the content must be mainly GAG events.

"I didn't expect OGN to be so bold and broadcast game shows 24 hours a day. Are you really not afraid of losing money?"

"But this is also a good thing. The other party bought the broadcast of the five major competition areas, and the content must be mainly GAG, which is very good for the company."

"In comparison, the most important thing is the program produced by SBS. It seems that the entry of the chaebol has led to Cheong Wa Dae, and the top management has begun to support it."

Zhang Hengbo was shocked when he heard that SBS was doing a program.

If Cui Minzhi hadn't revealed it, even he wouldn't have been aware of the news.

The three major TV stations in South Korea are KBS, MBS, and SBS. KBS is equivalent to the domestic CCTV. Although MBS and SBS are privately-owned, they are also of great significance.

Among them, SBS is a TV station that specializes in variety shows.

The running man who will be familiar to domestic audiences in the future was introduced from this TV station.

In contrast, although GAG is very popular in South Korea, it may still be a little short of being favored by SBS. After all, no one knows whether other Korean people except e-sports enthusiasts will accept it, and whether the ratings will be high.

However, Choi Min-sik now says that SBS is going to produce a variety show that is obviously GAG-themed. The name has been decided, so it is a sure thing and there will be no twists and turns.

There must be an exchange of interests behind the matter, and the plutocrats and officials may have to negotiate the outcome.

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